>>11<< Off to Tour

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June 1,2016 7:16am
My phone screen flashed the date I had both been looking forward to and dreading. I packed the rest of my backpack, triple checked the rest of my bags and sighed. This was the last time I would walk out of my front door in 3 months. I had already talked to the Landlady, and she agreed to put my rent on hold while I was gone. She's really a nice lady, as long as you stay on her good side...
Josh had offered to take me to the airport, so he would be here at 9:30. After showering, getting dressed, eating, etc. I just sat there and took it all in. I wouldn't be in my house for 3 whole months. I wouldn't be sleeping in my own bed for 91 days. I wouldn't see Josh in the flesh for 2,184 hours. I don't know how I'm going to handle this.
A knock at the door snapped me out of my daze before I started regretting my decision to go. Josh stood at my door with a gift bag and a half sad smile.
"Hey, you ready?" he nodded outside.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I sighed. Josh immediately squeezed past me to grab the two larger suitcases behind me. "Thanks," I breathed as we maneuvered the luggage down the stairs. I turned back to Josh, "You sure you're okay carrying those? They're pretty heavy,"
"I'm a drummer, I can handle it," he huffed, clearly out of breath. We loaded the suitcases into his trunk and Josh handed me the large gift bag. When I hesitated, he assured me that I should open it now.
Inside was a plethora of things so one by one I pulled out each thing and set it on the car. "Laundry detergent?"
"So that sweatshirt that I know you packed can still smell like me," I opened my mouth to ask how he figured that out, but he stopped me, "Jenna does the same thing when she can't come on tour,"
"But they're married!"
"That doesn't mean it's not true, face it, you only gave back the 'Panic!' sweatshirt because it didn't smell like me anymore,"
"How in the world-"
"It's a gift," Josh opened his arms and looked up, as if he were all-knowing. "Keep going, there's more," he insisted.
"Also to smell like me," I shrugged and set the box carefully on the car.
"an MP3 player,"
"Preloaded," he added.
"and...what's this?" I pulled a small navy box out of the bag before setting it on the ground. The box was lined with black velvet, and contained a necklace. There was 2 charms, one; a set of silver drum sticks, and the other; a rose gold dog tag with the words, "there is so much more that miles between us," engraved in it.
"Josh," I said at a loss for words."it's beautiful,"
"I thought you would like it,"
"I do, I really do Josh. But you make it seem like I'm never gonna see you again," a single tear trickled down my cheek at the thought.
"You needed something to remember me," Josh joked.
"Yeah, like the soap and cologne weren't enough," I laughed. "It's starting to seem like you giving me this was just to make sure I didn't forget about you..."
"Th-That's not true," he sputtered.
"I'm kidding, now come on we have to go," I playfully hit his shoulder.

"You do realize I can't take the soap and stuff on the plane right?"
"Oh...we'll just have to...uh," Josh clearly had not thought this through. "Oh! You can put it in your other suitcase that won't come with you on the plane, y'know?"
"I like the way you think Spooky,"
"Like I said, a gift,"

Apon arriving at the airport, we rearranged my luggage a little to accommodate for my 'gifts' from Josh. We dropped off the larger suitcases and sat in those weird airport chairs and waited until they allowed people to board the plane. Josh swung an arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze.
"I'm gonna miss you," I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Me too,"
"Oh and before I forget," I fished my key ring out of my pocket. "the blue one is to my apartment, feel free to grab some soap and perfume before you leave for tour," The keys feel into Josh's open hands, which he then stuck in his pocket.
"Flight 1438 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding," A voice echoed through the large room.
"That's me," I stood up. Josh caught up fairly quickly and laced our fingers together, which I didn't fight.
"Here we are," He gave me a sad smile. I countered with a huge hug, which was quickly returned.
We pulled away for a moment and I moved my hands from around Josh's torso to around his neck. "Don't forget me ok?" He said into my hair.
"I could never," I leaned our foreheads against each other and just stared at Josh for a minute. I started to let go when he pulled me close.
"I have to g-" Josh closed the gap between the two of us. His soft lips moved across mine and all too soon, he pulled away. "Did you just-"
"Yes, and you're-"
"Does that mean?"
"Quite possibly," I gave Josh a shadow of a smirk and walked to boarding.

Double update?! yay! I think this story is finally getting somewhere so that's exciting... If you're enjoying this please vote and comment! low key almost to 100 reads wat

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