>>30<< Beach Babe

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y'all are lucky i'm a little ocd and can't have the chapters be sitting at 29 but this still took me forever cause i don't know how to plan out stories ¯\_()_/¯

You can't live in LA and not go to the beach. So that's exactly what I did.

With my small beach bag packed I jumped in my car and just drove till I saw the water. I ended up at a little corner of what looked like an extension of a larger beach a couple miles down. So I set up my towel and shoes, being sure to hide my phone even though there wasn't very many people here.

There was a small group in the water, another playing 'keep it up' in a volleyball circle. A couple kids building sandcastles and others looking for seashells, pretty picturesque if I do say so myself.

I approached the circle of what looked like mostly guys in their early 20s. A couple girls were scattered in the small group but they were obviously outnumbered.

"Mind if I join?" I pulled my ever growing blonde hair into a high ponytail while one of the boys trotted off to grab the stray ball. A chorus of 'nah's 'go for it's and other positive responses allowed the circle to get a little bigger.

A boy returned, well built I'll admit, his light brown skin dusted with sand, and not-so-slyly looked me over and gave a small wolf-whistle after already harassing a couple girls on his way over. I rolled my eyes and urged him to start the game.

Series of bumps, sets, flying arms and the occasional foot kept the volleyball going for a hot minute, then as if the karma gods were smiling upon me, a perfect set came my direction. Shuffling backwards a bit, I set up before sprinting towards the circle. I jumped what seemed like 20 feet and pounded my hand into the ball, sending it straight onto the foot of  Mr. 'I'm Attractive So I Can Treat Women How I Want'. The sound of the ball making contact with his foot turned a couple heads as well as causing a few winces within the circle.

His brown eyes filled with anger as he stared me down, to which I replied as innocently as possible; "Well, by what you're wearing, you were practically begging for it." A couple circle members 'ooo'ed while others encouraged to get the game going again. I was satisfied to say the least.


The group dispersed after a couple more intense rounds of 'keep it up'. Three of the friend group approached me; a brunette in an aqua bikini, who's hair was neatly tucked into a french braid, a muscular redhead that towered over the girls in yellow swim trunks, and a girl the reminded me of Bubbles from the PowerPuff Girls adorned in a baby blue one piece. "Hey, um, I'm Katy, this is Quinn and Jenni," Bubbles spoke, pointing to the other two, "we just wanted to thank you for putting Trey in his place. He can be uh.." she trailed off, looking to the others for the right word.

"An idiot? Stupid? Totally unaware of comfort zones? Arrogant? A huge-" The brunette was cut off by Mr. Yellow-shorts. She continued to rattle off insults, or truths I guess, about this 'Trey' character, even through the barrier of Redhead's hand.

"Easy there tiger," He laughed, the brunette, who had yet to have a temporary name, still talking underneath his hand.

"I, uh, I was gonna say difficult but yours work too I guess," Katy, who I would most likely to always be remembered as Bubbles, shrugged shyly.

"Uh, Yeah, no problem? Mae," I responded gesturing to myself.

I hung out with the small group from the volleyball circle for a while before heading home and/or to Josh's. He was getting ready to go on tour again, a small one but a tour nonetheless.

I made a last minute decision to bypass my house and go straight to Josh's, my hair still stiff and tangled with sea water. "Honey, I'm home!" I swung open the door like a cheesy 50s sitcom; no answer. I plopped down on the couch and repeated my sentence, louder this time. "Honey!! I'm home!!" Still nothing. "HONEY, IM HOME!" Silence. With a shrug I walked until my feet meet my favorite square foot of tile, the foot in front of the fridge. I then proceeded to raid Josh's fridge of all the good snacks.

I waddled back to the couch, trying not to drop anything from the mountain of food in my arms. The door knob twitched and Josh walked through into his house. Obviously I froze like a deer in the headlights, because I was standing there, in his house, with half his fridge in my arms.

The yellow haired dork I call my boyfriend looked me dead in the eyes, then down at my collection, then back to my face before bursting into laughter. "What on earth are you doing?"

I adjusted the pile in my arms and shoved a handful of chips in my mouth, still looking at Josh. "Stealing your food, duh. What does it look like I'm doing?" He shook his head but didn't try to stop me, so I returned to the couch.

"But you're coming with me to the gym tomorrow morning Little Ms. Garbage Disposal," Josh laughed and reached over the back of the couch into a bag of I don't even know what flavor chips. I looked at him slightly appalled by the words that had just come out of that boy.

"Fight me Highlighter Head," I shot back, causing him to turn around from the walk to his room.

"You know I hate you right?"

"Don't lie to yourself you love me almost as much as your Oreos,"

"Key word...almost," Josh winked
and walked down the hall. Man I love/hate that boy.

heyyoooo! not gonna lie i love writing this but i feel like it's not going anywhere :// i reeaallyyyy want it to but i'm at a writing brick wall rn.
votes and shares are great BUT COMMENTS LITERALLY MAKE MY DAY :)))) y'all are hilarious so keep talking

-abby :))

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