Chapter. 75

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Allie's POV:

A week passed and Auston had been texting me nonstop. It was kind of sweet. Patrick was now staying at Kaitlynn's house. We haven't talked since that night.

However, today he was assigned as my workout partner.

"So today is a trust workout. I've picked your partner carefully. This is someone you need to learn how to trust more." Q said

"Seriously? Fuck this." I said

"Hasting, you walk away and you're done for the season." Q threatened me

I rolled my eyes and Q spoke, "The first one is simple. A trust fall."

A few of the guys fell backwards into their partners arms.

"You better fucking catch me." I said

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked

"You've let me down a few times in the past few months, why change now?"

"Bitch!" He said

"KANE! Catch her or you're done."

"Fine." He said

I fell into his arms and he caught me. It was his turn, but I was a bitch and I didn't catch him.

"Oops.." I said as he laid on the hard ground

"Allison, please." Q said growing angry

I looked at Patrick and said, "That's what it feels like to be let down."

He got up and the next thing was being blindfolded and having to walk a lap around the basement of the UC. Patrick walked me right into a pole. I took the blindfold off and pushed him.

A few more dumb trust things passed and this was the final one. It was siting on a seasaw (teater totter) that Q had brought in for this.

We both had to balance it. When I was at the top Patrick got off and I went flying. I landed funny on my shoulder.

"Ha, karma is a bitch." He said

I was crying and holding my shoulder.

"Als, you good?" Shaw asked

"No." I said crying

Q came and saw my shoulder and saw it was dislocated.

"Shit." He said

"Go see Kaitlyyn."

"I'd rather cut my own arm off than have her touch me." I said

"Too late, I'm here."

She grabbed me and pulled my arm and I screamed. "Oops. Wrong way." She smiled

I punched her. "Fuck you!" I said crying and leaving

"Jerry the main PT came running in and popped it back in the right way with way less pain."

"You're fired! And you're going to court over that! You could have seriously injured her. Get the hell out of here before I call the cops." Jerry said

"Thank you." I said

"You're out for at least a month with how she twisted your arm. Lots of ice and pt. I will send you a copy of what I get for suing her"

I left in tears. Patrick rushed over and said, "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"What time?" I asked

"Both.." He replied

"Well you did anyway." I said walking away

He tried to hug me and I simply said, "Please don't touch me. I mean it."

He started crying and I stopped and said, "I know you didn't physically mean to do this. And I'm sorry for what I did to you. I pissed about what your girlfriend did."

I got in my car and called Auston and told him what had just happened. It was nice having someone to tell everything to.

He said he'd fly out and see me tonight as he didn't have anything going on.

I didn't reject his offer in fact I welcomed him.

When he showed up he hugged me. My kids were all in bed so it was fine. We just sat on the couch and talked for hours while watching movies.

"You're so beautiful." Auston said

I looked at him and he said, "You're beautiful Allie, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Auston!" I said laughing

"Too soon?" He asked

"Yes." Said

"Yes to what?"

"It's too soon." I replied


"We haven't even kissed!" I said smiling

Auston leaned in and kissed me. It was short and sweet and he asked, "Will you be my girlfriend now?"

"Auston, I'm not saying no but I'm not saying yes. It's only been three months since Patrick and I have separated. And that's all it is right now is a separation, even though he's taken it a little further. I'm not over the whole situation and I don't know if I will ever be. But I do really like you. So can we please just continue this? Our thing. For a while. Just until I figure things out."

"Of course" he said pulling me into him. I laid my head on his shoulder

This age difference thing was also a little strange. I was 28 and he was 21.


Thoughts on these past few chapters?!

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