>>10<< Questions

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"Elizabeth Angelica Washington what am I going to do with you?" I asked my friend over FaceTime.
"Keep me updated on Mosh?" she replied with a cheeky grin.
"Mosh? Really?"
"or Jae, I'm not sure yet...I'll  probably  put up a Twitter poll,"
"You are literally the most insane person I know,"
"But you love me," Liz gives a cheeky grin.
"mmmh, that's debatable," I counter, wiping that smile right off her face.

Prince Charming 👑❤️:you got time to talk?

malien💗👽: yeah, why?

Prince Charming 👑❤️: no reason, I just like talking to you 🙃

I had a weird feeling about this whole conversation before it had even begun, but I dismissed it and carried on. I got ready for a meeting with Brendon, who wanted to talk about the upcoming Summer Tour.
Brendon had made a quick trip to Ohio, partially to talk to me and partially to visit the boys.
"Speak of the devil," I muttered under my breath. The caller ID read "Bebo".
"Heyo," I greeted.
"Hey, I'm headed to my hotel, but I'll be at the cafe in like, ten minutes,"
"Sounds like a plan, I'll see you there."
We said our goodbyes and ended the short phone call.
>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<
Brendon walked into the small cafe and headed for the table I had positioned myself at. "Mae, my main squeeze!" He opened his arms for a hug which I gladly accepted. "How's the Ohio life?"
"It's been good," I nodded, "I'm still doing local shows and stuff,"
"Not for long though," Brendon hinted with a smile.
"Not for long," I smiled back.

Our conversation continued for a while before Brendon explained that Sarah had wanted to go somewhere, and like the good husband he was, he was going to take her.
"Oh, I brought something for you!" Brendon exclaimed. He pulled out a small purple gift bag out of his backpack. "We just released these online and Sarah thought you'd like a set so..." He handed me the bag.
Inside was a pair of 'Panic! at the Disco' sweatpants and a sports bra.
"These are sick! Tell Sarah she's my new favorite Urie,"
"Fine, you're tied,"
"That's better," Brendon laughed.
"Have fun with Sarah," I gave him a quick side hug as we got up to leave, drinks in hand.
"Not a problem, I'll see you in June!"
"See you in June," I gave a salute, which Brendon returned on his way or the door. I shot a quick warning text to Sarah, telling her that despite whatever Brendon will tell her, she's my favorite. She responded with a few laughing emojis and a 'good to know', assuring me that my reputation as favorite Brighton was being upheld.

I gathered my belongings and headed to the street corner where my car was parked. As I pulled up to the apartment parking lot, I noticed an unfamiliar car near my spot. Making my way up the stairs, I suddenly bumped into something, causing me to almost fall down the stairs I had climbed just moments ago. But a pair of strong arms pulled me close and saved me from my certain doom.
"There you are!" I looked up to find the owner of the arms to be none other than Joshua William Dun.
"Here I am!" I answered.
"I actually came to talk to you, but if you're busy I'll just come back later,"
"No, I'm good to talk, here come inside," I gestured for him to follow me up to my apartment door.
After removing the key, I swung open the mauve door, revealing the somewhat clean apartment I call home. "Mi casa, tu casa," I stated while kicking off my shoes and did my best Vana impression. "Sorry for the mess, I'm not really sure why I haven't cleaned it yet but..." I explained.
"Don't be sorry, it's better than my place in LA, and I'm rarely there," he added. We walked into the kitchen/Living Room area and he sat on the couch.
"You want anything? Water? Milk? Kool-Aid?" I ask from behind the open fridge door.
"I'm good, thanks," he replied with a nervous smile.
"What did you want to talk about?" I joined Josh on the couch and opened my can of lemonade.
"it's about tour-" Josh started, "wait, why do you have canned lemonade? That's so weird," he laughed.
"Cause I buy the groceries and this is what I buy," I explained as if it were obvious. "So tour,"
"Right." Josh refocused, " I wanted to know if you'd come. Mark could photographer and I happen to be on pretty good terms with a pretty cute one...So?"
"I'd honestly love to go on tour with you guys," Josh pulled me off the couch and spun me around.
"This is gonna but sick!" he put me down, "You, me, Ty, Jenna, it's gonna be the best tour ever!"
"I won't have to miss you cause you'll be right there,"
"Josh," I really didn't want to burst his bubble.
"I can show you the best breakfast places, and-"
"Josh, I can't go,"
"and you can't go, this is great. We'll g-wait you can't go? Why?!" His smile immediately dropped after he realized what was happening.
"I'm going on a tour of my own, sort of," I was near tears at this point.
"What'do you mean?"
With a sign I provided a long awaited answer, "I'm going on tour with Panic! Surprise!" I laughed and wiped fallen tears with a sniffle. "Brendon asked me if I'd go for the summer last November so of course I said yes," My explanation came out choppy, with little sniffles scattered throughout my words. Josh engulfed me in a hug and started petting my hair.
"It's okay, don't be upset, I'm not mad," He cooed, "how do you know Brendon anyway?"
"We grew up together,"

A young boy approached her, whom she saw sitting with his family in the row behind them. "I'm Brendon," He told her, "you must be new," She nodded. "What's your name?"
"Mae," she replied in a hushed tone.
"Well Mae," they slipped out of the large room to avoid being trampled by the many adults. "we are going to be best friends," •
"then he moved here with the band," I continued.
Brendon and Mae stood in front of the boarding section of the airport. "Just say the word and I won't go," He told her.
"You have to, this is your dream Brendon,"
"You're sure that this okay?"
"Positive," she assured him, tears on the verge of spilling.
Brendon engulfed Mae in a hug, causing tears to race down her face, dampening his shirt. "I'm gonna miss you," Brendon's voice sounded muffled to Mae, as her face was buried in his shirt. "more than you know."
"Me too," she pulled away slightly, noticing the tear stain she had left on his light blue t-shirt. Mae let out a small laugh at the sight, "Don't forget me, okay?"
"Who do you think I am? Dory?" He laughed in response. "I could never forget this kid," Brendon messed around with Mae's hair.
"Brendon! We gotta go!"  Ryan called.
"I'll call you when we land."
"Alright, now go before they leave you," Mae lightly punched his chest.
"See you later, come visit us okay?" Brendon gave her one last hug.
"Okay, now go! You're gonna miss your flight. Send me and album!"•
"Then I came here for Ohio State's Photography program, and we were reunited before the band relocated to L.A.,"
Mae walked calmly off the plane into the airport. She took her bags from baggage claim and looked around for the taxi pick up. While looking around she spotted a poster board with her name on it. The crowd slightly cleared, but she still couldn't tell who was holding the sign, but continued to walk towards it. Mae saw sign-holder begin to lower the sign, revealing their face. Her jaw dropped. Standing in the middle of the airport with the cheesiest grin, was Brendon. She let go of both her suitcases and ran to him with open arms. Mae jumped into Brendon's arms and hugged him like a koala. Ryan went around the friends to prevent Mae's luggage from being stolen.
"I missed you so much," Brendon said into her hair, he set the blonde girl down, "you've gotten taller too," he laughed.
"Or maybe you've shrunk," she countered.
"Mmm, I don't think so, what's going on in the life of Mae Brighton?"
"Well I'm actually here for college..."
"Really? Congrats," The three of them continued to talk as they walked out to Ryan's car, who had graciously offered to carry Mae's luggage. They arrived at Ohio State and helped her get settled.
"Oh, I brought you something, I'll be right back!" Brendon grabbed the keys and sprinted out of the dorm, leaving both Mae and Ryan confused. Several minutes later, he opened the door, panting, with a cd in his hand. "You asked for one when I left, and I finally have it," Mae recalled what she had told him a few years earlier,'Bring me and album,'. Brendon handed Mae the cd.
" 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out' interesting name," she joked.
"Thanks, that's what we were going for," Ryan added•
"and now we're still super close," I finished, all the memories of me and Brendon flooded my brain.
Josh nodded, "That's way cooler than my story," I laughed. "I just met'em on tour,"

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