Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So how do you feel?" Scott asked, his eyes took in my every facial expression.
I leaned against a support beam and put my hands in my pockets,"Good. Still a little weak, but good."
Stiles stood up from his spot on a crate,"And how have the...voices and Sirens been?" His arms were crossed over his chest. I told them everything last night; the Sirens, the voice and my childhood- all that they never knew. I could tell that it was hard for them to understand at first, but it wasn't hard for them to believe. Especially with everything else happening.
I looked over at him and thought to myself before answering,"It's been good too. I haven't heard anything, or seen anything since."
They exchanged glances, then nodded.

The three of us were in the basement, waiting for Derek. He called a pack meeting for some reason and didn't feed me any details. It's been a full day since I woke up and Derek and Peter have been itching to tell me something. So, either this could be good, or it could be bad. Very bad.

Scott smiled lightly,"We're glad that you're back." Stiles did the same and nodded. They told me that they tried to find me once they knew that I was missing, but they just couldn't figure it out. I didn't blame them, since Vince covered his tracks well.
The corner of my lip tugged,"Thanks, it's good to be back, to be perfectly honest. I didn't really appreciate being trapped in a basement."
Stiles shrugged,"Yea, I could see how."
The three of us turned our heads when we heard footsteps down the old staircase. It creaked and groaned under Derek's, Peter's and Isaac's feet. They were silent when they came down. I caught Isaac's eye and he smiled for a brief second, then he blended in well with the rest of us.
"Now that we're all here, we can finally talk about what else is threatening this town." Derek began, crossing his arms over his chest. He was wearing a dark long-sleeve with three small buttons near the collar. His stubble was shaved just a tad more than the last time I saw him. Even though Derek didn't look as worn out as when I woke up, he still looked rough. I guess this whole werewolf curse does a lot to a person over time.
I raised an eyebrow with a curious tone,"I thought this was a pack meeting? We're not all here yet." I meant Erica and Boyd. I still haven't seen either one of them yet, not that it really fazes me.
Everyone in the room except for Peter lowered their heads in thought. A sudden sadness and disappointment floated in the air.
Derek cleared his throat and looked directly at me,"They left when you were gone. They said something about a new pack, and how they wanted to join them."
Something prickled my spine, sending shivers up my spine. That's never happened before- nobody has ever left the pack for another...or with surviving at least.
"They traded us for someone better- someone who doesn't exist." Isaac spat, his eyes filled with an angered shade of blue as he stared at the floor.
"Oh no, someone does exist alright." Peter commented, almost afraid. He did his best to cover it up.
I chewed the inside of my lip,"What do you mean by that?"
He didn't answer me, he just turned to Derek and lifted a brow,"Well? How about you tell her?"
I tilted my chin up, listening intently,"What is it?"
Derek sighed and shifted on his feet,"Erica and Boyd were afraid to go against the Kanima and the Argents. They thought that they were in danger, so they told me that they heard another pack in the woods. The two of them left and we haven't seen either of them since.
After we figured out the Kanima mess-"
Stiles stepped forward,"Ya, I almost died by the way!"
Isaac snickered,"We all did." Stiles made a face and stepped back. Those two still don't get along very well and I have no idea why.
"Anyways, continue." Peter added, motioning for Derek to continue.
He rolled his eyes,"So after that, there was no sign of them, but of another pack- an alpha pack."
"As in a whole pack of Alphas- I would know." Isaac confirmed with a sign of hatred towards them,"Besides, they did abduct me and tried to kill me."
My blood rose,"They what? Why didn't you tell me?!" I felt the change creeping up, but I forced it back. Just the words made me want to hurt someone.
Derek put his hand over Isaac's shoulder and lightly pushed him out of the way,"That's not important, what is important is that we find out who is leading them, and where we can find Erica and Boyd."
"If they're still alive." Peter muttered, stirring up unsettled air. All of us sighed.
Stiles lifted an arm in question,"Why? Why is he even here?"
Peter put his hands in his pockets, like he was actually important,"Because you need my knowledge."
"What knowledge? Do you know who is the alpha of alphas, hmm? No, because none of us do!" Stiles sassed, pacing in the room.
Scott gripped Stiles' shirt and stopped him in his tracks,"Stiles, man, just relax we'll find her."
Stiles ran a nervous hand through his hair that grew quite a bit since the last time I saw him. He dragged his hand over his mouth and nodded multiple times,"I know, I know."
"Who? I know that you can't be missing Erica that much." I said, suddenly confused.
Stiles shook his head,"No, it's my old friend. I knew her since we were kids. Whoever this alpha is, has her."
"You don't know that for sure." Derek informed, some how acting as an optimist.
Stiles huffed,"But I bet he or she does."
We remained in silence, until Peter's dreaded tones interrupted.
"There's only one way to find out." Peter was just waiting for us to ask. Stiles shrugged, unsure of what he was getting at. But he still didn't answer.
"What is it?" I barked, growing impatient by the minute with his suspense.
"We re-watch the memories of someone who was in their clutches."
We all looked at each other several times until it sunk it.
I shook my head,"No, we're not doing that." I knew what he meant and I wasn't going to let it happen.
"I'm afraid it's the only way." He tisked, as if he actually cared.
"What does he mean by that?" Isaac asked confusedly. Obviously he doesn't yet know the ritual to tapping into one's memory.
"He means that we watch your memories by stabbing his claws into the back of your neck. But we're not going to do it." I aimed the last part at Peter.
Isaac suddenly looked alarmed,"But I don't even remember what happened!" His voice was shaken. That's understandable from a rookie.
"The memories are still there in your head, only you can't access it. The ritual has been used for hundreds of years by packs to tap into another werewolf's memory. It's how they figured out situations like these, although they aren't always accurate, so I say no." I crossed my arms firmly and glared at Peter.
"But it's the-"
"No! I won't let you violate his head!" I yelled, stepping towards him. I felt my eyes change and my chest rumbled with growls. Scott held me back firmly.
Peter swallowed his intimidation and turned to Derek,"Tell her."
Derek looked at him, then back to me. He sighed loudly,"He's right, Aria."
"That's a first." I sarcastically muttered. My eyes flickered back and Scott released me,"There has to be another way. Deaton has to know something."
I glanced at Scott for an answer, but he shrugged.
Derek moved in front of me and gripped both of my shoulders,"Aria, listen to me. Isaac will be fine, we just need to try and figure out who took Erica and Boyd." His eyes took my responsive expression in.
I don't want Peter to do the ritual, since I can't trust him anymore. Once someone screws up that massively, there's no way I can forgive them. Anything could happen with this; either Peter can overlook too many memories, or he can hurt Isaac in the process. I've heard of pack members who didn't survive it. I can't let that happen to Isaac. I promised that I would keep Isaac safe and I still believe in that. He's my responsibility.
I huffed loudly and wiggled out of his grip,"Fine, whatever." I grumbled,"But I still don't trust him."
Peter raised his arms sarcastically,"I'm right here, you know." It's like he is actually getting tired of being treated like shit- well, he better get used to it.
I narrowed my eyes at him and smirked,"Good, then now you know."

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