Chapter Seventeen

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My face flushed and I froze with fear when I realized that Isaac's right. One is here. Of course. I grabbed onto Isaac's arm nervously and started to walk him back the way we came,"Ya, we need to go!"
Isaac nodded and followed me in a hurry of fear. He hasn't seen a Siren before, but I can guarantee it won't be peachy.
I moved tree branches out of our way and picked up the pace, running back to the loft. My boots crunched down on leaves and pine needles, the sound of our feet pounding against the ground echoed in the night.
Then I felt like Isaac pulled against me, so I stopped and turned to face him,"Isaac! What are you..."
I trailed off when I saw him standing with his mouth slightly open, his side facing me as he looked into the trees. He's enchanted.
The pungent smell clogged my nose and the fine hairs arose on my neck. Chills scurried up my spine, leaving a tickling sensation. My hands balled into fists at my sides, the blood in my veins boiled and burned. This Siren is a goner. My bones feel agitated and fidgety, but I know that I must wait. I can't scare it off before I even get the chance to kill it.
Isaac started mumbling quietly to himself, then a painfully slow grin grew with his lips. His eyes sparkled with happiness from whatever is displayed in front of him. Isaac looks as if he can't live without having it- I know how that feels. It burns in you like an undying flame, the desire roams far beyond average and you'll do whatever it takes.
He didn't respond, remaining in his spot with a helpless smile. It hurts me to see him like this-under a Siren's spell.
I took a step forward until I could see what he is seeing and I felt the instant anger and revenge.
In the dark trees, a Siren stands, only it's bone-hands and decomposing head is visible. Most tales call a Siren a beautiful women, but this is far from beautiful and the gender is uncertain. The skull lacks eyes and the bald head reflects the moon's beams of light. The skin is at a fowl state with slashes on random parts, the biggest one across it's head.
It came forward a few steps, showing me the pointy shoulders and every bone in it's body through the tight skin. It's mouth isn't there; only the rotting teeth and where it should be. The sight made me want to vomit.
I glanced at Isaac and he still appeared to be in bliss, obviously not seeing what I am. Maybe since I know the Siren secrets, I can't fall for it's song or tricks. Maybe that makes me immune to it. They can't show me my desires or enchant me. Perfect.
Same response.
I faced the hideous Siren again and studied it boldly. I don't know how much longer Isaac can be enchanted before he is told to kill someone, but I have to finish this now.
"Kill him. Aria." The Siren whispered, attempting to overrule me. I kept my mouth shut with a twitch in my jaw and a glare of my eyes.
"All you have to do is kill Derek and you'll be free." It tempted easily, stepping towards us again. I moved in front of Isaac so that it couldn't hurt him, I guarded his body heavily. "Leave Isaac alone!" I demanded, hooking my hand in his pocket so that he couldn't slip away some how.
The Siren cackled,"If that's what you want, then just listen to me." The proposition wasn't fooling me and my temper began to set off.
I let go of Isaac and moved closer in the trees, snapping my claws down at my sides and letting the shift happen.
I'm sick of the Sirens haunting me, insisting on killing Derek and ruling my life. It felt like I cracked inside, unleashing my fury. Now or never.
I growled and crept closer to the Siren, my killing instincts set in at last. The Siren stood blankly, then hissed at me. My anger and vengeance built up into a mighty roar, setting the creature off guard. My teeth snarled and I latched my hands around it's neck, squeezing with force. Power swam through me, cheering me on.
I pushed it up against a nearby tree and closed it's neck in more and more. "Leave me alone!" I rumbled, smashing the skull into the tree, not fully killing it yet. I threw it to the ground, the growls and snarls leaving my throat violently.
The naked Siren scrambled on its back, trying to get away. It looked weaker and almost drained. My power is far greater.
"Get up!" I sneered, standing my ground with readied hands, on the balls of my feet. I chillingly held my head higher, proving who has the advantage of the fight.
Another brutal hiss echoed from it as it stood, looking angrier at me. My eyes narrowed for the fight.
"Derek is ours!" The Siren shrieked, standing spitefully on it's skeletal feet. I smirked,"Over my dead body."
In a swift movement, I grabbed it's head and with one jerk, I snapped it's neck. I watched it fall to the ground, then turn to dust. All of the black particles sunk into the ground. It's gone.
I tried to steady my thick breathing, while comprehending what just happened. The Siren didn't do much and that's the first time I've seen one since the 'accident'. I expected more rage. My eyes glued to my hands. I killed it with my bare hands- I murdered it. I shook with a tremble, but pushed it away and gazed at where the Siren sunk deep into the ground.
I spun around to see Isaac standing sadly, but also like he felt violated. My wolf picked up on the emotion.
"Isaac." I breathed with relief, pulling him into my arms. Isaac wrapped his tightly around me and buried his head in my neck. His body shook with soft trembles.
"Was that a-"
His voice pained me, so I had to cut him off by answering his question.
"A Siren, yes. It enchanted you." I gently said, soothingly tracing circles on his back. I kept him in my embrace to calm him down, since being enchanted isn't a beautiful thing. "Are you alright?"
Isaac took a deep breath and slowly pulled away, still grasping my hand. He nodded and his jaw clenched slightly. I know that the feeling hasn't left yet, but there isn't a point to bugging him about it. Whatever the Siren displayed, hit him hard. I don't know if he'll experience the nightmares like I do, but it will still hurt for a while.

I decided to give Isaac a ride to school today since he had that god-awful experience last night. From what I know, he didn't have any nightmares- but I did. It was at the same place with the bridge and water, but instead of Gerard, Derek or a Siren, it was the Kanima. The Kanima was choking Isaac and I couldn't do anything. It felt all too real and I hated every second of it. I was useless.
I turned the bend and glanced through my mirrors before looking back onto the road. Isaac tapped his finger against the door, he's been fairly quiet so far. The silence was starting to get under my skin.
"So, Isaac." I began with a curious tone. Isaac quickly turned to look at me, his eyebrow raised. I scratched the back of my neck,"What did the Siren show you, exactly?" I hoped to not upset him or anything, and it looked like my wish came true.
Isaac shrugged,"Would you believe me if I said I don't know?" I rolled my eyes at his joking smile. I turned my eyes back to the road, still holding the conversation,"Depends, should I believe you?" Isaac chuckled,"I think so."
I'm not in a pestering mood, so I just nodded and pulled into the school lot.
"Thanks for the ride." He quickly undid the seatbelt and jumped out, I caught the door before he could shut it.
"Where are you going?" I was planning on walking with him today, but he seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere else.
"I have morning practice." Isaac answered, holding up his gym bag. I nodded,"Oh, that makes sense now, cause you have your bag and...okay see ya later!" Isaac laughed softly and trotted off into the school. I sighed and parked in my usual spot.
"Anything new on the Kanima?" I asked Stiles and Scott together, both of them sit on the hood of the Jeep. Stiles sighed,"Nothing."
I huffed and locked my car. Then I leaned against my own vehicle,"Back to square one." Scott shrugged,"At least we know someone is controlling it and that it murders murderers." I nodded,"True." The only sound for a moment came from Stiles' fingers impatiently hitting against the car. I crossed my arms and my eyes looked off, but then I realized something.
"Hey, don't you two have practice?" I reminded them. Their eyes widened as they jumped off the Jeep, but then they looked curiously at me.
"How did you know that?" Stiles pressed, fishing for his backpack. I shrugged,"Isaac told me." Stiles eyed me suspiciously,"Since when are you two so buddy-buddy? I thought that you hated him?" I rolled my eyes at him and spun him in the direction of the school,"Just get to practice!" I gave him a shove and watched them hurry into the school. But Stiles gave me an 'I'm-watching-you' glance. I glared at him and walked by myself into the school.
After shutting my locker and hearing the bell ring loudly, I realized that I haven't seen a lot of Allison lately. She's been keeping her fair distance from myself and the pack. I wonder what she's up to, but most importantly what Gerard is up to.

"You have detention again?!" I groaned into the cell phone, walking back to my car. Surprisingly, today was boring and uneventful. But now, the tables decided to turn. Stiles, Erica, Scott, Allison, Jackson and Matt all have detention with Harris. Suckers.
"Yes, and I didn't even do anything this time! I was walking down the hall with Erica when Jackson and Scott jumped out of the bathroom fighting. The rest of us were at the wrong place at the wrong time." Stiles answered with annoyance in his voice. But that's not what caught my attention.
"Whoa, wait! You were walking down the hall with...Erica?" I bit my lip so that I couldn't break into a fit of laughter. I sensed the embarrassment in Stiles. "You were chirping me about hanging out with Isaac, but then you go and befriend Erica? She's trapping you, you do know that, right?" I couldn't help but feel frustrated because of him and his hypocrite-self. Plus, this is exactly what Derek wants. I still don't know how I feel about associating with him, though I should give him more credit. He knows as much as I do. Let's not forget all that he's done for me. If I want Derek to have faith in me, then I need to have faith in him.
"That doesn't matter!"
"Oh yes it does!" I countered, opening my car door and sitting inside. I brushed a stray hair away from my face and listened to Stiles whining through the other end.
"Can we just drop it? Please? 'Cause, unlike you, I am going to be stuck in the same room with Harris for longer than I'd like."
I smirked deviously,"At least you'll have Erica to snuggle with."
Stiles huffed loudly again,"Well I'm gonna go now since you're not exactly boosting my mood, so bye." I chuckled. Hearing Stiles like this brings me a special type of joy that only times like this can give me.
"Have fun!"
I hung up after he did and slid my phone back into my pocket. I twisted the key and ignited the engine, but my attention was grasped when I heard a tap on my window. I looked at the passenger side to see Isaac gazing through with an innocent expression, making the motion for me to roll the window down. The butterflies immediately took flight deep in my stomach and all I suddenly wanted was to be with him. The feeling was agonizing.
I did what I was told and pressed the button down, watching the window carefully slide downward.
"Hi." Isaac greeted me, bending to eye-level with me. I haven't seen much of him today, but for the most part, I know he hasn't gotten in any trouble.
"Hey...are you wanting a ride?" I wondered, actually hoping for a yes. My heart leaped when he nodded adorably,"Please."
I opened the door and moved my bag into the back seat. I waited until Isaac sat in and buckled up his seat belt before speaking up. I pulled onto the highway and quietly played the radio.
"So, did you notice anything...weird today?" I carefully asked, hoping for the best. I'm asking because I don't know how the Siren visit effected him. Anything could end up happening.
Isaac raised and eyebrow, he rested his arm on the dark console. The collar on his jacket accents his neck while he gazed at me curiously. I can tell that he's questioning me on the inside.
"Not that I remember, why?"
A wave of relief rushed over me from his words, but I still have to explain my concern. I've grown to really care about what happens to Isaac and if anything does happen, I feel responsible, like I could've prevented it.
I slowed to a stop at the stop sign and waited for cars to pass by,"Just because of last night." I hinted, sensing the understanding feeling in him. He nodded a few times, then tore his eyes from the road.
"You don't have to worry, Aria. I'm alright." Isaac reassured me, lightly picking up my spare hand and caressing it with his thumb. I tried to hide my smile from him without any success. He kept it in careful grasp, glancing between myself and the road.
"You can tell me all you want, but it won't stop me from worrying." Isaac smiled in response. The way his eyebrow raised in laughter and the crinkles formed around his eyes and mouth, soothed me. I felt completely relaxed around him.
I turned left onto the road near the loft, forging on. Isaac gazed at me with hope in his eyes,"Hey, I was wondering if we could train tonight?" It would be better for him, plus going into the forest would be good for me. I nodded with an agreeing grin,"Ya, sure. We'll go in the bush and use the trees." Isaac suddenly looked unsure, he scratched his neck nervously,"Use the trees?"
I tilted my chin down seriously,"Yea, you know, uprooting trees, throwing rocks and all that fun stuff. If you want to train, then you have to train properly." Isaac gulped, but attempted to remain normal. I chuckled,"Don't worry, it will be fine." He exhaled deeply, looking at the loft as I pulled in. I killed the engine and opened my door.
"Do whatever you need to, then meet me at the cliff." I instructed, making my way down the slope and towards the trees. If you go far enough in, then you'll find the cliff that looks into a valley. It's pretty cool to look at, especially at this time of year.
I sensed the nod of Isaac's head as he walked towards the empty loft.

After a few minutes, Isaac came through the trees wearing slush pants and a thin zip-up jacket. Us werewolves can stand being out in the dead of winter only wearing a thin sweater, while normal humans need a winter coat and boots. Our bodies store more heat.
The dead leaves crunched under his runners and his breath showed in the chilly air. I have to admit that Isaac looks good in work out clothes. Since I'm not actually going to be working out with him, I remained in my black jeans, hiker boots and button-up jacket. My hair is pulled back in a high pony.
"Alright, Isaac. Ready for some training?" I asked, taking a few steps over to a nearby tree with a branch reaching out at me. Isaac nodded with his hands in his pockets,"I think so." I smirked,"I sure hope so." Isaac gave me a competitive grin. I reached up at the sturdy branch and held onto it.
"Two hundred pull ups. Go." I demanded, backing away from the tree to give him room. Isaac inspected the branch, then took on the challenge. He tore off his jacket and tossed it on my head, chuckling at my unimpressed expression,"I'll make it three hundred." I warned seriously. Isaac shrugged and adjusted his white V-neck before reaching up and officially beginning his training.
I found a nearby rock and sat on it, counting Isaac's pull ups. One, to makes sure that he's doing the full two hundred and two, because I just wanted to watch.
Isaac's biceps flexed every time he pulled his weight up an his legs tucked inward.
"Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three." I counted out loud, mocking him with a devious smirk. Isaac rolled his eyes and continued. I started to feel pesky and picked up a good sized twig. I threw it towards him and hit him directly on the shoulder, he quickly let go with his one hand and grasped his shoulder though he continued,"Ow! What was that for?" He groaned, hitting fifty-four. I giggled, throwing another for my entertainment.
"You've gotta be on your toes, you never know what could be happening in a combat." I pretended like it is a form of training, but really I just want to throw sticks at him for my personal joy.
He muttered something under his breath and tried his best to finish quickly.
"C'mon! Hurry Isaac, you have one hundred more to go!" I barked, sliding down so that my back is against the rock. The steam from Isaac's body swirls around him while his breathing deepens. "Let's go! Move it, move it!" This training is a lot of fun! Well, for me.
Isaac hopped down once he finished and stepped towards me, beads of sweat stick to his forehead and the white puffs in the air are bolder.
I patted his shoulder,"Good job, but that was only the warm-up. Now, I want you to try and uproot that dead tree over there." I pointed towards an old maple tree, still heavily rooted in the ground. Isaac holds his hips and looks down at me,"When are we getting to the contact-training?" He bumps his shoulder with mine when I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.
"If you think that we're going to tackle each other out here right now, then you're crazy." I chuckled, then I pointed to the tree again,"De-root it. Stat." Isaac groaned and trudged over, he dragged his shoes across the cold ground for emphasis. I grinned at how much he didn't want to do this.
He wrapped his arms around the tree and pulled up, not coming anywhere close. He tried several more times and it killed me to watch his fail so hardcore. I huffed at his pathetic attempt and knelt down beside him. He plopped to the ground, out of breath and resting his head against the cool bark.
"Remind me to not suggest training ever again." Isaac breathed, wiping his forehead. My lips curled upward as I reached for his hands. I set them in my lap and pulled a roll of wrap out of my coat pocket. I knew that he would need this, so I brought it beforehand. Isaac's hands were blistering and turning a bright red shade. Even if he can heal, it will make it easier for him.
I looked back into his eyes, wrapping his damaged hands,"That was horrifying, don't be such a wimp." Isaac glared not too forcefully, then gazed at me while I finished wrapping his palm. I moved to the next one.
Isaac's warm stare melted me and made me feel all fuzzy. My mind went blurred as I tried to focus on his hands.
We were fairly close together and I felt tempted to just crash my lips onto his, but I fought it back. I have to keep it together. But Isaac was making it so damn hard.
"You know, you're probably the closest girl I've ever gotten to- I mean relationship wise." He softly spoke, tilting his head to the side. I raised my eyebrow,"Oh?" I couldn't figure out what else to say to something like that. Does he mean friend wise or...?
Isaac's eyes flicked to mine and he brought his already-wrapped hand to my cheek, gently pushing a hair that snuck out my pony tail away. I smiled faintly, ripped the wrap and tucked the loose end in a different layer. I shoved the roll in my pocket and focused on Isaac. My blood boiled and burned for him, I just want Isaac all to myself.
His charm-filled smile forced me to in reply as he softly hooked his index finger under my chin. His beautiful eyes sparked with a grateful blue shade.
"I'm glad it's you." My knees felt like Jell-O when he said that. Nobody has ever said that to me, since I don't usually get this close to people, especially not that way.
"My mom would've loved you; she always told me to find a girl who won't take crap from anyone, but also one that has a soft side." Isaac's words made me feel something that I've never felt before; love. I smiled back, captured in his embracive-grip. He let go of my chin, though he held the side of my jaw instead.
But then I narrowed my eyes, playfully,"Are you calling me a softie?"
Isaac laughed quietly to himself, exposing his pearly white teeth,"Maybe. But you can't deny that you have a soft spot. I've seen it." I sighed, realizing that he's right.
"Well you are right about one thing- I won't take crap from anyone." We laughed together, then Isaac went more serious. He studied my whole face, slowly bringing me closer. Our lips were getting closer and closer until I could feel his warm breath against my chilled lips. Both of our hearts started beating rapidly, almost in-sync together. Our lips were so close to brushing, but he backed out and left the kiss on my cheek. I couldn't ignore the disappointed feeling, but I tried my best to hide it. His soft lips left the area of skin tingling. A kiss on the cheek is better than nothing at all.
I smiled when I pulled away, although I could also tell that Isaac was internally-slapping himself for backing down like that. I held onto his knees to balance myself,"You still haven't rooted the tree yet." Isaac sighed and took my extended hand after I stood up.
Isaac looked at the tree again and went to try again, but I froze, grasping his arm. Isaac looked worriedly at me,"What is it, Aria?"
My senses tingled and I caught a scent of blood. It smelt familiar. I couldn't find my words as a pain dug into my gut. Isaac grabbed my shoulders, looking straight at me, but my eyes wandered. I was trying my best to figure out who's blood it is. "Blood- do you smell it?" I weakly asked, the pain worsening. Isaac shook his head in a rush,"No I don't smell anything, but my stomach hurts." He winced and clutched his own stomach. The realization hit me hard like a slap in the face; a pack member is hurt. My head whipped up in the direction of the loft when I figured it out. I let go of his arm and ran as fast as I could up the hill and through the trees.
"Aria!" Isaac called after me, following the best he could. Leaves and branches slapped my face, but I ignored them.
Once the loft came into my view, I rushed up the steps inside and followed the scent of blood down the set of basement stairs.
"Aria, wait!" Isaac yelled, trailing behind me on the wooden steps. I jumped over the side when I was only halfway down, the scent led me to the train. I could see Derek crouched over Erica, who is limp on Stiles' lap. Scott stands behind him looking worried and stressed.
"Derek, what's happening?!" I questioned, out of breath and with shock on my face. Isaac finally caught up and gently grabbed onto my arm from behind when he saw for himself. No wonder we felt that painful feeling, Erica's arm is bleeding with old newspapers catching the dark blood. Derek squeezed her arm tightly and Erica screamed in agonizing pain.
"Is she going to die?" Stiles squeaked, pulling her hair out of her face. Derek shook his head,"I don't know." He twisted her arm again, no doubt breaking her arm. The blood squeezed through his fingers and splattered onto the paper. She cried out even louder, her chest rising and falling deeply.
"Broken arm- nice." Stiles sarcastically said, holding her in place. I could tell that he was afraid of hurting her more.
"It will trigger the healing process." Derek explained, letting go of her arm and relaxing slightly. Erica looked hazy, trying her best to hang on. Although I could tell that it was working.
Erica looked up at Stiles as much as she could,"Stiles, you make a good Batman." He just moved her hair some more, his expression uncertain.

"So will you help us?" Derek asked Scott with a hint of desperateness. Isaac, Scott, Derek and myself stand in the basement while Stiles remains with Erica in the train. Derek knows that he can't fight the Kanima on his own, so he decided to turn to Scott for help. If he only listened to me before.
"I will help you catch Jackson, not kill him. And you have to do what I say." Scott demanded reasonably, Scott has always been the one who tries his best to find an alternative way. I give him props for that.
Derek sighed, considering it deeply.
Isaac quietly brushed his shoulder against mine, looking tired and in need of sleep. I felt the same.
Derek nodded, then his eyes met with Scott's.
The air felt steadier when he spoke,"Fine. We'll catch him on your terms. But don't get the Argents involved." Scott nodded, sealing the deal.
Finally, Derek and Scott were able to come to a truce. Now we just need to find that Kanima.

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