Chapter 32

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Patrick's POV:

Today we were going to Minnesota for a week to see Allie's family. Allie was super excited and that made me happy. My mom dropped us off at the airport and before we knew it we had landed in Minnesota and we were back at Allie's house, well her parents house. We all talked for a while before Allie and I put Lauren to bed.

The next day I woke up  and Allie and I were going to spend the whole entire day together, just us.

We went and had breakfast, and went shopping. Then we just walked downtown, holding hands which was something we were never able to do before in public.

"I love this." She said leaning her head on my shoulder

"Me too." I said back

We drove to her arena growing up and went inside. Of course I planned ahead and scheduled ice.

Allie's POV:

We were in a locker room getting our gear on. We were all ready, we went in the ice and just shot pucks for a while. Then we did a few drills, Q sent us basically a practice plan for each day.

"One on one time." Patrick said

We were doing a one on one battle drill in the corner and of course we were fighting for the puck when he turns his head sideways and bends down and kisses me. Then he takes the puck and scores.

"I hate you." I said laughing

"Just admit I'm a better hockey player than you."

"Never." I smiled knowing it was true

"Wanna race?" Patrick asked

"You're on." I said and we did race, he won the first time and I won the second time.

We played pig and I beat him but when it came to stick handling he beat me by a lot. We had abut ten more minutes left and now there was a crowd of people watching us.

"We have an audience." I said annoyed

We did one more drill and then picked up the pucks and got off the ice. We went to the locker room and started to get undressed. We had someone standing outside the locker room so fans didn't bombard us.

I took off my top stuff off leaving me in my nike sports bra. I bent down and untied my skates. Then I put on my shirt and took the rest of my bottom stuff off. I took off my spandex leaving me in my thong. I grabbed my leggings and put them on and Patrick and I picked up our bags, and he slapped my ass and said, "Love you."

We walked out and there were probably 100 people there. We spent about a half an hour taking pictures and signing stuff.

We got out of there and it was now 3ish. We went back and ate, Lauren was taking a nap and I showered. Patrick was helping my sister with something hockey related. When I got out of the shower and were dressed, Lauren was up and my mom was holding her.

"She's adorable, and such a good baby" My mom said

"We got lucky. She rarely cries and she only wakes up once in the night now."

"So I hear you are done playing hockey?"

"Yeah... It's official, I signed some papers and now I get to be with Lauren all the time." I said

"You don't have to have it be like this."

"Yes I do. She's my daughter and I only get one chance to be with her at this age. In 10 years when I can't play in the NHL anymore, I'll have a family and I don't want to be that mom that's never there. I want to watch her take her first steps, say her first word and all the other things."

"You really must love Patrick to give up everything for him."

"I do love him but I'm not giving this up for just him, I'm doing it for myself and our daughter."

"Wouldn't it have been easier to wait to have kids?"

"Probably but we have Lauren and I wouldn't change a thing." I said getting up and leaving the room as I was getting mad

I went back upstairs and walked into my room to find Patrick there putting on a shirt.

I hugged him and said, "I love you."

"What's wrong?" He asked

I told him what my mom said and he said, "Don't worry about it."

We both went downstairs and then Patrick and I took Lauren with us to the Xcel Energy Center. We were going there hang out with Zach and his family and a few other guys and their families. We went inside and went up to one of the suites which is where we were ting to be hanging out. We walked in and Zach came right over to me and hugged me.

Him and Patrick did the guy hug thing and then Zach and Patrick laughed. Zach said, "Lauren is adorable considering he's the father."

I laughed and so did Patrick, "Very funny." He said putting his hand on his shoulder for a brief second and we went to talk to everyone else. Then Zach took me down to the locker room and when you opened the doors were pictures of important people and records. My picture was there.

"You've been honored."

I was shocked and said, "Oh my god."

We made our way back up and ate. After that I grabbed Lauren and carried her to the normal seating and sat in the top row and I held her and I said, "This is where is all started." I carried her down to the locker room and showed her the picture of me and then I sat in the bench looking at the ice.

"I love you so much Lauren." I said

I was thinking about the time we first played the Hawks here. Patrick ended up laying on top of me as he checked me and then "fell on me".

Just then I felt Patrick put his arms around me and he said, "What are you doing?"

"Thinking how I got to where I am, and where I started." I said and I was proud of myself.

"I love you and I couldn't be prouder of you."

"I love you too and thank you." I said kissing him

I handed him Lauren and I stood up. Patrick held Lauren in one arm and put the other one around me. He kissed my head and we walked back into the locker room and he said, "I've never been on the other side here."

"Now you have." I laughed

He saw the picture and then we were heading back up.

"So on behalf of the team we got you something, well Lauren something." Ryan Suter said

It was a baby Wild jersey that said Hastings on the back of it.

"Thank you so much, it's adorable." I said as the team all hugged me

We said goodbye and Patrick and Zach became pretty close.

They shook hands and Zach said, "Can't wait to kiss your ass next season."

"Keep dreaming." Patrick replied

Zach laughed and said, "Just wait for it!"

We left and went back to my parents house. I gave Lauren a quick bath as she hasn't had one in a while and then fed her and put her to bed.

I fell asleep in Patrick's arms and woke up in them. I loved him so much.

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