>>18<< LA Devotte

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My alarm blared in my ears far to early in the morning.
"Josh," I whispered, poking his face. "Josh wake up," He stirred and mumbled something. I planted a small kiss on his nose, then moved down to his lips. Josh woke up a little bit, but mostly just pulled me closer and used me as a human teddy bear. Laughing, I continued to try and wake him up. "Josh," poke, "Joshua," poke, "Jish," poke," "Spooky," poke. He finally had enough.
"Fine I'm up," a sleepy Josh grumbled.
"It's about time, we've got a plane to catch,"

We boarded the plane and prepared for takeoff. I sat next to the window, Josh on my right, and watched the plane speed down the runway before leaving the tiny airport behind. Before long we were several hundred thousand feet in the air, surrounded by fluffy clouds and crystal blue skies.
"Beautiful is n't?" I nodded, still looking out the window. "Y'know what else is beautiful?" My eyes were now fixed on my boyfriend. "Tyler," Josh and I both immediately burst into laughter.
"He's a beauty," I managed in between bursts of laughter.
"I guess you are too," Josh wrapped his rarm around my shoulders.
"I guess," My shoulders shrugged a bit as I spoke.
"You really are," he added. "Your hair's fun to play with, you've got these gorgeous green eyes, cute freckles, your eyes crinkle in the corners when you laugh," I was blushing now, "there's these cute little dimples that drive me insane, and your eyes,"
"You already said that Josh," My eyes would not look into his.
"Oh my gOSH your eyes! They're all green and have little specks of brown if you look real close," he proceeded to do so, ignoring my comment, and continued. "I love'em," Josh placed a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling out his phone. He held it in front of his face, most likely to take a picture.
"Gimme that," I snatched the phone from the drummer's unsuspecting hands. I went to photos to find a whole album of pictures, candid pictures of me. There was at least five hundred of them, all taken at moments I had least expected. "Josh," I leaned against him the best I could, considering we were on an airplane. "why do you have these?" Memories filled my brain as I swiped through the album.
"You take pictures of me all the time," Josh defended, dodging the original question.
"Yeah, but that's my job," I laughed, still scrolling.
"Well," Josh thought for a moment about his argument, "it's my job to take pictures of my girl when she looks fire," he nodded, satisfied with his choice of words.
"I'll give you that," I pulled the armrest up and out of the way, then placed my head on the lap of my boyfriend.

The last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep was an iPhone camera shutter. 

{high key have been wanting to write that scene for a LONG time ;)) }
"Babe, get up," I had fallen asleep again after briefly talking to Josh about things he wanted to do in LA. "We're here," He pushed me up off his lap and into my own seat.
"But you're the best pillow ever," I whined.
"I know, but we've gotta go,"
"Fine," I groaned, standing up and heading to the aisle.
Josh ushered me around the airport, I could tell he was excited. I grabbed our bags and Josh called one of his friends to come pick us up.
"How you liking LA so far?" he asked as we sat on the curb outside the airport.
"Considering I haven't been outside the airport, it's not my favorite," a laugh bubbled up with my words.
"It will be, don't worry," Josh swung an arm around me, so my head rested on his shoulder. A small black car pulled up in front of us, Josh stood up and opened the back door for me. The friend, who I had yet to be introduced to, said something about not wanting to be a cab service. "Would it bother you if I sat up front?"
"No, not at all. I've had you the past month, go for it," I smiled, Josh gave me a quick peck.
"I love you," he closed the door and climbed in the passenger seat. The driver turned back with and extended hand and introduced himself.
"Jesse, one of Josh's good friends," 
"Mae, Josh's girlfriend," 
We shook hands and he turned back to face Josh, "My man finally got himself a girl! Good job Dun!" Jesse playfully punched a bright pink Josh in the arm. The bearded man looked at me in the rear view mirror, "You got yourself a good one Mae, "
It didn't take long for my face to match the blushing drummer's. Josh turned on the stereo to avoid any awkward silence. My ears were then flooded with the drums of 'LA Devotee' from Panic! at the Disco. I watched as Josh drummed on his lap, and Jesse tapped the steering wheel to the beat. I sang quietly, directing most of my attention to the scenery blurring out the window.
"So Josh, how was tour?"
With my head pressed against the window, I listened to the conversation between the two friends. They caught up on all sorts of things, tour, friends, and everything in between. The car finally stopped in front of a nice sized condo type house, not too far from the beach.
"Thanks Jesse!" We both opened our doors and headed for the house.

Josh fumbled with the keys before opening the door. "Welcome to the mess of a house I call home," He dropped his backpack near a small pile of shoes and headed straight for the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes into the pile, and set my bag nearby, then followed Josh to the kitchen. He rummaged through the fridge while I hoisted myself up on the counter. "I have no food," Josh grumbled in frustration, somewhat slamming the refrigerator door and leaving the room.
"Then let's go grocery shopping," I suggested, hopping down from my spot near the microwave.
"Later, I just wanna stay put for a while," He responded while plopping down on the couch.
"Agreed," I mimicked his actions.
"But I'm sooooo hungry!"
"But I don't wanna leave,"
"Same," Josh and I exchanged looks for a moment.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He gestured between the two of us.

Besides, grocery shopping can wait. Right?

{ya yo ya yo yo (what time is it?!) [if you get that reference I love you so much] here I am! after way too long I finally have a chapter for you and I promise we're going somewhere with this just hang on for me! Y'all are the best

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