>>26<< Decisions Decisions

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>>1 month later<<

Josh and I have been apart for a little over a month, not including the period of time he was in LA before flying up with no luggage, and he continued to pester me about moving. Even from his short European tour, 3,000+ miles away.

"Maaaee," A slightly pixelated Josh whined over FaceTime.

"Joooossh" I shot back in a similar tone.

"Pleeeeaaaaassse will you move out to LA?"

"I told you I'll think about it," laughter mixed with words answered the question that he had asked so many times.

"Can you think a little faster? I miss you," a somewhat fake frown drooped across Josh's face.

"I'm working on it, chill out," after adjusting the phone's position I spoke again, "I'll talk to you later, mmk? I'm meeting Liz for lunch,"

"Okkk" the drummer dragged, "See you later, love you," he puckered his lips.

"Love you too, mwah" I laughed and hit the red button, causing josh to disappear from my half dead phone.
Adjusting my olive green sweater, I stood up from the couch. Keys in hand, my phone was slipped into the back pocket of light wash jeans that clung to my legs.
Liz and I sat at a cute blue table in the cool November air outside a local cafe.
"So, what'd you decide?" Liz took  a sip of her peppermint mocha, looking at me for an answer.

"That's the million dollar question isn't it?" Her newly dyed lavender hair bobbed as Liz nodded in agreement. With I sigh I finally answered. "I think I'm gonna do it," She was slightly taken back.
"You are?!" I nodded and sipped the hot chocolate that sat in front of me. "Have you told him yet?"

"Not exactly..." the once blonde girl glared at me for a spit second, "but I'm working on it," Liz slightly rolled her eyes, "What?! I am," cI huffed in defense.

"I'm gonna miss you, so much," Liz made the conversation take a darker turn.

"Yeah, me too," a sad smile rose to my face along with the steam from my cup of hot chocolate.

"I hope you know that you are now obligated to get me concert tickets right?" I couldn't quite tell if she was joking.

"Anytime, I mean..what are best friends who date the drummer of your favorite band for?"

"This is why we're friends,"


The smell of fresh carpet and sawdust punched me in the face when I walked into the Home Depot. With a sigh I strolled through the tall aisles, filling an orange cart with flat brown squares.

A small old woman, with warm eyes and a crinkly smile, ran up my purchase, asking me about my day and such. I thanked her and pushed the loud cart to my car, filling the trunk with its contents. On the drive home I answered a FaceTime from the one any only Joshua Dun, dangerous I know, but what can I say, l love the guy.
"Hey, no you can't see me, yes I'm driving, yes I know I shouldn't be but don't hang up,"

"There goes three of my questions," at a red light I adjusted the position so he could see me. "There she is!" With a roll of my eyes I kept driving.

"Here I am," left turn, switch lanes.

"Where are you going?" Turn signal on, right turn. My reply was a simple 'home' to which he asked where I was coming from.

"Home Depot, I had to pick up stuff for my apartment," he groaned slightly, "what?" I scoffed.

"I just miss you,"

"How bout this, when I get back, I'll show you what I got,"

"I doubt that'll help but sure," a knock sounded on the door of whatever room Josh was in.

"Start getting ready, you gotta show to do," The boy nodded, his again almost blonde locks bouncing while I cut the engine. With keys and a large box in hand, I made the trek up two whole flights of stairs to my apartment. Dropping the contents of my arms onto the floor, I plopped on the couch, watching Josh scurry around the room, occasionally disappearing out of frame, only to reappear a moment later, looking slightly different.

"Do I look ok?" Hands gesturing to his outfit, a ski mask resting on the mop of faded hair like a beanie.

"Do you ever not look ok?" Without looking at the screen I could tell josh was rolling his eyes. "Now go drum your heart out,"

"Wait, you never told me what you got," Josh adjusted the pins securing the thin tie to his shirt.

"Oh, right. Yeah," with a sigh I confirmed one of the biggest decisions of my life, "I got boxes,"

And the look on his face was priceless.


Heyo! Sorry this took forever and is terrible but ¯\_()_/¯

Bloop bloop badoop
-Abby 🤘🏻❤️👽

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