>>25<< Not-So-Friendly Competion

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"What would you do if I told you I could beat you in-"

"I would tell you that you're wrong," I interrupted.

"Well okay then..." Josh trailed off.

"Sorry," my apology was sincere, "I'm just really, really, competitive," He replied with that heartwarming laugh of his.

"Tyler's the same way," Our eyes locked for a moment, "you guys should do something, I'd pay to see that,"

"Now would you?" I questioned, the shadow of a smirk playing on my lips.

"Definitely, in fact, I'm going to invite Tyler and Jenna to come with us,"

"Where are we going?"

"I was going to tell you, before you so rudely interrupted me," The pink haired boy teased.

"Come on! Please!" Instead of answering my plea, Josh made a zipper motion across his mouth.

"Get dressed, we gotta go soon," Still refusing to tell me where we were going, Josh went off to get ready. I followed suit, going our separate ways where the guest and my bedroom doors were.

"Josh?" He poked his head out into the hall, "You don't have an clothes do you?"  A look of realization crossed over Josh's face and he shook his head. "That's what I thought, come here," I motioned for him to come into my room.

Not long after, a shirtless Josh trotted out of the guest bedroom and into mine. He sat cross legged on my black bed, looking like a puppy waiting for a treat. I dug through the brightly colored dresser for a while before tossing him a sweatshirt. "You still have it," Josh unfolded it and looked up at me, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Well, yeah. It's kinda comfortable," The pink tint sporting my cheeks added to the cute situation.

"You're the cutest," Josh walked over and wrapped his arms around me, yet to put on a shirt, not that I was complaining.

"Yeah,yeah, put a shirt on you weirdo, we'll swing by your parent's afterwards,"  I lightly hit his chest with the back of my hand and slid open my closet doors.

"Whatever, you love it," he mumbled under his breath.

I silently rolled my eyes and picked out an outfit.


"When are you gonna tell me?"

"In a minute,"

"That's what you said 10 minutes ago!" The driver rolled his eyes and piled into a parking spot.

"We're going bowling," He gestured to the small bowling alley in front of us, a smile spread across his face. Confusion twisted his face while I nodded. "What?"

"You're going down,"

We entered the building hand in hand, Tyler and Jenna walking away from the counter with their bowling shoes. Josh payed for a couple games and headed to the shoe counter.

"We need a 10 and a..." Josh looked back at me, then my feet and back to my face.


"And a 7,"the teenage employee placed both pairs on the wooden surface, mumbling some scripted wish of enjoyment.

Josh and I sat at the small table, corresponding with the lane next to the lead singer and his wife. "Hey stranger!" Tyler exclaimed, both him and Jenna got up to hug us. We exchanged hellos before Tyler fueled my competitive fire with 5 simple words; "So, you ready to lose?"

"Oh you're on Joseph,"


"I hate bowling," my shoulders slouched under Josh's arm.

"Come on, let's go get some celebratory ice cream," Tyler urged, swinging Jenna's intertwined hand has they walked.

"Tyler, its October," I laughed, nearing my car.

"Your point is?" Jenna let out a small laugh at her husband. The brunette was determined to get his ice cream, even in the freezing Columbus weather.

"Ice cream it is," Josh and I ducked inside my gray Prius, headed for the ice cream parlor.


"What do you mean you don't like cookie dough?!" Tyler shrugged while I stared at him in disbelief.

"I dunno, I've always been more of a cooked cookie person,"

I turned to Josh, my mouth practically on the floor. "And you're friends with him?" His freshly dyed hair (he had decided to keep the pink going,) flopped around, falling slightly in front of his eyes as he laughed and nodded. "How do you do that?" I muttered under my breath, bringing a spoonful of hot fudge sundae to my mouth.

The four of us argued about a couple more food preferences and scraped the remaining ice cream out of the glass dishes. "Well, we better get going," Jenna checked the time, her and Tyler both standing up to exit the red vinyl booth. "We'll see you later," The brunette laced his fingers with hers, they said goodbye and walked out. 

"Alrighty, let's go," my black leggings rubbed against the glossy bench. Almost as fast as he pulled them out from his pocket, I snatched the keys from Josh's hand. "I'm driving," The drummer didn't protect, just silently laughed as we strolled out of the parlor.

This is what I'll miss the most.

HELLO MY LOVELIES! I'm sorry this took forever....but it's here now. Anyway, let me know what you think!

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-Abby 🤘🏻❤️👽

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