Chapter Tweny-two *Part 1*

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"Hello?" I quietly called into the night.
I didn't hear a response, but I was sure that I saw someone in the trees.
My ankle-length nightgown swayed silently in the nighttime breeze, my hair was loose and down, past my shoulders.
I was just about to turn around and crawl back through my window, but then I heard a voice.
"Hello, Aria."
I whizzed back around and saw him standing in front of the woods. The Forest Man- Derek.
A gentle smile sat on my face, I didn't say anything else.
I was confused as to why I could hear him so clearly, despite the fact that I was so far away from him and on the building's roof. I ignored my thoughts and put my attention back onto him.
"You can do things that others can't, can you?" Derek asked with his hands in his jean pockets. From where I was his black hair blended into the darkness of the trees, but I knew that it was there. There wasn't any stubble on his face like the last time I saw him.
I nodded.
"You can hear me perfectly, right?"
I nodded.
"And see me?" Every word he spoke was gentle.
"Why? Why can I?" I asked while I played with the lace on my cuffs. Even though it was supposed to be very cold out, I was toasty warm.
Derek stood up straight, he grinned proudly,"Because you're different. You're like me."
For some reason, it made me happy to be like him. I always wanted to be like Derek. Every once in a while he would take me to the woods and show me his brilliant, glowing eyes. He always called himself a type of monster, but I never saw him as one. I always saw him as a friend that could do no harm.
"I'm like you?" I wondered, then I thought to myself.
Derek nodded.
"Then why don't my eyes glow?" I questioned. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.
He chuckled and looked up at me,"They will, you just need to be patient."
"I am patient!" I bragged,"I'll wait as long as I need to!"
Derek smiled,"Good. I'll wait with you."
I giggled quietly on the roof. My window was still partway open, but nobody ever checked on my room at night. I wasn't important. I was just crazy.
Living in an orphanage isn't fun at all. I wished that I had a real family. I wished that I could go live with Derek in his house. He always told me all about it; how when he bought it, he had to fix all of the windows by himself. And how he found animals living in it!
"Can we go to the lake, Derek?" I asked, my little voice didn't travel very far. Miraculously, Derek still heard me.
"I'm sorry, Aria, but we can't go tonight." Derek apologized. I knew that he was sorry and that he couldn't help it.
I frowned and nodded understandingly,"Okay."
Derek looked up at me, his face went serious,"I promise that I'll take you soon, but I have to go now. Be careful, Aria."
This was the part that I always hated- whenever he had to leave again. I always wanted him to stay and tell me stories.
"Good night, Derek." I softly spoke as I knelt by my window.
Derek smiled,"Bye, Aria."
With that, he left.
My forest man left.


Aria, wake up.

Aria! Open your eyes!

My eyes snapped open. I could see.
I wished that I couldn't after what I saw.
A basement, that's where I was. Normally basements are cold, but this one was hot- so hot that my clothes were sticking to me. My hair was a mess; strands were all over and stuck to my face and neck.
What was worst of all? The fact that my arms were tied upwards and I was forced to stand. Let's not forget the constant serge of electricity that was pumped into my exhausted body.
Whoever took me, knew what they were doing.

When I came to it more, I started to panic.
My wrists were tied together tightly and with chains. Since they were above my head, I couldn't do anything about it. My ankles were also chained to the cement floor. I glanced at my side and saw a red box with a big, yellow lightning bolt on it. Wires came from the box, which were clamped to the chains around me.
I winced after every three seconds from the bolts of electricity.

One, two, three. Pain.

One, two, three. Pain.

I'm screwed
. I thought to myself.

My whole body was shaking and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't smell, hear or feel anything- aside from the electrical currents- and my vision kept blurring. It felt like my senses were...dying.
Derek always told me to be careful around electricity, since it numbs the senses and enough of it could kill a single werewolf.
Maybe that's what they're doing.
Maybe they're trying to kill me.

What happened before you blacked out, child?

The voice.
The hairs on my neck rose, but I was shocked by another voltage.
I shuttered from the fever that was building in me. My forehead was slicked with sweat and my palms were clammy.
It felt like something was blocking me from speaking, so I didn't attempt it.
If the voice wants to help me, then it better have bolt-cutters, I sarcastically thought. But obviously a voice in my head couldn't do anything worth a damn.

Answer me.
The voice growled fiercely- it sure wasn't playing any games! Whatever it was up to, it demanded for an answer.
My body was becoming even weaker, my head was drooped to the side.
"I...was looking for Isaac..." My throat was in rough shape, so speaking wasn't easy.

Very good, now who was wanting your head?

I yelped in pain and thought. My brain was buzzing.
"The..Argents." I coughed weakly. Air was a distant friend and it wasn't coming quickly.
My eyes were getting heavy and I could see the darkness again.

Yes, now keep your eyes open and stay awake. One of them is coming.
Despite the urgency of the situation, the voice was eerily calm. Maybe that's because it wasn't going through a crisis between life and death.

I whimpered and went limp. Beads of sweat strolled down my face.
Its so hot...I'm so tired and weak...I need help. Why won't anyone come save me? The thoughts invaded my brain- thoughts of doubt and weakness.

What did the voice say? Stay awake.

It took all of my strength, but my eyes stayed open. I took in rigid breaths of air and tried to calm myself.
The pain was worsening, but I remembered how strong my willpower usually is and not to mention my determination.
I had to wait it out.
But what else did the voice say?
Oh yea, one of them is coming.

I thought that I was okay and that my newly-found rhythm was helping, but I was wrong.

My heart was racing.
Since I was so trapped by chains and electricity, I was vulnerable. They could easily kill me by bullet, arrow, suffocation, Wolfsbane or anything else they could think of.

That's when I heard it- the muffled footsteps.
If I had my normal senses, then they would've sounded clear as day and like the person was walking beside me.

They got louder,


And louder.

There he is, I squirmed.

A man in about his late thirties with short, black hair treaded down the wooden staircase in the corner of the room. He wore a grey sweatshirt and worn blue jeans, with big work-boots on his feet. He appeared to be rather skinny, but he wasn't shabby in height.
Since I was in such a state of mind and body, I actually felt intimidated.

The man looked up at me, then a big grin spread across his face. His eyes were strained like he hadn't slept in days.
"Finally awake, sweetheart?" His voice was low and smooth.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him without any strength at all.

He examined me up and down,"You look tired, darling. Why don't you get some sleep?"
I wanted to vomit. Darling.

"If you're going to kill me, it now." I muttered breathlessly.
He's with the Argents, of course he would kill me.

The man frowned and took a step towards me,"Kill you? I'm not here to kill you, I'm here to convince you." He smiled softly at the end.

"Convince me what?" I said above a whisper. My mind was fogging up again.

The man flicked a switch on the red box and suddenly, the pain of the electricity diminished. I sighed in relief, but my body went limp.
He stroked my cheek and I shuttered. I tried to pull away, but I didn't go anywhere.
"That we're meant to be together. I love you, Bree."
Bree- that's my mother's name. Derek told me.
He thinks.....Uh oh.

Don't listen to him, child. He's lying.

He scowled,"They always told me that I couldn't be with you since you're a werewolf and I'm a hunter- or a retired hunter. But now, now we can be together."
The love-struck guy smiled hopefully, then traced my lips with his finger. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it.
"Wouldn't that be nice?" He squeaked. His eyes were rushing back and forth as he awaited my response.

I shook his hand off of me and narrowed my eyes at him,"Don't. Touch. Me." I growled.
Somehow, I was finding my strength again. Even though the chains were holding me back, my werewolf blood was trying to fill me up with power.

The corner of his lip pulled back in a smirk,"I guess someone needs another nap."
He reached into his pocket.
My eyes went wide,"No! No, please. Don't." The urgency radiated off of me. It made me ashamed.
He made a clicking sound with his mouth,"Are you sure? You look like you could use some rest." He moved his hand towards my face, but I snarled at him. I felt the shift try to come through, but it wasn't strong enough. My eyes only glowed momentarily.
He tisked at me,"I'm sorry, sweetheart. But when you wake up again, you'll be all ready to go."
His dark, brown eyes beamed at me. I didn't know what he was so happy about- he was holding me against my will. And I'm not even Bree.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a damp cloth. The chemical swam into my nose.
I strained against the chains, but no use. The rough material rubbed against my skin.
"Stop! Let me go!" I shrieked loudly.
I quickly felt the cloth against my mouth and nose. I squirmed and shook, in the best hopes to shake him off.
But nothing helped.
Finally, he pulled the cloth away once my moving stopped. My brain was cluttered, then it cleared and it felt like my head was one white room. Only one sentence remained in my mind.

I picked my suddenly-heavy head up and looked at his ecstatic face one last time,

"I'm going to kill you."

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