>>5<< Pancakes

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Josh an I sat in the small pancake shop about 45 minutes from the venue.
"Where is everyone else?" I questioned, I thought Josh had told them to meet us here.
Josh shyly looked up, "I may or may not have told them not to come?" he replied nervously.
I smiled at the table and shook my head, "What ever am I going to do with you Dun?"
Josh let out a sigh of relief, "eat pancakes I hope," came out as a mumble under his breath, I couldn't help but laugh.

After pancakes were ordered, eaten, and bites were stolen, we called a waitress over for the bill. I dug through my purse for my wallet, but by the time I pulled it out, Josh had signed the receipt and sent the waiter off to scan his card. I stared at him in disbelief.
"Sorry, I wanted to buy pancakes for the pretty girl at table..." he glanced at the number written on a card that sat on too of the syrup caddy, "14." he confirmed. A blush rose to my cheeks, causing my gaze to be redirected to the grain of the wooden table.
"I'm sure she enjoyed them," I hinted, slightly laughing in the process. Josh's face immediately   lit up.
"I'm glad, do you think she'd like to eat pancakes with me again?" a smug look made it's way across Josh's features.
"Positive," I replied with a grin of my own.
"Sick," he breathed with a smile.
"Sick," I returned his smile.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The cool April air hits us like a brick wall. I shiver and pull on the infamous sweatshirt I had taken off inside the cozy pancake parlor.
   Josh studies me for a moment while I adjust the hoodie's strings. "Isn't that mine?" he points to my extra layer.
Flustered, I search my mind for excuses. "Actually-, well you see-, I-" I scramble. Then I realize there's no escape. "Yeah," I sigh in defeat.
"I like it," Josh smiles in satisfaction.
"You can have it back if you wa-" I start.
"No! No, I meant I like it on you," he interrupts, "you should keep it,"
"okay," I whisper. The rest of the walk is filled with a comfortable silence.

We drive back to the venue, where the bus is parked, and I start to dig through my purse for my keys. My eyes widen in realization, Liz took the car, my ride is currently a 45 minute drive from here. I let out a sigh of frustration.
"You okay?" Josh's gaze flickers between the road and I.
"I'm fine, it's just Liz has the car. Which leaves me without a ride home," I sigh. Lucky we live in the same apartment complex, so I don't have to go pick up my car.
"I can drive you," He offers, "I'm sure I can get my mom to let me use gets before she goes home,"
"Really? You don't mind?" I ask
"Not at all," Josh replies as he adjusts his position on the steering wheel. "Actually, if you don't mind, I think I'd be nice to introduce you to the crew. I'm sure they'll love you," we turn the corner into the back parking lot and unload ourselves from the car. As we near the bus I become a tangled mess of nerves, the butterflies in my stomach feel like a bunch of kindergartens during their first fire drill. Flying around like crazy, bouncing off my stomach walls. Josh slipped his hand into mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze and a smile before he opened the tour bus door.
"We're back!" he called to the seemingly empty bus. But as we walked farther into the bus we saw the whole crew huddled on a small couch around a TV, blocking everything else out. Tyler threw his hands up in victory as the familiar finish noise of Mario Kart sounded over the TV's speakers. He looked up to see Josh and I standing in the small hallway of the bus.
"Hey you're back! Um we're actually out of remotes, but..." Tyler looked around for something, "ooh, your mom is a little farther back, I don't know what she's doing but yeah," He finished, putting his arm around Jenna, who had finished a couple of places behind him.
"Thanks Ty, I'm in next round okay?" Josh have Tyler a friendly shove and lead me to the back of the bus, where his mother sat, Skypeing who I assumed to be his father and one of Josh's sisters.
"Hey Mom, hey Dad, what up Abby?" he threw a peace sign at the laptop camera.
"Hey Josh," Abby rolled her eyes and smiled, "I was actually just leaving, but not before you introduce me to your blonde friend over there," she gestured to me and I blushed, realizing we were still holding hands.
"Oh, right, um, This is Mae, she's a photographer, and I um, I meet her at our last show in Columbus and she was here tonight. So yeah," Josh shrugged. I smiled and waved to Abby.
Josh's mom turned to shake my hand and introduce themselfs.
"Laura Dun," she smiled.
"Mae Brighton, nice to meet you," I let go of Josh's hand.
Abby interjected with a brief goodbye before logging off.
"Josh! Mae! You're up!" Jenna called from the front of the bus.
"You herd'em," Josh gestured to the door, "To VICTORY!!" he exclaimed and moved through the curtain separating the room and hall with me a few steps behind.

We aren't even together and I think his mom already loves me. Sick.

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