>>32<< Casa De Liz

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"Let me just say it has been way too long since you've come to visit me missy," Liz half joked while we ever so slightly released each other.

"Hey, you haven't come to see me ethier!"

"Yeah because you've been so easy to keep track of, running around the country and whatever," We laughed and filled her trunk with our bags before heading over to Liz's apartment.


After a 30-40 minute drive back from the airport; complete with a playlist full of middle and high school bangers and Josh third wheeling in the backseat, confused and most certainly judging our preteen taste in music or not quite knowing what to do when one of his songs started playing.

"It's like when you're at your own birthday party and they start singing 'happy birthday', you don't really know what you're supposed to do so you just kinda sit there and wait for it to be over," Josh tried to defend himself while unloading the car.

"So the areas full of screaming fans must be awful then right?" Liz called over her shoulder, unlocking the apartment and stepping inside.

"It actually can be kinda scary..." I barely caught the comment under Josh's breath, but it still hurt my heart. Car unloaded and bags in hand, the two of us headed towards the door.

I lightly grabbed Josh's hand to stop him at the step, "Hey, I'm sorry about Liz, she's just messing around," he turned slightly and muttered a small 'it's ok I know' but I wasn't done. "I'm proud of you for getting on stage every night, no matter what," I leaned in and gave him a small kiss. "ok?"  Josh nodded, the edges of his lips curled up ever so slightly, and he opened the apartment door.

Liz had planted herself on her dark gray couch, purse thrown on the kitchen counter and "The Bachelor" on the TV. "Oh good you've got all your stuff, I would've helped but like, you know?" she gestured to the rose ceremony taking place.

"You do know that's on Hulu right? You could've just paused it," I teased and helped Josh wheel our suitcases to a corner of the living room.

"But the rose ceremonyyyyyyy," Liz whined, I let out a small laugh and headed to the fridge.

"What'd'you want?" I asked. The bright haired boy made his way across the kitchen, resting his chin on my shoulder to see his options.

"Hmm I'm thinking quesadillas,what about you?" I couldn't help but giggle at the strange feeling of Josh's jaw moving on my shoulder, but ultimately agreed.

"Quesadillas it is," My forward motion to grab the supplies caused Josh's head to slip off my shoulder, causing immediate protest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and walked with me around the kitchen, lifting me up to grab the cooking spray from the cupboard, even though I definitely didn't need the help, but he's cute so I let it slide.


"You, Mae, make a sick quesadilla let me just say," Josh picked up both of our plates and walked over to put them the sink.

"What can I say?" I smiled and met him halfway between the table and sink, "It's a gift."  We both let out a small laugh and Josh leaned in to press a kiss to my forehead.

"So what are we doing?" Liz stood you from the couch and turned to face us in the kitchen. Now all caught up on 'The Bachelor,' she was eager to show me around her new home. "There's a super cute little café downtown or we could go shopping, I need a new outfit for my audition next week,"

After college, Liz moved to New York in an attempt to jumpstart her theatre career, but after a couple months of directors  "taking the show in a different direction," and New York City rent, she settled in Boston, but didn't give up. Social media told me she lived the classic 'receptionist by day, struggling actress by night' shtick, and went to an audition almost every weekend.

"Anything sounds good to me, Josh?" I turned my head to look up at the man beside me.

He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders, "Same here, it's really up to you Liz,"

She thought for a moment before grabbing her keys from the coffee table in front of the couch and headed for the door."Get in losers we're going shopping," Liz called over her shoulder as she stepped out of her apartment.

"You heard her loser, let's go," Josh laughed, grabbed my hand and lead us to the car.

sooo it's been a minute....and by a minute i mean literal years lol. thanks for sticking around dudes :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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