>>20<< Roadtrips

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Today was the day. Josh and I were about to make a 6 hour drive to see my family. The both of us were nervous wrecks, but kept assuring each other that everything would be ok. So, with the car full of luggage and snacks, we headed out. I typed the address into Josh's car gps.
"I'm going to sleep good night," With my pillow up against the passenger side window, I started to drift off.
"It's only 8:00 but okay," The muted laugher was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.

About an hour later, I woke up to find Josh jamming out."WOAH, WE'RE HALFWAY THERE!" he sang.
"WOAH! LIVIN' ON A PRAYER!" Josh jumped as I yelled the next lyrics. He grabbed my hand and we sang the next part in unison.
I rolled down my window and cranked up the stereo, blasting the music so loud we could feel the drum beat in our souls. Just how I liked it. This went on for another hour, then I plugged my phone into the aux cord.
"You better not play trash," the driver joked.
"No promises," I flashed a cheeky smile and hit play. The familiar piano of 'Glowing Eyes' boomed through the speakers of Josh's car. He lightly drummed the steering wheel, I don't think he had realized which song it was.
"We all are stranger creatures than when we all started out as kids," 2011 Tyler and I sang together, my eyes never leaving Josh's face so i could catch his reaction. He gave me the side-eye and raised an eyebrow.
"How did I not see this coming?"
"Because I," Josh turned the music down slightly, "am extremely-"

"Cute? Obsessed? Insane?" He interrupted.
"Yes, but no, I was going to say I'm unpredictable you dirk!" The two of us were laughing before I redirected my boyfriend's attention back to the road.
"It is our song," Josh argued. My head turned in confusion, "from the concert in April? When you tired to run away from me," He teased. I put my face in my hands to hide the pink tint it had acquired. "Hey," the boy with the fading pink hair tugged on my arm remove my hands from over my eyes. "I love you," he quickly leaned over and kissed me.
"I love you too loser,"

The sun began to hide behind what seemed like endless mountains, painting the sky with pastel purples pinks, blues and oranges. Clouds turned to cotton candy as they caught beams of pink and orange, adding to the water colored desert landscape.

"Pull over at this gas station," I pointed to the station off the highway. And Josh did. We filled up the tank, grabbed a couple more snacks, took another pee break and got back in the car. "I'll drive the rest," I motioned for him to toss me the keys. They clattered when hitting my palms.
"I'm taking a nap, don't turn the music up too loud," Josh laid his head on the pillow I had propped up against the window.
"Goodnight," And with that, I pulled out of the parking lot with a lemonade and a sleepy drummer.

So I took advantage of the quiet and sang along to "Holiday".
"Why don't you sing more often?" Josh asked, nearly giving me a heart attack in the process , his eyes were still closed.
"I could ask you the same thing Dun," My eyes didn't leave the road, though I knew the way by heart. "Don't think I don't know that you did in 'Glowing Eyes because whoo, boy you got some pipes!"
"Thanks," The drummer mumbled with a small chuckle. " I just get nervous, that's all,"
"Same, now get some sleep,"

"Josh," His cheek bouncing back each time I poked it. The once pink sky was now the perfect shade of dark blue, and we were sitting at the front of the Brighton family ranch house. "Joshua wake up," Josh's eyes fluttered open and he looked around, slightly confused. "We're here,"

yay i can update! sorry i suck at everything...whoops. anyway, 300 reads 🙌🙌 when i stated writing this i honestly thought no one would read it but here we are so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! lots of hugs for all of you. i also high key love hearing form you guys so don't be afraid to comment! it is guaranteed to make my day so that's cool i guess 👌🏻😎😂

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