Chapter Five

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I knew it. I knew that something was up with Isaac because his scent changed. When you're a werewolf, your scent is stronger to others, especially to ones in your pack. He's one of us now. The innocent boy I saw in school and sat beside in art class for a little, will now feel like killing everything with a heartbeat when the full moon comes up tomorrow. He doesn't know what he got into.

"Alright, I'm going out. I'll be back by midnight, be careful." Derek said while opening the door,"And come back here if anything happens!"
I nodded, huddled up on the couch in my big, fluffy blanket. The tv was quietly on in front of me. "Aie-ey sir!" I gave him a sailor salute.

Derek gave me a weird look. "Teenagers," He mumbled.

I waited a few minutes, then I heard the Camaro pull out.
And my mission begins.
I shut the tv off, ran upstairs and chucked the blanket on my bed. After throwing on black skinny jeans, a dark long sleeve shirt, my black jacket and lacing my boots, I treaded carefully out the door, letting the familiar snake-slithering feeling take over. My little car is silent; perfect for getaways when needed. I had a bad feeling about Isaac tonight, so Derek told me to check on him. Kind of like spying, just for his safety. Something isn't right, that's for sure.

I parked my car in an alley, a block away from the house and locked it. You never know who could be out at night.

I crept along the back lawn of their town house and leaped up onto the garage roof. I skillfully walked along the side and found the closest window. It was a clear view of their living room and kitchen. I could see Isaac sitting across from his dad at the dinner table. It was nine at night, late dinner I guess. The sun was already down and it was getting darker by the second. Isaac was wearing dark jeans, a black long-sleeve that had a thin hood on the back and sneakers on his feet. He picked away slowly at the bit of food left on his plate, while his dad cut whatever meat was on his plate. Why did I have a bad feeling about a family dinner? I'm still sticking around though, just in case.

I focused on my hearing, trying to listen in on their conversation.

"So far it's an A in French and a C in Chemistry." Isaac sounded confident, then it faded. He looked back down at his plate.
Mr. Lahey smiled while still chewing,"What's Econ?"

Isaac opened his mouth before speaking, then he paused. "The grade?"

"Yes of course the grade." He chuckled, looking over at his obviously nervous son. I could smell his fear from out here.(I rhymed again).

"I-I don't know yet." Isaac stuttered, he continuously looked between his plate and his father. He cowered every time his dad made eye contact. There was an uneasy pause between them.

"Finals are coming soon, so it could go up."

Mr. Lahey chuckled again, I could tell that he was seeing through his lying son. Now I knew why I was right to stay.

"What's the grade, Isaac?"

"I said that I don't know." His voice was quieter.

"But you just said that it could go up." His dad said this with a strange smile.

Isaac looked at his fumbling fingers,"The grade could still go up-" I couldn't understand them for a second because both of them tried talking over each other.


His head tilted up quickly, fear flashed in his ocean eyes.
"Just tell me the grade, son." Mr. Lahey demanded in a softer tone. He appeared to be remaining calm, but I could sense that he wouldn't be for long.

"It's a D."

Isaac's voice was shameful.

I was caught off guard when my foot slipped from its place on the ledge,"Shit." I muttered quietly. I caught my balance and my breathing hitched. my body went tense, then I eased back into my place.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now