>>27<< Just Get Me Tacos and Let Me Sleep

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{first off sorry i'm a terrible human being and didn't touch this story for a month. writing is hard. i'm actually a really terrible human sorry }

After a few bittersweet hugs and many tears shed by all involved, I stepped inside the U-HAUL truck that currently held my entire life. In the front seat sat a couple (and by a couple I mean about 12) energy drinks of different brands and flavors, my camera, laptop, and a tote bag full of snacks. The apartment complex, street, city and soon state, I had once called home became a line of lights in the rear view mirror. I had crossed the point of no return {starts singing phantom of the opera bc i'm a NeRD}.

29 hours, 15 gas stations, nearly my entire music library, a half dozen states and 3 energy drinks later, I pulled over, not entirely sure why, but I did. I sat there for a hot minute, the events of the past 32 hours running through my mind. Sleep deprived and overwhelmed with anxiety and loneliness, I sat there, on the side of who knows what highway in Utah. I did what any person would have done had they been driving by themselves for almost 30 hours, I screamed. I screamed out of frustration, out of lack of sleep and missing my friends. I swear most of the people on the highway thought I was insane, but half of them will probably never see my face again. After wiping a couple tears with the sleeves of Liz's hoodie, I grabbed my camera. I nearly tripped stepping out of the truck, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I had absolutely no idea what time it was, but what I did know was that 1) I was roughly 5 hours from LA, 2) Highways are pretty aesthetic, and 3) The sun was giving me great lighting and a cool looking sky. Finally, something that wasn't completely insane.

A couple minutes into my meditation/photo shoot (same thing right?), a voice called out, pulling me out of my focus.
"Excuse me? Ms. is everything alright?" a slightly heavy English accent caused me to turn, using my face still buried in the camera. The rising sun gave him a slight glow and I couldn't not take a picture. "Ms?"

"Oh right, sorry," He spoke again while I lowered the camera, till it hung around my neck.

"You alright?" He took a couple steps forward.

"My car is fine, yeah, thanks" My hands fiddled with the switches and dials that covered the device in my hand, no doubt screwing up my settings.

"But are you alright? It's not everyday you see a girl and a U-HAUL on the side of the highway at 5 am,"

"Who are you anyway?" With a sudden burst of confidence I took a couple strides in his direction, "I don't wanna hand all my problems on some random

"You gotta fair point blondie," The man stepped on the tire, and climbed up on the hood of my orange and white rental truck. "the name's Alex," he adjusted the gray beanie on his head, chocolate locks peaking through the edges of his hat. With a nod I looked at the ground, small pebbles shaking as cars sped past us. There was a couple seconds of silence between us, the whiz of cars and wind made them far from actual silence, but still.

"D'you want truth or sugar?" I looked up at Alex, who continued to sit atop the moving truck.

"Truth," He replied without looking up from his shoes. I don't know what I was expecting but I was slightly taken aback, not knowing how to answer. "We'll go on love, don't be shy,"

"I-uh I'm alright, I think,"  Alex jumped off the hood as if it were nothing, making his way over to me.

"Alrighty then," he pulled a pen from behind his ear and took my hand. "Let me know if you need anything,"

The brunette scribbled something on my hand, while I flickered my attention between his face, which was slightly scrunched with the tip of his tongue sticking out as he wrote, and the pineapple Vans that were neatly tied on his feet. Before I knew what was happening, Alex kissed my forehead and disappeared down the highway.

Once back in the safety of the truck, I checked my hand, finding a series of numbers sprawled on the back of my palm. Without a second thought the number was in my phone, and i was back on the road.

The sun shone over the seemingly endless road, before a sign appeared that I had waited nearly 2 days to see. Welcome to California

After finally turning onto the street where my new little house sat, I called the U-Haul place, asking for a couple guys to help me unload the truck. I was too tired to do it, and though I was pretty broke, I coughed up the extra money. The dudes climbed into now empty truck after I thanked and paid them, leaving me completely alone in a new city.

Without anything better to do, I Übered over to Josh's, not knowing if he was home or not, cause I was too lazy to unpack, but too stubborn to sleep on the floor. I still had a key so when I got there, the couch was mine.

"What are you doing?!" Josh's excited voice rung through the house.

"Trying to sleep, duh," He ran up and showered my face with kisses.

"Josh, as much as I love you, I've been up for almost two days straight so please just get me tacos and let me sleep"

-abby 🤘🏻👽❤️

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