Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I'm sorry you had to see that, Aria. But it's okay now." Derek softly spoke. He held my little hand gently in his as we walked through the trees.

I sniffled, but nodded quickly,"I know." There was a hint of insecurity behind my voice.

Derek noticed, but he continued walking.

"Do you know what that was back there?" He asked quietly.

I shook my head and the memories came flooding back. I didn't even want to think about it.

Derek nodded once, with his other hand in his pocket,"It's called a Siren. They're nasty little things, but they scare easily."

I kept my eyes on the passing trees.

"If I hadn't been there, I don't know what would have happened."

Derek stopped walking and he knelt down to my level. I looked at him and payed attention to what he had to say.

"Why were you out there anyway, Aria?"

I gave him my best puppy eyes,"I wanted to see you and the voice told me that you were out there."

He tensed immediately, but he tried to hide it. He place a hand on my shoulder,"I want you to listen, alright?"

I nodded.

"I don't want you to come out here when I'm not around. And don't listen to that voice. You could have gotten hurt."

My chin quivered, but I still listened. Being young and getting scolded wasn't a good combination.

"Am I going to look like that when I'm older? A scary werewolf?" I asked just above a whisper. Just the thought scared the living daylight out of me.

Derek's light, green eyes grew soft. He looked at the ground briefly, then he looked back at me.

"Yes, but it won't be so bad once you get used to it." Derek has always been honest with me, he never figured out the point of lying to me about things like that.

My eyes grew wide,"But I don't want to kill things!"

Derek shook his head,"You don't have to. Like my mother always said,'you are a predator, but that doesn't make you a murderer'."

The phrase stuck in my head. It made sense to me, but I didn't know the true meaning.

I took a deep breath in and nodded,"Can we go back now? I'm tired."

Derek chuckled,"Alright, let's go!" He scooped me up again and headed towards the old orphanage.

I giggled and held on tightly.


Ugh, where am I?

I open my eyes slowly and carefully, only to see a blank ceiling. I open and close my eyes several times before I realize where I am; home. I can feel the difference in the air.

Finally, after being stuck in a basement, I'm in a place where I am safe.

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty. It's been a long time, no see."

That voice. I recognize that sarcastic tone anywhere.

I scramble back in my bed at the sight of him. Medium-height, muscular frame, facial hair, blue eyes, short hair.

He's not really here, I'm just going crazy. He can't be.

My eyes widen and I hold my breath. I'm only seeing things...right?

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now