Chapter 13

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Two days later the Blackhawks were in Nashville playing the Predators. 

Allie's POV:

Game one was over, thankfully I didn't get out on Patrick's line. We lost, 5-2 and I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. Q was pissed off, and everyone left after they showered. I wasn't allowed  to leave and neither was Patrick. Tazer was making us both stay.

"So as the Captain of this team, I am making you two sit here until you stop acting like kids because we need to forget about everything and play hockey because we need to win that fucking cup."

"Okay fine, Allie I'm sorry." Patrick said

"I'm not mad anymore." I said faking a smile

"See Jonny boy we're good." Patrick said

"Hug." Jonathan said

Patrick hugged me and I hugged him, it was a short hug.

"Okay now get your skates on."

We got them on and grabbed our gloves, helmets and sticks and went back on the ice. Jonathan put us each in a far corner and made us pass. We have to make ten perfect passes, at first they weren't connecting and then they did. Then we had to do a few more things like pass the puck, shooting and passing for one timers. Then he brought out a shooting board and said, "Allie, you shoot and everything you miss Patrick has to do a push up, and same thing when Patrick shoots. I shot and purposely missed twenty shots and Patrick did the same thing.

"Seriously work together, if both of you hit them there's no work involved. You are not stopping until you both hit all five."

The next time I hit all five but Patrick hit only four. This time I hit there and he hit five. We tried this for like ten minutes and finally got off. "Shaw, Sharpie get out here!" Tazer yelled after Patrick and I were all ready to leave. I was looking at Patrick when suddenly I was pushed into him and our hands were handcuffed together on both sides

"What the fuck?" I yelled

"Seriously they were only supposed to be handcuffed on one side. Take one off." Tazer said and as Shaw was taking them off, the key broke.

"Uhhh, I kinda broke the key..." He said and Patrick went to hit him when I said, "Owww! As he bend my arm weird

"You two got get another key or something to cut the cuffs and meet us back at the hotel." Tazer yelled

"How the hell are we supposed to get back to the hotel?" Patrick asked

"Well it's going to be awkward.." Tazer said

This was awkward, so awkward I would rather have died.

"Walk faster." Patrick demanded

"I am walking backwards in heels attached to you." I said annoyed

Patrick picked me up and carried me to the bus and when we got on the bus the whole team died laughing. Even Q was laughing.

"Shaw and Sharpie didn't understand the plan." Tazer said and Q nodded and said, "Get it Kaner!" And my face turned bright red and the team was now was crying they were laughing so hard. Patrick laughed and carried me to the back of the bus where the open seat was. He sat down and I was stuck sitting on his lap facing him. What was even more awkward was when Tazer yelled, "And they went to the back of the bus!"

The team laughed and I said quietly to Patrick, "I hate you."

"Yo Hastings, can you feel Kaner getting hard?" Crawford yelled

Patrick's face turned bright red and so did mine. Everyone was laughing so hard they couldn't say anything.

"I'm going to kill you." I said to Patrick

"Just like old times." He mouthed

"We still have another hour bus ride because we're staying in some fancy hotel."

"This is getting uncomfortable.." Patrick said

"Sorry..." I said feeling guilty

"It's not you, it's how I can't move my arms." He said

Just then the bus came to a stop and the bus driver said, "We have two problems.. Number one I need to change a flat tire, and the second one is we have a longer night ahead as there is a detour that take will add an extra hour so get comfy."

Some guys fell asleep and it was now around 1am and we still had two hours.

"Someone take these fucking handcuffs off now!" I demeaned

"We've tried everything, as soon as we get to the hotel we will cut them off." Q said

I sighed and somehow I woke up my head was on Patrick's shoulder. He was just walking into a hotel room and Shaw came in with a key to the handcuffs and took one off and said, "We need to wait until morning to get the other one off. The key is stuck in there. Keep it G in here tonight."

"Ew." I said

"Patrick help me get out of this dress." I said and thankfully it was strapless so I took it off and out on a pair of shorts. Patrick did the same thing, but leaving his shirt off and he had no way of getting it off.

I was left in my sports bra. I had a jacket over the dress and didn't have it on when the cuffs were put on.

We laid down in bed and tried to fall asleep but every time Patrick moved he jerked my wrist. 

"Patrick, I can't sleep like this." I said

"Why? Would your boyfriend kill you?"

"No, would your girlfriend?"

"No. Please just shut up and sleep." Patrick said and  I did just that. I woke up the next morning with my head on Patrick's chest. There was a knock at the door and Shaw was there with something to get rid of the cuffs.

"Did things get dirty last night? Hastings in her bra?"

"Hello we can't take off our shirts because you did this and that's gross." I said

Once Patrick and I were free I showered and put on leggings, he then showered and when we were done the second game the next day was won by us and we went back home to win both games, we wound up winning and advancing to play the Minnesota Wild in three days.

Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? Would love feedback, thanks for reading!

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