>>4<< RedBull and Concerts

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I stopped drinking my RedBull. "What about it?" Josh's gaze stayed glued to the floor. "I haven't stopped thinking about you," he mumbled. "That makes two of us," I laugh quietly. His head flys up, "Really?" a little excitement creeps into his voice. "Really," I nod quietly, "Liz won't let me forget," we both laughed. "Neither would Tyler," he glanced down in our brief moment if silence. Even with his jacket, I shivered in the cold room, which must be amazing after drumming your heart out on stage. Josh gave me an inviting smile and motioned for me to come closer. I snuggled into the fabric of his shirt and let his arms wrap around me. We stayed there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before a small knock on the door startled us both. "Josh? You in there?" Tyler called from the hallway. I stood up to raid his fridge, and Tyler opened the dressing room door. "I see you found her," he noted, stealing a chip from the open bag that lay on the table. "Was quite the show you put on out there Mae," he looked impressed. I couldn't keep the smile from forming on my already bright red face. "thanks," I mumbled, "it would have need better if that kid over there hadn't so rudely cut me off!" I jokingly glared at Josh, who pretended to look offended. "I'm pretty sure I made it 10 times better, just saying," he called from the couch. Tyler and I laughed. Tyler whispered to Josh something along the lines of "Did you tell her yet?", which Josh shook his head to, "Well I'll come get you in a minute," Tyler grabbed a RedBull from the fridge and closed the door behind him. Josh came up behind me, finally moving from his spot on the couch. He rested his head on top of mine, letting his elbows sit on my shoulders  "Liz is probably making up some crazy reason about why I'm still here, I should go," I suggested. "Just stay for a little bit, I haven't seen you in six months," he pouted. My phone buzzed, I checked the caller ID, "Speak of the devil," I muttered and answering the call, "Liz what do want?" I rolled my eyes and Josh laughed softy. "What's happening between you and drummer boy?" I could almost hear the smirk on her face. "Tell you about it later. I'll be out in a few minutes, okay?" I ended the call and turned in Josh's arms to face him, "I gotta go before Liz goes insane," Josh laughed a little, "I'll see you after the show though," I broke free of his grip. Caught up in the moment, I kissed Josh goodbye. Then I ran, not bothered to see the look on his face.

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Liz waved me over to our spot in line. "I can't believe you dragged Josh over here," I told her.
"I'm sorry? Was that not the best duet you've ever heard? If anything I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner!" she replied. The people in front of us turned around, "You're the one who sang Glowing Eyes with Josh?" the girl with auburn asked. I simply nodded, "You guys sounded great,"
"You really did," the black haired boy standing next to her chimed in.
I blushed, "Thanks," Liz snapped my attention back to her.
"So, what happened?!" she asked excitedly,
"I told you, I'll tell you about it later."
The gates opened, and  thousands of people, Liz and I included, bolted for the stadium.
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      At the end another amazing show, Josh and Tyler stood together at center strage, taking their final bow of the night. Josh searched the crowd, for what seemed like the 100th time tonight, for Liz and I. He meet my gaze and winked, sending a few girls around us to shriek in delight. The crowd hushed as Tyler began to thank the audience, sending Josh back to his drums. A few moments of silence washed over the crowd. I took this as an opportunity to yell towards the stage. "Josh, I love you!" I shrieked in a rather high pitched voice. The flame-haired drummer perked his head up, he saw me smiling like an idiot. Josh and I locked eyes, he turned to face me with, a smile he screamed back, "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" This boy would be the death of me. Practically the entire stadium was cheering and laughing. This really had been a great night, and for once, I was glad Liz had dragged me along.

We sat in a room backstage with about 20 other fans, waiting for Josh and Tyler to enter. "It's later....." Liz nudged me.
"And it still will be in a few hours," I responded, not looking up from my Twitter feed. I scrolled a little farther too see a new tweet from Tyler. "@tylerrjoesph: my clique>yours" attached was a picture of the crowd during "Trees". I liked and retweeted it before I herd the door to the room open. Closing Twitter, I looked up to see the duo that had preformed only 20 minutes earlier. They made their way through the crowd and towards the back of the small room, where Elizabeth and I stood. "Great job you guys!" Liz congratulated, welcoming Tyler's hug. Josh gave me a lingering hug, before we switched band members.
"He likes you," Tyler whispered teasingly.
"You're just as bad as Liz," My reply came as I pulled away and playfully punched his arm.
"You obviously didn't how excited he got when Liz dragged him your way," Tyler continued.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

Pictures and chit chat over with, the room's contents slowly disappeared. Yet Tyler, Josh, Mark, Liz and I still stood in the far corner. Liz made some excuse for leaving once again, and scurried away. I pulled out my phone to give my opinion on her decision:
Maecaroni- "funny how work always comes up when the five of us are together......."

Lizzo- " weird right!?!? :))"

I internally rolled my eyes at the intentions of my friend. "What was I going to do with you Liz?" I muttered, shaking my head and slipping my phone into the pocket of my-Josh's sweatshirt.
"What are you gonna do with who?" Josh asked, interrupting his conversation with Mark, who in turn rolled his eyes.
I shook my head "Just Liz," Josh hummed in agreement. Mark called for Josh and nodded towards the door, signaling they were leaving.
"I'll catch up with you guys later!" He motioned for the group to keep going, before focusing back on me.
"Don't feel like you need to stay," I suddenly became very interested in the floor, "I have to go to a festival tomorrow anyway,"
"No!" Josh exclaimed, "I mean, you should come and get pancakes," he flustered.
Smiling at his nervousness, I agreed. Josh flashed a toothy, squinty eyed smile. "Sick," he breathed, most likely letting out a sigh of relief.

sorry I suck at updating anything :((((

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