Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The second I opened my eyes, all I could see was blinding white. Everything was white. The floor, the non existent ceiling, my clothes. Everything. White.
I looked down at my hands. My skin was pale and it almost looked like I was glowing. I was dressed in white jeans and a white T-shirt. My shoes were also the same, empty colour.
I looked around, but I couldn't tell whether or not I was in a room or just a vast, white area or something. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I didn't have to look through a squint. There was no sound, smell or taste. Everything was empty and still.
Something caught my attention in the distance; a tall, slim figure. It was definitely a man, dressed in all black. His contrast to the blinding white was drastic.
He approached me in seconds, although it should have taken him a while to reach me. He had a long face with a long, crooked nose. His eyes were almost as dark as his suit. His sleek, shiny shoes padded against the floor quietly.
"Hello, Aria." He greeted me, his voice laced with an English accent. He looked old, his hair receding.
I didn't answer, instead I looked at him confusedly. I couldn't hear his heartbeat, which was strange. I couldn't feel his presence at all.
The corner of his lip pulled back a little, which caused his cheek to wrinkle up,"This is all very confusing, I know. I've seen more people with the same expression than you can count. But trust me, everything will be just fine."
The way he talked, he sounded very aged. He took his words slowly and carefully.
"Who are you?" I asked quietly, I felt slightly shocked at the sound of my voice. I sounded defenceless and unconfident. I sounded like...a normal human.
The man sat down on a bench that suddenly appeared beside him. He motioned for me to sit down. I pushed away whatever I was thinking and did what I was told. I sat down awkwardly beside him.
He adjusted his suit jacket and looked me directly in the eyes,"You may not believe this, Aria, but I am the one who decides ones final destination. I am the one who chooses where one shall live out their spiritual lives. I am the one who greets those whom have recently passed."
I thought for a moment, then it suddenly clicked. The dark clothes, dark eyes and aged aroma.
"You are...Death." I realized, holding my hands together on my lap. My eyes wandered off into the distance.
I died fighting off the sirens.
I am dead, speaking with Death himself.
Death nodded,"Yes, my dear. I don't normally speak to all of the recently deceased, but I made you an exception. Your life was something rather...odd."
I looked at him, confusion was scribbled all over my face. Yes, I was a werewolf, but how was that different from any other werewolf he's talked to?
"How am I different?" I ask quietly, my voice cracked slightly.
Death clears his throat,"Normally, supernatural creatures aren't allowed in heaven or hell, so they are sent somewhere else; Purgatory. Since you were a supernatural being, your rightful place is in the unknown depths of Purgatory."
"Was a werewolf? Am I not still now?" I ask, the question suddenly sneaking passed my lips.
Death doesn't shake or nod his head, instead he uses his words,"That is not how it works here. Regardless of your 'type', you are now a spirit whom is not yet decided."
More questions pounded inside of my head, but I hushed them and waited to hear more of what he had to say.
"As you know, you are dead. You most recently lived out your life and followed your fate, correct?"
I nodded, but still unsure of what he meant,"Yes, I guess so."
"Well you're wrong; your fate was not followed. You were torn from your path purposely and you were wrongfully deprived of your rightful life."
I felt the creasing in my forehead. I didn't understand. Not one bit of it.
"What do you mean? I didn't do anything wrong."
"It is known, sweetheart. The blame is not rested on yours, but another's shoulders. Make that plural." Death weaves his fingers together, preparing to tell me everything.
"Your whole life is a lie. Every last bit and piece of it. You are not a Hale. Derek is not your father. Scott, Stiles and Lydia are not your friends. Allison and the other Argents are not hunters. There is no such thing as a werewolf twin-hybrid. There is no alpha pack. There is no loft. Your mother does not speak to you. There are no sirens. Many lies and details have been stored in your mind and many events played out in your life that weren't real. You were never meant to be a werewolf."
I took every word in as a mass of confusion and horror. Everything was fake. I looked at Death with a destroyed expression on my face,"But I was just told that Derek was my father and-"
"Honestly, do you think that Derek could be your father? How would it be possible for him to produce you? Did you ever know his real age?"
His interruption did have a point. I never knew how old Derek really was- or how old any one else was for that matter.
Death leaned forward, his voice hung low,"The Tricksters forgot to fill many plot holes, child. Many holes that you never caught onto."
My eyebrows furrowed,"Tricksters?"
He nodded,"Yes, Tricksters. They are supernatural beings who find their kicks out of messing with others. They possess the power to make anything appear out of thin air. They will do anything for their entertainment. Three of them are the cause to your false life." Death stood up, fixing his suit. He held his arm out for me. "Walk with me, Aria, and I will explain everything."
I swallowed harshly and stood, linking my arm with his chilled one. It felt strange, but I went along with it.
We began to walk. No matter how far we walked, all that could be seen was an endless, white world.
"You were an orphaned baby. The tricksters were desperate for some source of entertainment, so they got their hands on you. They blinded Fate and Destiny, using their manipulative ways. Then, they turned your life into a dramatic story, with twists and turns. They took names and places and stored them in your mind."
"So none of them were real?" I asked, the realization setting in.
Death shakes his head,"Oh they are all very real, just not in the ways the Tricksters portrayed them. For example, Scott isn't a werewolf either, since Peter was never supposed to be alive long enough to bite him. Peter was to die early in life due to a car crash, although they managed to twist that fate as well. The three Tricksters brewed the perfect story, tragically with your life. Needless to say, you were cheated, along with Fate and Destiny. You have lived all of those years on a script formed for one's entertainment. This is why I don't plan on sending you to Purgatory."
I walked along with him emotionlessly, my face blank, but yet stunned all at once. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I feel it is necessary. I was cheated as well. There were lives I was due to claim, though they were morphed and beaten. The Tricksters have committed a crime far worse than any other. To mess with Death is to mess with fire."
An idea sparked in my mind. It felt crazy- but yet, so was everything else. "If you aren't sending me to Purgatory, then will you send me back to live my rightful life?"
Death sighed,"No, I will not be sending you back, since you have been through seventeen years of false fortunes. All of those years will catch up to you and turn you to dust. Besides, all of those whom you loved, will have no idea of your existence. You would be a lost soul, begging to see me once more."
My eyes fell blank as I walked on what felt like air.
Nobody knows who I am.
Not Derek.
Not Scott, Stiles or Lydia.
Not even-
I looked up at Death urgently,"What about Isaac?"
Death glanced down at me for a brief moment, then turned his attention in front of himself,"Isaac is the same. Your first and only love was never real. Your name is nothing but that to him- a name."
For some reason, this didn't shock me. I had seen it coming.
My whole life was a lie.
"All of that time you spent dealing with sirens was just a danger in their live play. Isaac was the romance, Derek and Peter were their family affairs. There were always threats around every corner in order to make things a little more interesting. You were their twenty-four seven television. If you some how stepped out of line, they would manufacture a new piece to the story. Their wrong-doings earned them their own deaths. I can assure you that your misfortune has been avenged."
I was fully numb; my mind and my body. What was I supposed to do now?
If my family and friends don't know me, if my home is not my real home, then where do I go?
Life seemed false to me as well.
"What lies for me now, then?" I asked, not bothering to look at the man directing me down a long tunnel of white, but finally I could see something else at the end. Darkness. It almost felt welcoming. I could feel its energy pulling me towards it.
Death continued to lead me, until the darkness was right in front of us. "I'm sending you somewhere holy, a place where you can decide your own fate and earn back the years you missed. You are heading towards Heaven itself."
I turned to look at the black hole before me. Even though I couldn't see anything, it just felt right.
I nodded, turning back to him,"Thank you, Death. But what is Heaven like?"
Death raised a mischievous eyebrow, before he disappeared.
His last words weaved inside of me. They echoed in my head as I walked towards the doorway to Heaven.
"I guess you'll have to find out."

Then End Of Because I Trust You


This is my final author's note ever on this story!! It makes me excited, but yet sad all at the same time. I truly loved writing this for all of you and I'm seriously so grateful for all of these reads/votes/comments. It literally means the world to me. I'm going to be honest, the amount of reads on this is outrageous! O.o. Anyways, thank you all for putting up with the late updates(sorry!!), the confusion and just for being patient enough to stick through the story! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed Aria's story! Xx:)

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now