>>31<< Sometimhier's

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sup broskis im back after too long yes i know feel free to yell at me but not too much i'm just a bean; please and thank you. also this was the first chapter i had people asking me to update so that was kinda cool, it probably mostly cause i'm an uninspired potato that's takes forever to do things but o whale ALSO 20k WHAAAAA

>>several weeks later<<
Someone knocked on my door at around 11:30, pulling me out of hibernation. The heatwave called summer had hit California with almost the same amount of force it hit Vegas when I was growing up. It's too hot to do anything except sleep honestly.

A blast of 110° heat hit me like a ton of bricks when I opened the door to find my favorite bright haired boy. "What'd'you want?"

"Well good morning to you too," Josh looked like he had been up for hours, contrary to the maximum of 5 minutes I had been up.

"Get in here it's too hot," Josh obliged and we both retreated into the AC. "Ok, so I love you and all but why are you here?" I whined, "It's 11:40 and you know I'm not a functioning human being until at least noon,"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but I had to come over," The drummer sympathized, "but-"

"Wait," I interrupted, making my way to the kitchen,"what day is it?" the fridge was both full and empty at the same time. There was food, just not the food I wanted.

"June 20th," The bright haired boy answered as if it were obvious.

"But like what's happening today?" I wracked my brain for important dates. Anniversary? No thats next month, Birthday? Just happened. Maybe a Quinceañera? Nah, there's not any Latino in Josh...I think.

Josh chuckled, "you forgot? I thought that was supposed to be my job,"

I closed the fridge dramatically and locked eyes with the bright haired boy across the room. "You're kidding," I hoped, "please tell me you're kidding," He shook his head, "Well what'd I forget?"

Josh's mouth opened to say something, but he changed his mind; a mischievous smile spread across his face. "That's for me to know and you to figure out,"

"You're kidding," I started at Josh in disbelief, "please tell me you're not actually doing this," He raised an eyebrow, telling me he was, in fact, doing this. I looked around a little more, finding a severe lack of food in Josh's hands. "You mean to tell me that you came into my house, before 11:00 mind you, are refusing to tell me what Im forgetting, and you didn't even bring me food?!"

He smiled sheepishly, "Sorry?" I shook my head a muttered under my breath something along the lines of how ridiculous it was.

"Ok, but like why are you here? Are we going somewhere or..." I questioned the empty handed boy who still had yet to explain why he was here.

"Oh yeah, we're getting on a plane in 2 hours," Josh explained nonchalantly. At least I have bags packed and all information about today...oh wAIT I DONT.

In a slight panic I gathered my things from around the house, "Mae, chill," Josh laughed, "I called Liz to tell me everything you needed, it's already in the car,"

After putting the few last minute items in my purse, I grabbed Josh's face, little pieces of his fluorescent hair dangling in front of his eyebrows, and gave him a chaste kiss. "I'm not sure what we're doing but thank you," laughter squeezed through my words, and a smile spread across both of our faces.

Josh grabbed my hand while I grabbed my purse and together we left for an unknown adventure (for me anyway).

"Last call for flight 3246" The intercom squealed, a muffled destination followed.

With a quick glance at the tickets Josh hurried me to boarding. Once we were settled, flight attendants paced the aisles, giving the infamous flight safety speech. I noticed the occasional phone peek over a seat, which I would assume were taking pictures of us but who really knows.

The next couple hours were filled with me trying to figure out what I had forgotten, where we were going and how much work I still had to do.

"I can't believe you forgot," Josh broke our silent streak with laughter, "I've been telling you for like weeks now," The pilot announced that'd we'd be landing soon and a small flurry of activity filled the plane.

"Hey, it's not my fault I have Somtimhier's!" I fired back, failing to hold back laughter of my own.

"Somtimhier's? Did you really just say that?" He looked at me in disbelief, "Somtimhier's? I'm 90% sure you made that up,"

"It's like Alzheimer's but only sometimes; Sometimehier's," I explained. Josh was still cracking up, gathering stares from surrounding passengers.
The plane slowly made it back to the ground, the screeching halt of the runway caused many people to stand up, ready to get off. Josh and I, now calmed down from our earlier conversation, grabbed our things and made it through the ocean of people; both on the plane and in the airport.

We stepped out into the mess of the city outside the airport. A familiar blue VW Beetle parked across the street nearly moved me to tears. I looked at Josh, basically asking for permission to run across the street, he nodded and I booked it; probably not the safest idea but whatever.

My beautiful best friend Elizabeth Washington climbed out of her car and immediately swallowed me into a much needed hug. "Welcome home,"

this took way too long and it's not that great sorry ma d00ds

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