Chapter Eight

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"Alright everyone, today is rock wall day!" Coach bellowed happily, clapping his hands together once. Sweet. I love the Rock wall!

At the moment, Scott and Allison are on the wall together. They were keeping up to each other, then as they chatted, Allison was gaining speed on him. She was giggling and smiling as she got higher, but little did she know that Scott shimmied up higher. Her laughter stopped and she gave Scott a look.

Ha, busted.

Allison kicked his foot out of place, making him fall down to the mats. The rope stopped unravelling so that Scott was hovering just above the mat. Finally he plopped to the ground. Coach started laughing and so did everyone else. Even I got a kick out of this. He continued to laugh as he knelt down to Scott's level. "I don't know why, but your pain brings me joy, McCall." He let out his last laugh, then he chirped the whistle.

"Alright, next two."

After their turn was over, it was Stiles' and Erica's turn. Erica is also an 'under the radar' type, not very popular. Again, I don't really know why. But maybe it's the frizzy and messy blonde hair, sudden acne breakouts, grey sweats, shakiness and lets not forget, epilepsy. Poor girl.

Stiles was finding this easy as he skillfully climbed the wall, knowing where to hold on and where to get a foothold. But Erica on the other hand, wasn't doing too hot. She was off the ground and slightly up on the wall, but she looked down and I think that she messed herself up. Her body was tight against the wall, her eyes squeezed shut. I could feel her fear, anxiety, pressure and uncertainty. She was just stuck there.

By now, Stiles was already on the ground, cheering and pumping his fists in the air that he won.

Erica made a sobbing sound, then I could hear her whimper. She's afraid that something is going to happen.

The class started to whisper and chatter erupted. Coach looked up at Erica, realizing that something was wrong.

"Erica. Keep going, you're almost done."

Coach was confused as to why Erica was doing what she was doing. Then Allison stepped up beside gazing coach.

"She's just freaking out." Someone muttered, not caring at all.

"She's epileptic." Allison spoke up, watching as well. Erica's whimpering didn't stop, now she was even crying.

Coach raised his hands up to his shoulders, giving us all a look with his mouth open agape,"Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?" He questioned, then turning back to Erica.

"Just push off the wall, there is a fluffy mat to catch you." He calmly said, wanting the shaken girl down to safety. She didn't do anything besides sobbing.

"Erica." He had more force in his voice, but nothing harsh.

Finally, the girl lightly kicked off the wall and slowly descended down. When her feet were planted on the mat, Coach took the harness off and started to walk away with her.

He waved his hands at us,"Class is over." They stood farther away in the gym, him asking if she is okay. Most people either sighed or cheered quietly. How heartless. Damn, and I wanted to scale the rock wall.

Scott and Stiles came over to me, I sensed them at my sides without having to look.

"What was that?" Stiles pondered, scratching his jaw quickly. I shrugged,"No idea."

After getting changed out of my Gym clothes, I put on my ripped blue jeans, white T-shirt and black jacket that buttoned up. It was one of those jackets that had two lines of buttons, but the one line is just for showing. I put my hair down and grabbed my bag. Something didn't feel right just as I was about to open the change room door. Something is happening. Now.Then I immediately opened the door and ran into the Gym.

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