>>19<< Segway Races

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I woke up on the couch, a sleeping Josh on the opposite side.  We must have fallen asleep after binge watching 'Stranger Things'. On my way to the kitchen, I cleaned up the half eaten box of pizza we had ordered last night that sat on the coffee table. I slid the box into the fridge and began my search for breakfast ingredients. After I mentally called Josh a liar, I started to prepare some scrambled eggs for the two of us. It took longer than expected to find all the pots and pans and things, but I eventually got started.
A little while later, a groggy Josh wandered into the kitchen. He opened the fridge then closed it with a frustrated sigh. A quiet laugh pushed its way through my lips, causing Josh to do a double take.
"Is this a dream?" He rubbed his eyes, "There's a beautiful girl in my kitchen and she's making me breakfast,"
"I can assure you that this is not a dream," The eggs now sat on two white plates beside the stove.
"Thank goodness," Josh exaggerated, "if it was a dream, I wouldn't be able to do this!" He jumped behind me and immediately began to tickle my sides. I jumped, my hand brushing the still scolding pan.
"Ow! Josh stop," I cradled my burnt index finger.
His fingers froze, "Oh crap," Josh muttered under his breath. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that would happen. Are you ok? Dang it! I don't think I have any bandaids-" The flustered boy scurried around the kitchen.
"Josh, I'm gonna be fine, just grab me a paper towel," He did as I asked. After running the water as cold as it would go, I soaked the paper towel and wrapped it around my bright red finger. "Now, eat these and go get dressed, we need food," I handed Josh a plate and shooed him to the table.
"Ok mom," He mocked jokingly.
"Shut up," I treated the minor burn before joining him with my own plate.

"Ok, I'll grab cereal, and meet you by the produce," Josh nodded and headed off with his cart to get some completely (un)nessesariy ice cream. With a list in hand, I headed to the cereal aisle. 

Moments later, Josh and I met at the produce section. We examined each other's items and were satisfied with our haul. There was a small argument about who would pay, but other than that it was all good in the hood, and by hood I mean Walmart. After condensing our purchase down to one cart, the two of us walked into the parking lot, trying to decide what to do for the rest of the day. Josh kept suggesting crazy things like hiking and taking walking tours. That is not what I signed up for.
"How bout we just go home and put these away first, then we can decide what we're doing," I gestured to the plastic bags I was placing in the trunk of Josh's small car.
"Right, groceries," he let out a chuckle and continued to load our food into the trunk.

Once we had put everything away, Josh started a Google search for things to do in LA.
"What if we rented Segways? Then you can still be lazy but I can show you around," He suggested, looking at me from across the table.
"That actually sounds sick," I told him, scooping another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth. The drummer reached over and stole a bite while I wiped off the melted dessert from my chin. "r00d Jish, that was r00d!" He just laughed as I scolded him for stealing my cookie dough ice cream.
"Alright, so we'll leave in like an hour?"
"Yeah, sure,"

• (is it just me or are there too many time skips? my mind tends to go all over the place...)

So that's what we did. An hour later, we drove to a small building and rented a few Segways.
"Here, lemme help you," Josh tightened the strap of my helmet and placed a sincere, though small, kiss on my forehead.
"Thanks dood," I smiled and sped forward.
"Wait for me you dipcrap!" Josh was soon right behind me. "leaving me in the dust, some girlfriend you are," He mumbled jokingly.
"If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen!" My Segway was circling around him.
"Is that a challenge?"
"It might be..."
"Oh you're on," Josh's lips curled into a smirk. "first one to the fountain wins,"
"Three!" We yelled in unison, both headed for the fountain a few hundred yards ahead of us.

I was ahead of Josh for the better half of the race, but he pulled through and beat me at the last second.
"I hate you," A fake frown took a place on my face (that rhymes:)) ).
"Aw, is whittle Mae sad cause she wost?" Josh mocked in a baby tone. "Let Joshie give you a kiss," He puckered his lips dramatically and leaned toward me, causing me to burst into laughter.
"ok fine," I quickly kissed him and started to head back to our make-shift starting line. "but you look really dumb,"
Both of us started to laugh. "It's a Segway, who doesn't look dumb?"
lNow," Josh had caught up with me now, "let me show you my favorite part of the whole city,"

"Here," We stopped a couple of miles away from the rental place. There was a small field and a couple of trees.
"This is your favorite place?" I was somewhat unimpressed by the sight.
"No," he turned me around, "this is,"
Instead of small trees and grass, there was a beautiful view of Los Angeles.
"It's beautiful,"
"I can only think of one other thing that's prettier,"
"And what's that?" I turned to find him already staring back at me.

HEY IM HERE!! I finished the chapter yay me! low key almost at 300 reads. what! you guys are amazing btw, I'd love to know what y'all want so let me know :)) qotd? random things that happened to me? whatever
-Abby 🤘🏻

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