>>22<< Adventure is Out There

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After waking up Josh-less, I got dressed and headed upstairs to find my dad basically interrogating him.

"Joshua, I'm sure you're a great guy. I just want to make sure you'll be able to be there for your future family with all this touring and music business,"

"I can assure you Mr. Brighton, I'll be there for Mae, and our possible family," My face curled into a smile at Josh's response while I continued to eavesdrop, countless nieces and nephews scurrying past me.

"Thats what I like to hear. She's lucky to have someone who loves her as much as you do, don't ruin that," He nodded and I took that as a que to walk in.
"Morning," I chirped, wrapping my arms loosely around Josh's neck, placing my chin on his head due to his position at the table.
"Morning," they chorused.
"Dad, if you're done trying to chase Josh away, I'm gonna show him around," My dad looked at me in mock offense.
"I was not trying to chase him away!"
"Mmhm," Josh followed me to the pantry while I continued the conversation with my dad. "What'd you  want?" We stood in front of the array of sugary cereals that sat on the top shelf.
"You don't have Waffle Crisp, so Ima have to go with...Reese's Puffs,"
Josh decided, pulling the box down.

We sat in comfortable silence for a minute or two, eating out cereal before heading out on our adventure.
"You ready?" My voice was somewhat muffled by the cereal still in my mouth. Josh hummed and took both our bowls to the sink. "Lets go!" I grabbed his hand and lead him to our makeshift garage.

After grabbing the keys, I gestured for Josh to sit behind me on one of the three ATVs we have stored up here. He cautiously strattled the seat, wrapping his arms around me. "Y-You sure this is safe?" Said Josh, over the start of the engine.
"Please, I've been doing this since I was ten,"  And with that we sped off.

(time skip brought to you by my lack of constant updates)

We finally landed back at Josh's place after the week long reunion. "You should just stay here," The drummer pleaded.
"I wish I could, but that just won't work," A list began to form in my head of all the reasons I couldn't stay with Josh in LA.
"But whhhyyyyyy?" Josh was starting to sound like Alya.
"I have work, and Liz, and an apartment that I finally am unpacked in, I haven't been home in 3 and a half months, Josh I have a life there," My counter took a more serious turn than I was expecting.
"But I'm here" My slightly taller boyfriend grabbed both my hands. "And so is Brendon, and you could work for us, and you'd be closer to your family, could you please just consider it?" He pleaded while we walked back to his car.
"Josh I really want to, but now is really not the time for me to move," A small frown adorned Josh's face, which I placed a sweet kiss on before continuing. "But I love you, and I promise I'll come visit,"
He looked up at me, with a sad smile and small tears forming. "You better,"
With that Josh gave me a passionate kiss before placing the remaining luggage in the trunk.
"Now get me to the airport before I miss you too much,"
"Call me when you land," My now blonde boyfriend requested. "And be safe so I can see you again," We rocked side to side in the middle of the airport. "And don't forget that I love you,"
"I promise,"
"Go get that cute butt of yours on the plane so you can come back," Josh lightly tapped my bottom and released me from his warm embrace.
"Shut up," I laughed, starting to blush."I love you,"
"Love you too," Then the distance between us grew. But distance means so little, when a person means so much.

Hey hey hey! It's short and I'm sorry but it's going. You guys are literally the best and I love you all, thanks for sticking with me ❤️

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