>>3<< So We Meet Again

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Several Months Later...

It's been a good 6 months since the tøp show where I finally saw Mark again, and met the boys. Even still Liz teases me about not giving his jacket back. "It's been 6 months Liz, let it go already!" I scold her, popping another salt and vinegar chip into my mouth.

"please, you'll be hearing about this 6 years from now, when you and Josh are happily married with little Dun babies. I'll tell them how you met at the concert, and how he gave you his jacket and BAM! Next thing you know you're married to Josh Dun! Ooff!" she exclaimed, nearly falling of the bed in the process.
"yeah right," I threw a pillow from her bed, which she dodged. " I doubt he even remembers who I am." I slouch my shoulders at the thought.
"Of course he remembers you!! He gave you his freaking jacket!! You are currently in possession of Josh Dun's jacket, one that he gave to you because he saw you were cold. If that's not worth remembering than I don't know what is!" She gestured to Josh's "Panic! At The Disco" sweatshirt I was currently wearing. Pathetic, I know. I tugged on the sleeves an thought about what Liz had explained to me. Did he really remember me? What would happen if I saw him again? Would I ever see him again? A million thoughts raced through my mind, scenarios blurred past my brain, all trying to create a game plan.
"It'll be great," I heard Liz say, telling me she had been talking for a while. "You're coming with me aren't you?" she turned to me with a huge grin.

"Yeah sure," I had no idea what I was agreeing to.
Liz clapped her hands in excitement, "get ready! we're leaving in an hour!" I really should have listened when she was talking. Because I hadn't been listening, I didn't know where we wear going, not did I know what I should wear. I rummaged through Liz's bathroom to find the small makeup bag I kept here for times like these, when Liz decided to drag me to random places after spending the day or night in her apartment. I applied some concealer, mascara and winged out my current eyeliner, deciding it would be great for any occasion. Liz came out if her closet in a pair of ripped red jeans, a worn black v-neck and red beanie. Casual, awesome. I stowed away the small bag and headed for Liz's closest. After searching for a good 5 minutes I found my "I prefer the drummer" tank-top I had lent her about a month earlier. I paired the top with a red snap-back, ripped black jeans, and my pair of white converse. I tied Josh's hoodie around my waist before walking towards the bathroom again.
Liz scanned my outfit before playfully punching my arm, "yeah ya do," she laughed while I stood there confused. Brushing it off as a weird Liz thing, I put my hair into loose curls before putting the hat back on. Liz stood in the kitchen, filling a cross body bag with money, water, and some portable phone chargers.
"sup nerd?" I jumped onto the island and took a bite of the pizza sitting on the plate next to me.
"nothing much, what about you dork?" she continued to check her bag for everything.
"Just getting ready for our mystery location," I jumped off the island and followed Liz to her car.
"You really weren't listening were you?" she laughed while we jogged down the stairs to the parking lot. "Nope" I popped the 'p' and opened the passenger door of the car.
"This sure will be interesting for be then," Liz started the car and pulled out of the complex. 

>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<

We pulled into a concert hall I recognized from work and stepped into the lobby. A wall of air conditioning surrounded us as we stepped through the doors. Liz showed the security two landyards she pulled out of her bag. He lead us to a small room with around 10 other people and a small stage taking up most of the room. Liz grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front, where we sat criss cross about a foot way form the slightly raised stage. The whole room hushed as a single man made his way to the center of the stage. This wasn't any show, Liz had taking me to a twenty one pilots private show. "I hate you Liz." I murmured.
"We both now that's not true," she turned and winked at me. Tyler serenaded us with "Tear in My Heart", "The Judge", and "Lovley". Multiple cheers filled the small room, Tyler walked off with a giant smile plastered to his face. The room quickly emptied except for Liz and I, and a few security guards. I herd Josh talking to Tyler backstage.
"Josh! Josh, she's here! She was out there! She came back to see you!" Tyler squealed, most likely jumping up and down.
"You're sure, it's her?" Josh asked hopefully. They couldn't have been talking about me, Tyler only made eye contact with me like twice the whole show.
"Positive, she was with her friend, ya know, the one with the blonde hair with like, purple ends or something," Tyler explained.
"it's maroon," Liz coughed and nudged me, "told you he remembered," she smirked.
"Shut up Liz," I replied a little too loud and elbowed her.
"This can't b-" backstage went silent, "Tyler, did you hear that?" Josh's footsteps neared the edge of the stage.
"'Shut up Liz,' yeah," Tyler laughed in response.
"Go for the door on 3," I whispered to Liz. "1...2....." Two sets of steps neared the stage. "3!" we bolted for the door and panted in the hallway.
"Is anybody still here?" Josh asked the room, now empty of fans. We walked briskly back outside to the line outside the venue. We slipped in between some of our friends who were already in line. A few shouts of protest flooded our ears, but no one really noticed or cared.
"You're going to have to see them after the show. I'm not giving up these tickets" Liz demanded. I sighed in defeat. Liz really wouldn't give up, even if she had to drag me backstage and tie me to a chair, I would end up there anyway.
"Fine I'll go, but YOU keep you're mouth shut." I pointed at her, "This is between me and Josh, I don't want you intervening. Got it?" I continued.

Liz slouched a little in line "Got it." she mumbled.

   The doors opened. Josh, Tyler, and Mark scanned the crowd. They made their way down the line, slowly but surely making our way towards us. "Do you want anything? I'm going to the merch stand," the boys were about halfway to us.
Liz bought my escape, "yeah! go get me a shirt and hoodie," she handed me a stack of bills. I hurried away towards the booth. 

>>>>> <<<<<
I ended up with a hoodie, two "Goner" shirts and a beanie. I made my way back to the line, checking to see if Josh and Tyler had past Liz. I slipped back in line, handing Liz her change and bag of merchandise. She gave me a sour look. "You knew they were coming didn't you? That's why you left!" I tried to hold back a smile but failed.
"yeah," I suddenly became extremely interested in some pebbles lying on the pavement.
"I'll get you for this Mae!" she set some place holders down and walked away. I pulled Josh's hoodie on and found a group of ukulele players and asked a girl with a "Tyler,you're out of the band," shirt, who told me her name was Chloe, if I could borrow hers. She gladly handed me the mahogany concert ukulele.
After thanking her, I turned to the small group, "You guys know Glowing Eyes?" several cheers were scattered throughout the crowd. "I'll take that as a yes," I laughed and sat down on the sidewalk.

"We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids,

Culture forbids. 

We have romantic fantasizes about what dying truly is,

Fall off the grid.  

We live for, the nights decor, it reveals what we dream of.

I know there's someone at the door, they called for help of this I'm sure.

But do I want to say goodbye to all the glowing eyes?

I'm holding on to what I know, and what I know I must let go.

But I would rather sing a song, for the eyes to sing along.

the eyes so sing a long, long, long."  I sang and played with the rest of the group. for whatever reason everyone got really quiet. Right as I was about to sing Josh's part, someone beat me to it.
They sounded exactly like Josh, but I resisted the urge to look up, and continued to concentrate on the chords. They sang with me through the end of the song, harmonizing and adding a little but of improv. Everyone cheered as we all sang the last "Make them stop," After handing Chloe her ukulele, I slowly rose my gaze to the figure sitting in front of me. He wore black Vans, black ripped jeans and a dark gray muscle tank.
His sleeve of tattoos looked so familiar, I could have sworn- "Hey." he scratched the back of his neck nervously. Josh was sitting in front of me. I just sang a duet with Josh Dun. "Hey, haven't seen you in a while" I laughed nervously. He stood up and held out his hand to help me.
"Let's go inside, I've got to talk to you for a mintue," I took his hand and stood up. Liz smirked at me as we walked past, I stuck out my tongue in response.
Josh lead me to his dressing room and closed the door. "make yourself at home," He gestured to the couch and chair in the corner of the room.  I sat down on the couch and waited as Josh searched through the small fridge. His mop of red hair popped up to face me, "You want a RedBull?"  
"Yeah, thanks," he tossed me the can and sat next to me on the couch. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about, RedBull?" I laughed and adjusted my position, I now was sitting criss-cross facing Josh.
"No actually, though that was nice," he chuckled. Our laughter died down. "It's actually about last time I saw you...."

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