>>17<< Home Again Home Again

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Josh and I flew back to Ohio a few days after MSG. He insisted on staying for a few hours before flying back to LA, which I did not appose. So now we sat in the couches in my apartment, with Liz and her new boyfriend; Dallas.
"Well," Liz patted Dallas' leg, "we better get going, we've got dinner with my family in an hour," she got up and pulled her boyfriend up with her.
"It was so good to see you again, and not over a screen this time," I hugged my best friend extra long to make up for the 3+ months without her.
"Definitely," After being released, she gave Josh a somewhat awkward side hug, and I did the same to Dallas. The boys shared a handshake and they were in their way. We sat back down after walking the couple out.
"When can I meet your family?" Josh asked. "You already met my mom like a year ago but I still haven't met yours,"
"I don't know if you're ready for them," I said half jokingly. Josh made a noise of confusion, "there's kind of a lot of them, not to mention they're a little crazy," I laid back so my head was in his lap.
"If they're anything like you I'm sure I won't have a problem," Josh replied with a cheesy grin.
"Stop! You're getting cute in my eye!" I immediately buried my face in his stomach to hide. Josh just laughed, I could feel his abs through the thin t-shirt. He kissed my exposed cheek, then proceeded to pepper my face with soft kisses. "I said stop," My head turned to reveal a face similar to an angry toddler's, even though I was trying not to laugh.
"Ok, fine," Josh let a few chuckles slip. "but seriously, when is that happening?"
I mentally went through my schedule, "My mom said something about a reunion in a few weeks, like just with my siblings and stuff," My gaze returned to face after wondering around the room. "You down?"
He was absentmindedly playing with my hair, which was spread out across his lap. "I'm down,"
"Cool," I said
"Where's it at?"
"We have like this cattle ranch thing, it's a few hours outside of Vegas," Josh nodded. He was still playing with my hair, and I wasn't sure if he was paying attention but let me tell you, he looked adorable. So, I sat up and kissed him. Josh looked at me as to say,'what was that for'.
"You just looked super cute and I wanted a kiss," I shrugged.
He chuckled softly, "You could have just asked,"
"So does that mean you are giving me permission to kiss you whenever I see fit?"
"I kind of signed up for that when I agreed to be your girlfriend...so, yeah,"
"Good to know," I could tell by the look on his face that he had made a mental note. "Hey, that reunion thing, it's in a few weeks right?"
"Yes?" There was no way I could have known where this was going.
"and I have to be at the airport in," Josh paused and checked his phone, "eh, 3 hours,"
"And, you should come stay with me! Then we can just take a road trip up there together,"  My bottom lip had made its way in between my teeth as I thought.
"I don't know,"
"Please! I'm gonna miss you so much,"
"You went 2 and a half months without me, a few weeks will be nothing,"
"But that was before I realized how great of a kisser you are!" The drummer whined. "Please just come,"
"Are you sure? We're going to have to drive like 7 hours,"
"Yes, I'm sure. Come on! It'll be fun!"  After weighing my options, I decided that I would miss Josh too, and a few extra weeks with him couldn't hurt.
"Fine, I'll go with you,"
Josh threw his fist into the air, "Yes!"
"I'll go pack,find me a plane ticket will ya? And don't you dare pay for it!" I handed him my laptop before disappearing into my room.
Bags packed and phone calls made, I took the computer from Josh to enter all the payment information. I was met with a 'thank you for your purchase' screen. "Joshua William Dun," I closed the laptop and tossed it into the couch.
"I told you not to pay! I am a strong independent female human and I am perfectly capable of paying for my plane ticket,"
"I know but I wanted to, plus I needed to switch my flight so we're on the same one,"
I rolled my eyes at the drummer, "You sir, are something else,"
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked in mock offense.

Multiple hours passed and a couple of movies were watched before I finally checked the time. 3:25 am, our flight was in 6 hours.
"I'm going to sleep, you're welcome to sleep anywhere," I got up from the couch and headed to my room.
There was clothes scattered throughout the room, some in need of a washing machine, so I picked up one of Josh's t-shirts I found in one of my tour suitcases, and a pair of running shorts. My previously abandoned bed was now holding a tired, jet lagged photographer. I was beginning to drift off to sleep, when the door to my bedroom creeped open. There stood a jet lagged, pink haired drummer, who walked slowly towards my bed.
"Josh, what are you doing?" My voice was slightly raspy and cracked when I spoke.
"You said I was welcome to sleep anywhere. So, here I am," Josh kept his voice below a whisper. Lucky for him I was too tired to care what was happening.
"Fine," I scooted to one side of the bed and let Josh slip under the covers. The change in balance made me roll closer to him, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, considering that he was a human heater and I was the human equivalent of an ice pack. Our knees brushed under the duvet, and a sleepy Josh tangled my legs with his. By back was facing him, my arms wrapped around a pillow. Needless to say, after about ten minutes I got cold and was soon engulfed in the arms of a human heater.

low key proud on my update speed 👌🏻
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