Chapter Ten

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My eyes fluttered open and I glanced at the alarm clock beside my bed. Three Am. Was that voice in my head? Did I dream it?

"Aria." There it is again, it had more force to it this time. The voice sounded like Isaac.

I sat up and looked down where Isaac should be, but he wasn't there.

"Help." Isaac sounded stern and almost shaky, like he was holding something off. I looked in the corner of the room and saw Isaac on his knees with his head down. His arms were draped down in front of him. His body was trembling and I could hear his loud breathing. The full moon.

I leaped to my feet and turned the light on. I got a better look at his hands; the long werewolf claws were showing and just touching the floor. The moon is changing him again.

"Isaac, fight it." I called, slowly walking over.

"I can't." His wolf was taking over and it made his voice low and intimidating. I didn't want to get too close since he can't control himself yet.

"Yes you can." I growled, paying close attention to his movements.

He brought his head up so that I could fully see his face. The fur spread down his cheeks, his eyes were shifted and the fangs were grown and bared. Isaac slowly arose to his feet, quietly growling and snarling.


He was coming towards me at a faster pace than I intended, but I wasn't quite sure of what he would do. Newly shifted ones are unpredictable.

Isaac let out a roar as his instincts in a full moon took over. Mauling, maiming and killing; that's all that matters right now. I can't fight him, he needs to learn how to control the urges and that shifting isn't all about killing everything in sight.

"Don't do it." I snapped, holding back my own urges to fight.

Isaac couldn't stop himself as he threw me across the room with a wild force. My back made contact with the wall, the wind was knocked out of me yet again. He rushed over and reached to throw me again, but I grabbed his arms. His teeth snapped at me, wanting to kill me at this very second.

I stood up and twisted his arms in front of him. He wasn't very pleased about it as he started to loose control even more.

"Isaac stop!" I yelled, letting go of his arms. That wasn't such a good idea.

He didn't listen while he came towards me again. I was walking backwards, running into things.

I heard the door open and Derek rushed in through the doorway. He looked between me and shifted Isaac. I knew that he was going to do his alpha roar to stop him, but I interrupted.

"No, he needs to learn." I insisted and I saw the unsure look on Derek's face. But he listened and stayed back. But Isaac didn't.

I jumped over the bed and held my ground. Another throaty growl rumbled his chest, his wolf wasn't giving up. Don't fight back, I reminded myself, keeping my arms at my side.

Then I felt ten claws digging into my stomach, I gasped for air, already feeling the tissues trying to repair my skin. Derek stepped forward with anger,"No." I breathed, looking Isaac in the eyes. My body curled around the claws jammed into my body.

"We're in this together, Isaac." I quietly said, feeling slightly light-headed. My back hit the wall as Isaac came even closer, forcing the nails to go in further.

"We stick together."

I felt a shift inside of him, or maybe it was just that the nails were disappearing back into his hands. My breathing deepened, forcing more air into my lungs. My sweater was destroyed with blood and claw marks. I felt free now that the pair of claws weren't stealing my air and blood.

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now