Chapter Eighteen

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"So what do we do now, Derek?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. I've relaxed since I figured out that Erica is fine. Derek sighed, his light eyes flickered onto me for a split second,"I don't know, just stay out of the way." I rolled my eyes in response- of course that was his answer. It's like he doesn't even think that I'm here to help. Truthfully, it's his loss.
"C'mon." Isaac quietly mumbled, leading me towards the stairs by my arm. He obviously felt my frustration, or maybe he just took the chance to go and sleep? I felt Derek's intense stare, but I didn't care. My boots clanked against the wooden staircase, Isaac held his hand on my back so that I couldn't turn around and argue. I'm sick of arguing with Derek since it doesn't do me any good.
I sighed once I reached the main floor and continued towards the upstair's set without a word. Isaac silently followed closely behind.

"Are you alright?" Isaac quietly asked, his small voice racked my brain. I plopped down on my bed and lifted my head to look at him. My finger traced the stitches on my duvet, the soft material tickled my skin. After locking my eyes to the wood floor, I nodded obliviously,"Yea. Just a little frustrated, that's all." Isaac lifted his shoulder from the doorframe and slowly brought himself in front of me. Isaac's eyes glued to mine effortlessly.
"Derek?" His eyes swam with questions waiting to be answered, I swallowed and ignored them.
"When is he not frustrating me?"
Isaac grinned lightly and sat beside me with his hands to himself,"I'll take that as a yes."
Despite the stubborn feeling nagging inside of me, I couldn't find the point on keeping it all locked up inside,"Derek never let's me help with anything and he just pushes me away like a child. He doesn't give me enough credit." My eyes dropped to my hands.
"He doesn't think that I'm strong enough, Isaac. That's why he won't let me get my hands dirty." The way I spoke surprised me, I actually sounded disappointed. And I have a right to be. Derek is denying me my rights to fight and to contribute to the pack. He should expect nothing less.
Isaac immediately frowned and turned his body to face mine,"I know that's not it, Aria. Besides Derek, you're the strongest one in the pack. Believe me, I've tried to fight you and I loose every time." With my head hung low, My lips gently curled at Isaac's honesty. I knew that he was telling the truth, but I just didn't want to believe it.
"You're just saying that to cover Derek's werewolf-ass."
My hand started tingling once I realized that Isaac was holding his hand over mine supportively, his sparkling orbs filling in the blanks.
This time, I couldn't pull my eyes from his. All of my senses came to life and suddenly, I couldn't remember what was biting at me inside. His beautiful scent lingered in the air, his quiet breathing steadied mine. The way Isaac's eyes took me in gave me comfort that no one else can give me. I just don't know how he does it.
Isaac cleared his throat discreetly while he played with my fingers,"Aria, trust me on this, Derek isn't holding you back because he thinks you're weak. I think it's because he feels like he has to protect you."
My brain carefully took in his every word and after a couple seconds of consideration, it all made sense.
I nodded, this time looking down at my jeans,"It's possible."
Isaac's finger hooked my chin, making me look at him,"It's not just possible, Aria. It is the truth. Trust me." His conviction took me by surprise, but I admit it suits him well. My vision flicked up to him and I inhaled deeply,"Fine. I believe you. But that doesn't resolve my problem. Derek still won't let me help with anything." I huffed loudly at the end, after Isaac released my chin.
He looked away from me for a minute and a certain crackle in his eye sparked my attention. His features screamed that he knew something I didn't and knowing me, that wouldn't last long.
"Isaac, what is it?" I demanded, suddenly seeking interest.
Isaac's head snapped up like I cut his trance, he shook it off and gazed at me. He didn't answer.
"It's nothing, I'll tell you tomorrow." He quickly responded, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets. I wasn't falling for it.
"Why can't you tell me now?" I questioned, getting slightly irritated. Or maybe it was just my sleepiness setting in?
"Because it will only matter tomorrow. Plus, you need your sleep." Isaac wasn't exactly lifting my spirits any higher, so I just rolled my eyes.
"Hey." Isaac softly said, cupping my face in his hands. It felt like he set fire to my stomach. My mind decided to go all fuzzy and woozy.
"Stop over-thinking and get some sleep." Usually I'm the one telling him to go to sleep, but it felt weird having it said to me for a change. I nodded absent-mindedly in his hands and stared up at him.
I wished that he would stay with me and play with my hair until I fell asleep, curled up beside him. I wished that he would hold me carefully and trace gentle circles on my stomach. The dreams felt so far away.
"Thank you, Isaac." I mumbled, giving him a half-smile. He did the same and kissed my forehead quickly. My stomach squirmed as he let go of my face and backed up.
"Good night, Aria." His careful steps led him to the closed door. After he opened it and stepped into the dark hallway, his yellow eyes began to glow in the shadows. It reminded me of our werewolf-connection. Us two betas stick together.
I smiled a little wider and watched him leave the room completely.
Remember child, you need him.
The voice echoed in my head again, causing my fingers to twitch. I made sure that Isaac wasn't aware of what happened. I don't know who's voice it is, but the familiarity of it continued to stab at me. My friendly grin pressed on until he was gone.
"Goodnight, Isaac."


"We're meeting up with Scott at the animal clinic." Derek mumbled, swirling water around in his glass. I nodded, just walking through the door. His blue jeans jumped out from the darkness compared to his black tee and dark-brown leather jacket. The chair he sat on scrapped back as he stood up and put his glass on the counter. Derek turned around, his eyes looked determined. His stubble looked clean-cut and fitting with the rest of his features.
I dropped my bag onto the couch and took my coat off, revealing my black and white-striped long sleeve. I adjusted my outfit and looked back at Derek.
"When are we going?"
"Soon." Derek blankly spoke, seeming distant today. I don't know what it is, but I do know that something isn't right with him.
"How soon?" I tested, leading to the counter. I peeled a perfectly ripe banana and took a bite. We never really eat bananas so I silently questioned why we had them.
Derek rolled his eyes,"Whenever Isaac gets here."
I nodded again and threw out the peel when I finished,"Where is he?"
Derek huffed loudly, hitting his hands against the table in frustration. I jumped in my place, the hairs on my neck rose.
"Aria, can you try and not be a pain in the ass for once?!" His voice rumbled in my ears, making a wave of chills run through me, it felt like someone was poking my skin with hot needles.
I raised my arms in surrender,"I was just asking, Derek. You don't have to be so snippy about it!"
Derek lifted his head to argue,"Oh but I do! You never stop asking questions and I can never think with you around!" His words stung. My head spun, trying to think of something else to say.
I crossed my arms over my chest with balled fists,"Pardon me for trying to contribute to the pack! I believe I'm not the one holding others back!" I did my best to keep my fighting instincts neutral, but Derek's attitude made it hard.
Derek pushed his hands from the table and growled,"I'm doing what I can, Aria! Why can't you just be like any normal teenager and stay out of the way?!"
It felt like he stabbed me in the gut with a Wolfsbane blade, the corners of my eyes pricked with water.
"Sorry I'm not a normal teenager!" I spat, turning around and grabbing my jacket. I threw it on and glanced at Derek. I couldn't read how he was feeling, but I hope it involved regret.
"I guess now you can think." I muttered, slamming the door shut behind me. I could've sworn that I heard a hinge come undone. I ran down the three steps quickly, my boots sunk slightly in the soft ground. The sounds of bugs buzzing and leaves rustling swirled around me. The lighting was dim because of the cloudy sky, but the temperature was creeping lower and lower. I couldn't focus over the loud pounding in my skull called anger. I opened the driver's door and paused when I heard a crack in the woods. A shiver went down my spine, helping me to ignore my rage.
I jumped suddenly when I felt someone grasp both of my arms and turn me around gently; Isaac. A sigh of relief left my mouth, my body eased.
His eyes were glossed with worry, but his hands felt steady,"What's wrong, Aria?"
It felt good to have him near, though I shook my head and avoided his captivating eyes,"It's nothing. Go inside."
Isaac moved closer, making me look at him,"Where are you going? You looked really angry." His tone was struck with worry too and he didn't bother trying to hide it.
"I'm going to meet you and-" I swallowed harshly before his name,"Derek at the clinic."
Isaac let go of my arms, still hooking his finger with mine,"Why don't you just come with us?"
I could tell that Isaac didn't want me to leave him with Derek, but I gotta do what I have to. Even if that means going ahead to animal clinic.
"Because I'm going by myself. Now go inside with Derek. I'll see you there." I unhooked our fingers and climbed into my car. With the window rolled down, I looked out at Isaac. He sighed loudly with disappointment and glanced towards the loft, then his eyes fell on me,"I don't know what you're doing, but I trust you. So drive careful."
I smiled faintly, then Isaac did the same. His eyes twinkled when he smiled.
"I will. Don't mess with Derek today, he's grumpy."
Isaac shrugged with his hands in his jean pockets,"I'll try my best."
I chuckled and gave life to the car, backing up and out. I watched Isaac as he slowly walked up to the porch and inside.

Once on the highway, I thought about how angry Derek made me. I don't understand. Usually when I argue with Derek, it's really petty and I get over it easily, but this time it felt different. The air between us was bitter and cold- it's never been like that before.
At a red light, I rubbed my face with my hands to clear the feelings away. I took a deep breath, then turned left into the parking lot.
Scott's dirt bike sat in the far corner, closest to the building. Only one other car is parked, which I guess is Deaton's, since they're closed.
I found a spot near the building entrance and killed the engine. I grabbed my keys, got out and locked it.
The only sounds around me were the cars cruising by, my boots clanking against the pavement and the nearly-night sounds.
I knocked on the glass door with the closed sign showing and in a matter of seconds, Scott opened the door for me.
"Hey." He greeted, holding it open. I walked through with the chilly air. Immediately, I could hear the dogs barking quietly in the back, although the concrete walls muffled the noise. I
gave him a warm smile,"Hey, Scott."
I watched him close the door with a broom in his hand, wearing his green uniform shirt. He looked very professional.
"Where's Derek?" Scott asked, walking to where I guess he was sweeping before. I put my hands in my pockets, then sat down on one of the waiting chairs. I sunk into the cushion.
"He's coming. We had a little argument so I just came here." It didn't feel strange telling him that we fought, since we do regularly now. Derek just won't give me a break.
Scott stopped sweeping to look at me with raised eyebrows,"Are you okay?"
I nodded with a fake smile,"Ya, I'm fine."
To change the subject, I shifted in my chair to get more comfortable,"So, what exactly are we meeting up about?"
Scott bent down with a dust pan, carefully sweeping the dirt onto it. He quietly walked over to the garbage can.
"Derek is coming here for help." Scott clicked the dustpan onto the broom and set it in a nearby closet. Then he turned to face me, leaning against the front desk to continuing.
"He wants to know if Deaton has anyways to help us against the Kanima."
I nodded, forming an 'O' with my mouth. That makes sense.

"Speak of the devil." I mumbled, seeing the bright lights of the Camaro through the glass windows. Scott turned to see as well.
The lights shut off when Derek climbed out, Isaac followed. I heard Scott mutter something under his breath, then he opened the door.
"What's he doing here?" Scott groaned to Derek, referring to Isaac. I forgot that Isaac and Scott aren't the best of friends.
Derek pushed past, his eyes flickered to me briefly, then back to Scott. The sudden memories flashed back in my mind, but I pushed them away.
"I need him."
Isaac looked at me momentarily and waited by the door.
"I don't trust him." Scott mumbled quietly to Derek, who started taking in the whole place.
"Ya, well he doesn't trust you either." Isaac spoke in third person, walking by Scott apathetically.
Derek turned to them with an unimpressed expression,"And Derek doesn't care. Where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?"
All of us turned our heads when we heard Deaton start to speak,"Depends. Your friend Jackson, do we plan to save him or to kill him?"
"Kill." "Save." Both Derek and Scott blurted out at the same time. Scott quickly turned to glare at Derek,"Save."
Derek huffed and turned his attention to Deaton.
"Save him." Scott repeated, one-hundred percent sure. In my opinion, I think that Scott is smart about this. If we were to just kill the Kanima, then Jackson would die too. It's not like we need the cops on Derek's trail again.
Dr. Deaton nodded and opened the small, knee-high gate, allowing us to move into the lab.

Once all of us surrounded the steel table in the centre of the room, Deaton pulled out a Woden box with a handle and small, clear viles in the side pockets. He placed it on the table and searched through them. Isaac reached for a vile, but Derek grabbed his hand and pulled it away,"Watch what you touch." His eyes were fixed on the different substances.
I sensed a change in Isaac's attitude, since he started leaning against the table and gazing at the vet as if he were better than him. Doc pulled out a small glass and examined it, thinking if it would work or not.
Isaac's lips curled in a smirk,"So what are you, some kind of witch?" His ignorance irritated me, so I smacked his shoulder with the back of my hand. He flinched, but looked back up at him.
Deaton paused and made serious eye contact,"I'm a veterinarian."
Isaac made a silent 'O' with his mouth, just like I did before. Then his eyes ventured off as he thought.
Deaton sighed quietly,"Unfortunately, I don't see anything that is going to be an affective defense against a paralytic toxin."
"We're open to suggestions." Derek piped up, searching for a sign of hope.
With his body still close to the table, Isaac chirped his suggestion,"What about an affective offense?"
Derek shook his head, automatically shutting him down,"We already tried, I nearly took its head off and Argents emptied an entire clip into it. It just gets back up." His eyes looked desperate. For a moment, I actually felt bad.
Deaton put the glass vile back into the wooden pocket, giving Derek his full attention,"Has it shown any weaknesses?"
Derek nodded with the memory,"One; it can't swim."
"Does that go for Jackson as well?"
Scott's face showed that the answer was negative,"He's a captain of the swim team." All of us went silent while we thought some more.
Our heads snapped up when Deaton caught our attention.
"So essentially, we're trying to catch two people." he took a couple steps towards his series of cabinets and pulled something small out. Deaton held out a petite, silver medallion in front of us. "A puppet and a puppeteer." he continued,"One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?"
Scott shrugged, thinking deeply,"I don't think Jackson could do it; his mother died pregnant too and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn't let the same thing happen to someone else."
Isaac looked like a lightbulb went off over his head, standing up straighter,"How do you know it's not part of the rules? The Kanima kills murderers, if Jackson kills the wife and the baby dies too." For once, he actually sounded on to something.
"Good point." I piped and shuffled my feet to stand in a comfortable way. All of this standing and thinking is making me restless.
"Does that mean her father was a murderer?" Scott asked, looking at Deaton for answers, even though he wasn't the one to respond.
Isaac nodded a couple times,"Wouldn't surprise me if he was."
The vet put the medallion down on the table and gazed between all of us,"The book says they're bonded, right?"
Derek and I both nodded.
"What if the fear is coming from not Jackson, but the person controlling him? What if-" Deaton suddenly looked onto something as he picked up a clear vile of black powder and began to poor a circle of it around the medallion. "What if something that affects the Kanima, also affects its master?"
Isaac raised an eyebrow,"Meaning what?"
It all looked like it fit together perfectly in Scott's head- it did in mine too.
"Meaning we can catch him." The hope came back in our eyes. My heart lifted- maybe there really is a way!
Deaton nodded, a grin slowly formed with his lips.
Scott looked over at me, catching my eye.
"Both of them." Scott said just above a whisper.
Finally, now we're getting somewhere.


"I still don't like this plan." Stiles quivered from the front seat of the Jeep, his knuckles were turning white from gripping the steering wheel. His nerves were getting the best of him.
"It's fine, Stiles. I know that you can do it." Scott attempted, sending a text to Derek. Stiles took a deep breath and tried to cover up his shaking hands.
"I can't do it! What if I run out and can't finish the barrier?! Or what if someone catches me? I can't do it! I know it won't work! I'm only one-hundred and fifty pounds of nothing-"
"Stiles." I growled from the back, leaning forward so that I was closer to him. Stilinski stopped his rambling and looked at me through the mirror at the red light. His eyes were drained with nerves.
I gently placed my hand on his shoulder,"Stop over-thinking it, that will only make it worse. I will make sure that nothing happens to you, okay?" Stiles glanced between his shoulder and my eyes, he took a deep breath again, exhaling all of his stored air. He squeezed his eyes shut and nodded quickly,"Okay. Fine. Please go over the plan again." Stiles opened his eyes and continued to drive.
I nodded too and sat back in my seat,"Okay, Scott will go in the secret show and find Isaac and Erica to give him the ketamine to slow down Jackson." I saw Scott nod his head in agreement.
"You, Stiles, will expertly create the secure barrier with this here Mountain Ash." I lifted up the garbage bag filled with Ash that Deaton gave us. He contributed to the plan well. Once the Mountain Ash is spread in a circle, no supernatural being can get in or out of the seal.
"Derek and Boyd will hold off the Argents, since Allison squeaked about our used-to-be bullet-proof plan." I narrowed my eyes at Scott, since he was the one who told her. He tore his eyes away and focused on his hands.
"I guess we'll all be more careful about who we tell our secrets to." I muttered, carrying on with the explanation,"Anyways, as for me, Derek put me on watch duty- whoop-dee shit. So, I'll make sure that you come out alive."
Stiles continued to take deep breathes in and out, soothing himself the best he could.
The secret concert is in a secluded warehouse and only people who bought tickets can get in. I did my share of blackmailing to obtain my only way in. By the sounds of it, Isaac rustled up a couple kids to get some for Scott, Stiles, Erica and himself. Smart kid.

"We're here." Stiles groaned, parking the Jeep on a curb. "Oh god." He whined, jumping out. Scott and I got out as well.
Stiles came around to the side and picked up the black garbage bag. His face went a little pale, but I still had faith in him.
He looked up at me for help,"Can't you help me, Aria?"
I shook my head and slung my arm around his shaking-shoulder,"This is your job, Stiles. We're all counting on you."
Stiles scoffed,"Because that's reassuring. Thank you, Aria, thank you so much!"
I chuckled and pulled my arm away,"Anytime, Stiles!"
Scott shoved his cell phone into his pocket and started towards the entrance,"I'm gonna go find Isaac and Erica. Be careful."
"Okay, you too." I responded, watching him leave. Scott walked into the steel warehouse and followed some stairs downward. Soon he was gone.
I turned to Stiles and gave his shoulder one last shake,"Alright, you ready?" Stiles shook his head and wiped his forehead,"Nope." He looked awkward holding the garbage bag.
I nodded once,"I'll take that as a yes. Now I have to go look and find Jackson. Good luck!"
Stiles lifted his head with an uneasy grin,"Yea. Okay. By the way, this plan sucks!"
I chuckled again, setting off towards the building. I could already hear the pounding music from underground, I can't imagine how it actually is in there! Time to find out.

My feet echoed against the thin steps, then they silenced when I reached the concrete floor. I wasn't in much of a high-heels or flats mood, so I threw on a pair of black high tops, blue skinny jeans and a one-shoulder, three-quarter sleeve shirt with black feathers on it. I braided my long hair around the back of my head and down my shoulder. Nothing says secret concert like black high tops.
I followed the loud bass towards the door where the bouncer was located. The man was very large with an intimidating face. His dark eyes pierced through me.
"Ticket?" He grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. I felt very small and dug through my pocket. I held the ticket out, he took it and inspected each side.
He waved me off and gave me a smug smile,"Enjoy the show."
I pulled my lips back with an uneasy giggled,"Thanks."
I nervously walked through a dark hallway, the beat started to get louder and louder. Finally, I emerged from a beaded curtain into a huge room with strobe lights, coloured lights and a DJ blasting music from his set. The room was hot and sticky from all of the dancing people. Their sweaty bodies were barely covered and slicked with sweat. The glowing bracelets and necklaces beamed and swirled in the crowd, blending in with the neon paint splattered on their bodies.
The pounding music seemed like their enchantment as they jumped to the beat, pumping their fists in the air. Everyone was crammed together, grinding and touching. Nobody seemed to care.
I cringed and sunk into the sea of people, pushing past. I spotted a platform that I could look from without be too obvious, so I set out towards it.
A bunch of people bumped into me, I almost got smacked in the face by someone's wickedly-swinging arms. The platform is right there...just a few more steps-
Out of nowhere, I was roughly pulled back by a random guy who looked to be around his early twenties. He closed the space between us by pulling my hips forward, he touched his sweaty forehead against mine. His breath reeked of alcohol and who knows what else. I tried to pull away, but he didn't let me go.
"Dance with me." He slurred, attempting to grind against me. I pushed against him again, this time with more force, causing him to stumble.
I stood my ground angrily and disgusted.
The guy giggled obliviously and came at me again, swaying my body with his. "C'mon. Just one dance."
I faked a smile and snaked my arm around his back. He grinned, satisfied.
I felt my claws grow out and I smirked deviously. I sunk my claws deep into his back and watched him crinkle in pain. He fell to the floor, but nobody saw. They just continued to dance recklessly.
"You've been here for what, three minutes and you already hurt someone?"
I whizzed around, hitting against Isaac's tall figure. He clutched onto my arms to steady me with a joking smirk.
I slowly found my smile,"I've learned a little thing called self-defense." I had to yell over the music for Isaac to hear me. He chuckled and folded his arms over his chest, leaning against a concrete pillar. His blue jeans and grey sweatshirt made me feel all warm and fuzzy. The flashing lights brought out his chilling eyes that took me in.
My mind snapped out of it and back to the plan.
Isaac leaned close to me when I began to speak,"Do you have the Ketamine?"
He nodded, discreetly pulling the syringe from his back pocket. I nodded and motioned for him to put it away.
"I'm going to look for Jackson. Get Erica and once we find him, distract him enough to be able to give him the shot." I instructed.
Isaac nodded, but a hint of concern flashed across his face,"Be carefully, alright."
I smiled faintly,"I will, look out for yourself."
Isaac looked like he had more to say, but he just gave me one more look before continuing into the crowd.
I found my trail and walked up a small slope onto a side platform with a vertical beam as a handrail. I avoided touching the beam, seeming that it could be diseased. I'm not taking my chances.
I looked into the crowd of people and immediately found Erica in a graphic tank top and a mini skirt, walking with Isaac. I looked ahead of them to see Jackson standing in the middle of a crowd of people. The two pushed past people until Erica started dancing with Jackson, pushed up against him and swaying to the pounding bass. Isaac followed and danced closely to her, trying to fit with them. I pushed the pang of jealousy away and continued to watch carefully.
Erica and Isaac were very convincing, but Jackson knew that they were onto something. By the looks of it, I don't think that Jackson will stay Jackson for long.
I saw Isaac reach for the syringe in his pocket while Erica groped Jackson. They smirked at each other and didn't stop.
Suddenly, Jackson's smirk turned sour, then he sunk his claws into the sides of Erica and Isaac. He yanked his claws out and walked away as they fell to the ground.
My protective instincts set in and I so badly felt the need to go and help, but I can't yet. It's not like they're dying.
The ketamine-filled syringe fell to the ground and got tossed around by everyone's dancing feet. I could see Isaac reaching for it. I couldn't see Erica anymore, but my eyes followed Isaac, who slowly stood up. Once on his feet, Isaac rushed over to Jackson and from behind, he jammed the sharp needle into his neck. Isaac eased Jackson's still body to the floor with success. He actually did it.
Isaac looked back to find me and waved me over when he did.
I made my way over to him and prepared to carry Jackson's limp body.


After dragging Jackson's barely-alive body to a metal box, we tied him up to a chair. Since we have the ketamine on our hands, we didn't bother getting anything stronger.
The three of us jumped when we heard the box door open, Erica growled.
Stiles pushed through and raised his hands,"It's just me... freak" he grumbled, his eyes fell to Jackson,"Is he okay?" I simply shrugged in the corner and looked at Jackson.
Isaac stepped forward, only arms length from Jackson,"Well, lets find out." He pulled his sleeve up and extended his claws. Isaac held his hand near Jackson's neck, but his hand suddenly latched onto Isaac's arm and snapped it downward, no doubt breaking it. Isaac groaned and winced in pain. He pulled away as quick as he could and scrambled back. I carefully held his arm and inspected it. The blood already started getting soaked up in his sleeve.
Stiles raised his hands and the air, then he pointed at Isaac with alarm,"Nobody does anything like that again, okay?!"
We all nodded silently.
Isaac cringed,"I thought the ketamine is supposed to put him out!"
Stiles shrugged,"Ya, well apparently this is all we're gonna get."

"I'm here- I'm right here with you."
A series of shivers and chills scurried up my spine when the voice echoed in the box. Erica looked all around, her expressions were terrified. I held Isaac close to me protectively.
Stiles looked at Jackson, who tilted his head to the side lazily,"Jackson is that you?"
Jackson's voice didn't sound right; it was like two voices put together. Then it finally clicked in- the Kanima and his master.
"Us. We're all here." 'Jackson' spoke, his eyes looking straight through us all.
Stiles took his chances and knelt close to him,"Are you the one killing people?"
"We are the ones killing murderers." He corrected, his voice stung my head. If this is his master talking as well, then how is it possible?
Stiles kept his voice surprisingly calm,"So all of the people so far-"
"Deserved it."Jackson quickly said, twitching here and there. His strange voice gave me the shivers.
"See, we got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers." Stiles let his voice trail on vaguely.
The scales and darkly-coloured patches started to peek through the collar of his red, plaid shirt,"Anything can break it if enough pressure's applied."
Stiles nodded,"Alright, so the people you're killing are all murderers then?"
Jackson's voice got even louder, like he was waiting for the question,"All of them. Each. Every one." His words shocked me. How could all of those people kill someone and get away with it?
"Who did they murder?"
"Me." Jackson muttered, he suddenly started shaking with the building anger. I was getting concerned about the rope around his wrists.
Stiles looked confused just like the rest of us,"What...what? What do you mean?"
"They murdered me." Jackson spat, raising his voice even louder. I sensed the fear in Isaac and backed him up until my back was against the wall.
Jackson's eyes flicked to their Kanima colour with a big twitch of his head. The shift was starting.
"They murdered me." He repeated, pulling against the rope. Erica and Isaac reeked of fear and didn't even attempt of hiding it. I made sure that I didn't show any signs.
Jackson resisted from the ropes and started moving more, like he was coming to it again.
"Uh oh." I mumbled, grabbing Stiles' shoulder and pulling him back.
Stilinski climbed to his feet, hurriedly, obviously figuring out that the ketamine was wearing off,"Okay, ketamine, the man needs ketamine!"
Isaac held out the empty vile, keeping his eyes on Jackson,"We don't have any more."
Stiles opened his mouth slightly with shock,"You used the whole bottle?!" Isaac nodded at clearly angry Stiles. He frustratedly huffed, finding himself distracted.
Erica's face flushed white like she saw a ghost and tapped Stiles' shoulder. I watched Jackson pull enough to break the ropes strand by strand, then stand up. He opened his mouth widely, exposing his razor-sharp teeth. A loud, ear-piercing screech rushed from his mouth.
Stiles froze, then scrambled to the box door, trying to find the knob,"Okay, out. Everybody out!" He threw his body against it, popping the door open.
We all ran out quickly, then shut the door. Adrenaline pumped through my veins in a rush of power. I stood back while Stiles and Isaac used their bodies to keep the door shut, but then Jackson burst through the side in his Kanima-form. He roared loudly and ran off quickly, almost instantly disappearing.
The four of us sighed, feeling disappointed.
"He's gone." I breathed, wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead. Erica crossed her arms over her chest and walked off towards a set of stairs. Her heels clunked loudly.
Stiles gazed at the fog rolling in under the walls, he scraped his sneaker against the pavement.
"Did he come to kill someone?" Isaac wondered, holding his bad arm away from any potential danger. I looked at Stiles and his face said it all. He nodded absent-mindedly.
Isaac's face dropped and I could feel the sorrow wash over him. He backed up weakly, his legs looked like they would give out at any minute,"It's all my fault. If I didn't use all of the ketamine, then whoever it is he's looking for would live. I'm so stupid." He muttered, closing his arms around his head and pacing back and forth.
I sighed, feeling his pain through him.
"Isaac, it's not your fault." I tentatively said, carefully grasping his good arm. Isaac shook his head and began walking the other way.
He stopped and turned abruptly, his eyes flickered gold,"Then tell me why I can come up with five different ways this could have gone!" Isaac's loud tone took me by surprise, but I swallowed deeply and met his eyes purposely.
"Because that's what our brains do, Isaac! We try to find answers and reasons that make sense- it's how we cope with things!" I explained, taking careful steps toward him. I made sure to not set him off, since his werewolf instincts were starting to show.
Isaac's eyes dropped to the floor, they moved quickly, taking in what I said.
I could tell that it was getting to him since his eyes went back to normal and he slouched his shoulders.
Seeing Isaac like this makes me feel like I can do so much more to make him feel better, but I don't know how. A hug and a few consoling words don't help anything. I don't see any point on grieving about what happened.
I put my hands on my hips sassily and nudged my head towards the door,"Feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to do the next victim justice. How about we pick up our asses and go find Derek?"
Stiles lifted his chin offensively, but kept his mouth shut, agreeing with a nod. Isaac sighed, but nodded as well.
"We'll let's go!" I barked with a clap, turning on my heel and walking towards the nearest exit.

A few stairs and many corners later, the scent finally lead to Derek, who was standing inside of the perfect Mountain Ash barrier that went all the way around the building. A slash of hope scissored in me, I turned to Stiles quickly.
"You did it, Stiles!" I gave him a pat on the back and took a closer look at the barrier.
Isaac crouched down, avoiding the Mountain Ash.
Stiles rested his elbows against the side of his head with a bright expression on his face,"Oh my god, it's working! Uh this is....yes! I did something!" He silently cheered, pumping his fists.
My skin crawled when I heard an agonizing roar blast into the night air. The cry of pain helped me figure out who it was. Almost immediately, Derek and I looked into the distance with concerned faces.
"Scott..." We whispered together, Stiles turned and looked at us confusedly.
Derek's face hardened and his mind looked set,"Break it."
Stiles gasped,"What? No!" His stubborn side was something I really didn't want to see at a moment like this!
With a hand pointing in the direction of where Scott's cry came from, Derek tried to convince Stiles to break the seal, since none of us could move past it,"Scott is dying!"
Stilinski looked even more confused, but still didn't want to spread all of his time and effort all over the ground,"Okay how do you know that?"
Derek's frustration built to its max, then he snapped,"I just know, okay?! Now break it!"
Stiles huffed, but realized that it was a life or death situation for his best friend.
He waved his shaky hands above the Mountain Ash, the air spread the black dust away, breaking the seal for good.
Once Derek saw that it was broken, he ran as fast as he could to find Scott. My bones shook with nerves and the pain crumbled in my chest. I could smell the stench of near-death.
Derek's right; Scott's dying.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now