Chapter Sixteen

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"Why the hell were you in a gay club?" I asked Stiles over the phone. Isaac's arms were still wrapped around me, but I slipped away from his grip. He focused on me while I spoke to Stiles.
"That's not the point, but Jackson paralyzed even more people including Danny. After you left Derek followed him and so did Scott and I. Argents were there and then we followed Jackson to a gay club. We think that he was looking for Danny." Stiles gasped for breath after speaking.
"Okay, so where are you now?"
"Well, we got away from the crime scene after I lied to my dad with Jackson unconscious in the back seat. Then I stole a prisoner transportation van to keep him in. Apparently when he unshifts, he's naked. I didn't like being up close and personal with his junk." There was a tint of sassiness in his tone. TMI, Stiles.
"So that means you are...where?" Stiles likes to be vague sometimes. My eyes followed Isaac while he took a few steps and sat on the windowsill. His eyes stayed set on me with curiosity.
Stiles huffed loudly and I heard his arm slap down against his thigh,"We're outside of town in the forest. It's secluded so nobody can find us."
I nodded to myself and crossed my arms over my chest,"What exactly are you planning on doing with Jackson?"
"I haven't figured that out yet, but we need to know everything we can. So we have to keep him here for a while."
I still don't know what he wants me to do about it, but okay.
"What do you want me to do?" I pressed, glancing up at Isaac quickly. His hands were tucked in his pockets.
"I don't know."
"Then why did you call me?" I countered, getting frustrated.
"Because I wanted to tell you before you started asking questions later. And I'm lonely." I rolled my eyes at Stiles' reasoning. Of course.
"Thanks, but I don't exactly want in on this. I have other things to worry about." I swallowed because of my words. By other things I mean the voice that gives me advice and the Sirens. Plus everything with Isaac. I just won't tell Stiles that.
"Fine. Just keep your phone on if I need your help."
"You always need my help." I laughed quietly, Stiles just sighed.
"Good night." I sensed his slouching shoulders while he waits for whatever it is he's waiting for.
"Be careful and good night." I hung up after he did and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I walked up beside Isaac and gazed out the window.
"What did he call about?" Isaac quietly asked, glancing at me, then back out the window.
I exhaled deeply,"Where to start? Jackson went to a gay club to find Danny-as the Kanima- then he paralyzed a bunch of people and now Stiles and Scott are holding him captive in a prison transport van." I sat on the windowsill, folding my arms and looking into the loft. Isaac turned and did the same as well.
"What does the Kanima even want?" He spoke quietly and looked at me. I turned my head so that we made eye contact, then I shrugged. "That's what we're all trying to figure out. But we know that it kills murderers."
"My dad isn't-"
"Wasn't a murderer." Isaac corrected himself sadly.
"I know, but there is still a lot to figure out." I added, shutting him down. I know that he wants to know just as much as the rest of us.
Isaac nodded twice while staring off into space. I didn't disrupt him.
After a few minutes, his silky voice invaded my ears.
"If the full moon is soon, what will happen?"
I shook my head,"Again, I have no idea."
I felt the uneasiness in him, he started imagining things in his mind. That's a bad idea-trust me, I would know. Isaac clenched his jaw weakly and his eyes lacked their brightness. I don't like seeing him afraid of what will happen next. His distress is bubbling inside of me and filing my veins. I can't take it.
"Isaac, I made the promise to Derek and I'll make it again to you." I began, swallowing discreetly. He barely looked at me so I stood in front of him, my hands holding his arms. He was either forced to look beside me or at me. Isaac chose at me. I let go of his arms and stood up straight.
"Isaac Lahey, I promise that I will look out for you, protect you and teach you the ways of being a werewolf." I made sure that my words sounded sincere and honest. I meant it all.
Isaac didn't know what to say, so he just looked at me with a slight nod. I decided to help him out a little by raising my pinky in the air.
Isaac smiled faintly and chuckled,"A pinky promise?"
I nodded matter-of-factly,"Yes, I am a wolf of my word." Isaac gave me his smile and hooked his pinky with mine.
"Consider it as an apology for smashing your head against the wall, ending in a black out." I sweetly smiled, then walked towards the fridge. I grabbed a water and took my time walking back over to him.
Isaac smirked at me,"You make it tempting."
I shrugged,"Then I guess that's good for me."
I think that this is the longest we've gone without yelling, tricking or almost killing each other for a while. It's bad, I know.
Isaac stepped forward until he was standing right in front of me, his head tilted down to look at me. Since his back was to the window, the moonlight gleamed all around him. His face was dim from the light. I could still see his eyes studying me completely as he gently moved a hair away from my face. I just looked at him, listening to his beating heart.
"You promise to keep me around?" Isaac's one eyebrow was raised with his damn smirk that makes me smile.
Keep him close to you, child. You need him.
That voice really needs to stop interrupting moments like this! I made sure that it didn't seem like anything was wrong. Or that I just heard that voice.
I smiled at Isaac,"I promise."
Isaac pulled me closer slowly, time froze and it felt like everything depended on this. His hand grazed my cheek, stroking back and forth with his thumb. I didn't react, I simply stood and followed his eyes.
I don't know how close our faces were, but I could feel his warm breath against my lips. I felt my heart start to beat a mile a minute and my stomach burned violently. How can somebody have this kind of affect on me? Like last time, his eyes flickered down to my lips. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it too.
Tentatively, Isaac brought his lips closer to mine and my eyes reluctantly shut.
I expected to be lip-locked with Isaac, but instead we both jumped back at the sound of the front door opening. Derek.
I picked up my water bottle and sat on a chair, I saw Isaac sitting by the window again. Dammit. Act casual. You didn't almost just kiss Isaac. Nope, never happened. I should really get better at my self-reassuring methods.
Derek walked in the room and glanced between the two of us. He knows that something is up, but ignored it. I could feel his anger and frustration. Obviously towards the Kanima. To Jackson.
"Where were you?"
I just realized that he was gone for over two hours and I never knew where he was. Something could've happened and I wouldn't have known. Ugh, I'm acting like a worried mother.
"I was out." Derek's answer was particularly bland and simple. A very tacky response.
I sighed and set both of my arms on the table in front of me,"Derek."
He knew that I wasn't going to give up the stern act anytime soon. His feet brought him to the table and he sat on the chair across from me. Isaac was still behind me by the window, listening in.
"I followed the Kanima-"
"Jackson." I corrected, rubbing in the fact that I was right. That it isn't Lydia. Derek glared and sat back in his seat.
"Yes, okay? I followed Jackson, but I couldn't kill him. The Argents came and I hid before they could see me." Derek sounded disappointed that he couldn't kill Jackson. Or maybe it was because he got chased out from the Argents. That can't be good for the ego.
"What about the gay club?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Stiles told you, didn't he?"
I nodded,"Only that Jackson paralyzed some people and that Scott and him are holding him in the woods some where."
Derek shook his head, then looked back at me with a turn in his lips,"He didn't tell you about the part where I stabbed Jackson?"
Isaac jumped to his feet and reached my chair. I felt his hand brush against my shoulder, trying to grab the back of it. He stood closely behind me.
"What happened?"
Derek's eyes burned into Isaac so forcefully, I thought that I heard his skin boil. Isaac backed up and let go of my chair.
Derek sighed and clasped his hands together,"He took off in the crowd of screaming people. I lost him after that." His face fell in disappointment. Derek blames himself for it. He kept his eyes low.
"Hey, Derek look at me." I softly said, waiting for his stare to settle on me. Finally, he brought his head up without a word.
"It's not your fault. There is a lot that we have to figure out, you aren't the only one in this." I reassured him, smiling gently. Derek nodded, but he seemed to be some where else. He stood up and patted my shoulder,"It's late. Get to bed." His smile flashed and left as quickly as it came. That's Derek's way of saying thank you. I nodded to myself and remained in my seat. Derek went up the stairs and disappeared into his room. I sighed and stood up. I almost forgot that Isaac is here.
Isaac took his hands out of his pockets and frowned towards me,"If Derek doesn't even know how to beat him, then how are we going to figure this out?" I felt his distress once again. I didn't know how to answer. Isaac noticed and nodded while chewing the inside of his lip. "We can't beat him." His voice was just above a whisper.
"Isaac, you don't know that."
"No. I do. I know that we can't do this." Isaac's eyes sparked with doubt and anger. He really doesn't have any faith in us
I grabbed both of his arms and forced him to look at me,"Isaac. Don't you dare say that. We are going to figure this out if you believe it or if you don't. You have to trust me." I spoke with conviction, making sure that he understood. Isaac looked blank, like he was trying to figure out if I'm right or not.
He didn't answer, so I pulled him into a hug, resting my head on his shoulder. "I promise you." Isaac rested his head against mine again, I could still feel his worry and doubt inside of him. Then he sighed and wrapped his arms around me, letting me absorb his lovely heat. "I trust you."
I smiled a little and pulled away, not actually wanting to. My eyes started to feel heavy and the night was summoning me to bed.
I put my hand on his shoulder,"Good night, Isaac. Please don't worry about it and get some sleep." He nodded, looking into my eyes with trust and faith. "Good night, Aria." I gave him one last look before walking towards the steel steps.

After settling in my bed, I couldn't ignore the guilt from earlier, it's so bad that I was engulfed in my usual nightmares.


Over the time span of one full day, Scott and Stiles lost Jackson when he shifted, got a restraining order against him and now we're back at square one. Did they really think that was going to work? That the transport van would hold a Kanima? Sometimes I wonder how Stiles even has that high GA of his. But one good and helpful thing happened; Lydia translated the section of the Bestiary and apparently the Kanima seeks a master, not a friend. So that could mean a couple different things, now we just have to figure out what that is.

I picked up my plate, rinsed it off and placed it in the sink. The loft was looking messy, so I did some adjustments. I dusted and actually vacuumed the place. I eventually made my way upstairs into my room. It isn't too bad up here, since I'm always walking around and moving things. I turned the vacuum on again and started to clean the dirt from my small rug in front of my bed.
Once my room was all clean and comfortable, I walked into the hall but paused in my place. For some reason I felt the need to go into the spare room. I haven't been in there since the night Isaac first came here. My curiosity and senses got the best of me, forcing me to turn the door knob to the room.
I expected the dusty, cobweb-filled room that I saw before, but it was actually...clean. Well, spotless really. The bed was made with blue sheets, the dressers and shelves were dusted off and Isaac's duffle bag was empty beside the dresser. The room looked instantly brighter. The one desk had school books piled on it. The whole room smelt of Isaac and I could actually say I enjoyed it. I felt dazed by the lovely scent, but I snapped out of it when I heard voices down stairs. Derek left for a bit before, but he definitely isn't the type to talk to himself. I sunk down to my knees, then flat on my stomach to listen through the floor boards. I can't smell who it is, but I can hear three different heart beats. It sounds like they're going into the basement.
My senses started buzzing, telling me to investigate. I obliged and headed to the main level. After getting my ankle boots on, I went outside, deciding to go in the other way through the far opening. The late fall breeze swirled through my jeans and jacket. I turned the corner and saw the wooden hatch. I carefully lifted it, quietly setting it on the ground. I crawled in stealth-fully and stepped down the wooden staircase. It's dark, but my enhanced vision helps me to see everything around me. I followed behind the train and out of sight. I could hear Derek, Erica and Isaac walk through the train. Their shoes and boots clanked against the steel beneath their feet.
"So why do we need their help?" Isaac asked, trailing behind Derek. I saw them walk past me through the window, but none of them saw me. I made sure that they couldn't see me ease dropping on their conversation. I guess they decided to have a gathering without me. Ouch, that hurts. Theres so much stuff in here, it would make it difficult for them to spot me.
"Because it's harder to kill than I thought. I don't know how to do it." Derek answered, walking down the train's isle.
"And they do?" I was admiring Isaac's bold side, I don't see much of that when he's around Derek. I blended into the wall like a chameleon.
"They might." Derek simply replied, stepping onto the cement floor. The two followed.
"Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side." He added, walking over to what looks like his trunk of Full Moon gear. My, that brings back precious memories. I don't know who Derek's talking about, but he obviously doesn't want me to know, which makes this that much easier.
Derek stood in front of the trunk while Isaac stood behind him with Erica at the alpha's side.
"Hmm, Scott or Stiles?" Erica wondered, mainly to herself. Derek glanced back,"Either." So they think that Scott and Stiles know how to kill him? Wow. That's a good one.
Isaac put his hands in his pockets,"You know the full moon is coming, Derek."
Derek lifted the trunk top and let the wooden box catch itself,"I'm aware of that." He pulled chains and harnesses out, showing the two. Erica picked up a harness,"Why, these look comfortable!" Her sarcasm ended with a smirk. I held back my snicker; she had no idea.
"You said you were going to teach us to change when we wanted." Isaac reminded him, looking disappointed. Derek turned his head to glance at him for a moment,"There hasn't been time." Then he turned back and took the harness from Erica and closed up the trunk.
Isaac suddenly looked worried and he took his hands out of his pockets,"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon that're alone against the Argents."
Derek flicked the latches down and stood up straight,"They haven't found us." He didn't sound worried in the least bit.
"Yet. So how about we forget about the Kanima?" Isaac had to raise his voice a bit louder, since Derek started to walk towards the staircase. Bad choice, kiddo.
Derek turned around with a frustrated look on his face,"We can't!" The duo flinched from his loud voice. But Derek calmed himself to speak normally to his at-your-service betas.
I found a rivet in the train's side, so I placed my foot against it and silently crept up. I could peer over the side while I listen.
Derek held his hand out as an emphasis while he spoke,"There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid. At all. And I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing; we have to find it first." He does have a good point there. Gerard and his pack of Buffy the werewolf-slayers definitely know something.
I fully came over the edge and sat on top of the train, I crossed my legs patiently.
"Thanks for the invite, guys." I spoke up, giving them a slight wave. They all turned their heads to look at me, Derek folded his arms over his chest and gave me a stern look. "Aria, what are you doing?"
I slid down the train and hopped off, putting my hands in my jacket pockets,"You know, just dropping by(Ha). But what I was wondering, is why you guys decided to have a pack meeting without your full pack?" I leaned against the vacant train, questioning Derek.
"Well, Aria, I assumed that you didn't want to be involved."
"Didn't anyone ever tell you to never 'just assume'? And anyways, I already am friends with both of them, meaning that I know everything they know. And let me tell you, we have no idea how to kill him." I boldly said, standing up straight and taking slow steps towards Derek. He raised a brow at me,"So you heard the whole thing?"
I nodded, matter-of-factly.
Derek shrugged,"Just because you're friends with them, doesn't mean you'll actually tell us the information we need to know." I felt a pain in my gut.
"You don't have any faith in me, do you Derek?"
He stood perfectly still, not showing any real emotion. I nodded a couple times, realizing that Derek doesn't believe in me. Doesn't believe that I could actually help them, that i wouldn't help out my own pack. I couldn't ignore the hurt in me.Then I felt a little rebellious. I looked at the ground, shuffled my foot against the floor, then made direct eye-contact with Derek.
"The Kanima seeks a master."
Derek froze, his eyes trailed off like he just heard useful information. Again, he didn't say a word.
I turned to face Isaac who was looking at me like he was in trouble. I don't know why, since I'm not actually mad at him. Isaac's jaw clenched weakly and his eyes fell onto the floor, then they flicked back up when I spoke.
"And Derek won't be alone on the full moon." I declared, meaning that I will be helping him. I sensed a shift of feeling in Derek,"No." He almost looked afraid for my safety.
It is my turn to put my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows,"And why is that?" Derek looked at me with a certain softness in his eyes. They made me feel guilt for some strange reason,"I don't want anything happening to you." I am aware of his sincerity, but still. He can't hold me back on something like this.
"Derek, I'm not the ten year-old just figuring out what my body can do with the powers. I can defend myself." I spoke softly, not wanting to start up another argument. We've been fighting a lot lately. Derek looked down at his boots in consideration.
I took a step forward,"You promised me that I could help out with the training, it seems like equal training to me."
Derek sighed loudly,"But they'll be even stronger because of the moon, something could happen. Something bad." You're a real stick in the mud, aren't you Derek?
I'm not finished with my protest just yet,"So will I. Even if I can control it, think of all the power I will have." I raise my left hand in the air and stood up straight,"I promise that I will be careful towards myself, but maybe not the newbies. Just because they'll already want to kill me and-"
"Fine. Don't come crawling to me if you get hurt." Derek finally gave in, sighing defeatedly and walking towards the staircase. Erica followed, but Isaac stayed.
I silently cheered and watched Derek walk up the steps, but he paused and turned his head to give me a grin,"And quit with the ease dropping." I chuckled to myself and waited until him and Erica were gone to turn and face Isaac.
Isaac still had his hands in his pockets, his eyebrow slightly raised more than the other. It was like his eyes were trying to speak to me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I took a deep breath, waiting for either one of us to speak. My mind is too jumbled to form some sort of topic.
"Are you really going to help with this?" Isaac quietly asked, sounding unsure about me watching over him, Erica and Boyd during the moon. But also about helping Derek with the Kanima.
I nodded,"Of course, I don't make promises like those for no reason. Besides, I'm in this pack, so don't expect me to back away from this." Isaac smiled cutely and raised his hands in surrender,"I was just making sure."
"Well I'm double-sure, so don't worry about me." I grinned once I finished and Isaac chuckled.Then an idea popped in my head. I stood up straighter and walked a few steps towards him,"Can I show you something?"
Isaac's cheeks flushed with a pink colour and he swallowed,"Depends on what you mean." He looked nervous and he couldn't cover the crack in his voice. I laughed at what he thought I meant,"No, you goof! I mean show you a place."
Isaac chuckled nervously,"Oh, ya. Sure." I giggled and grabbed onto his hand. My skin tingled and I felt warmed. I started to lead him through the train and out the back, back to where I was listening in on their conversation. "We're going this way because I have to close the hatch." I explained, bringing him to the back stairs. "Be careful." I mumbled, guiding him up the darkened stairs. Isaac quietly followed behind me, I could hear his boots against the wood steps. Finally, we emerged from out of the ground, I helped Isaac through, then he stood to the side while I closed the hatch. I locked it, then looked back at Isaac with a smile,"You ready?"
Isaac nodded, so I gently slipped my hand into his. He looked at our hands momentarily then smiled and began to walk with me.
We walked across the maintained grass until the trees and bushes started to get thicker, I decided to walk him onto my pathway. I'm taking him to a place where I always go to think or to clear my head, though I haven't been there in a while. Since the moon is up, it will look even more beautiful.
"Where exactly are you taking me?" Isaac curiously asked, our shoulders lightly brushed. I shrugged,"You'll see when we get there." He rolled his eyes, but still smiled and laughed quietly. His sweet laugh made me smile in the darkness.
Isaac and I went through a group of trees, then finally I stopped and covered his eyes with my hand.
"Almost there..." I mumbled, making sure that Isaac didn't trip on anything. I also made sure that I didn't step on anything. I felt anxious to show him the place only one other knows of. The place that has true value to me.
"!" I revealed the beautiful scene to him and a big smile slowly formed his lips.
As we stand before the large pond, the moon gleams against the water with stars illuminating all around. The night sounds are sounding and the trees rustle discreetly. The water's edge slopes down until it carefully stands above the water line, the body is still and silent. Cattail and Lilly pads decorate the water with beautiful far beyond expression. I feel eased and relaxed, like coming back here is a refreshing experience. I couldn't ask for anything more. "Consider yourself special; I've only shown Derek this place, but nobody else. Most people don't dare to come this far into the woods."
Isaac's breath appeared in front of him in a white puff,"I must be very special." He winked down at me and I chuckled quietly, not disturbing the sounds around me. The same inspiring power rushed through me, lifting me of my problems.
"This place is beautiful." Isaac quietly said, his eyes scanning the water patiently. I nodded slowly, my smile lifting,"It sure is."
The two of us just stood there together, soaking in the sight. Our hands still remained together, my thumb traced circles. Then I thought of something to help him with his new wolf. There is still so much for him to learn and Derek isn't exactly rushing to give them his knowledge.
"Isaac, I want you to use your senses." I chirped, letting go of his hand and taking a step back. He looked uneasily at me, but then took a deep breath in with a nod.
"Okay, close your eyes and focus on your surroundings." My instructions didn't seem to come out as clear as I thought, since he still looked confused. Isaac kept his arms at his sides, closed his eyes and waited. I don't know what he was waiting for, but he wasn't progressing at anything.
"Focus on the smells." I spoke softly, studying him with care. Isaac breathed through his nose deeply, then he looked more concentrated. I sensed it too. His body looked relaxed and comfortable.
"Now focus on the sounds." Isaac barely nodded while he obliged, standing perfectly still. He seemed to be on the right track.
"Tell me what you smell and hear." I said just above a whisper, my hands dug into my pockets as I waited. Isaac continued to focus, the air around him seemed still and settled. Then Isaac stiffened, his shoulders tensed and his features all screamed fear. His eyes snapped open with worry,"Uh...Aria, I think we have a problem." His voice trembled.
I raised my eyebrow and stepped towards his just-about-shaking body. Uneasiness seemed to stab at him. My body language is curious as to what the trouble is.
Isaac's deep eyes shrunk in a fearful manor and my heart fell to his words.
"I smell death."

Because I Trust You(Isaac Lahey)|Completed|Where stories live. Discover now