Chapter 43

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Allie's POV:

It was September 1st and I had just gotten back to Chicago to our house. Patrick was still in New York, he was coming back in two days. We were getting married in eighteen days. Everything was ready to go and I was so excited. Moving back here for the season sucked ass but it's worth it.

Preseason was starting soon and I was getting married! I was so excited. I had my dress all ready to go and everything was set.

I fell asleep and woke up the next day without Patrick there. I got Lauren up and fed and then picked my family showed up. They were staying in a hotel close and spending the day with me. Patrick was driving back with his family tomorrow.

My family and I just hung out today and they helped me unpack everything that I brought home from Buffalo which was so much.

Hanna also came over and she was helping me unpack a lot of clothes I bought and some I brought with.

"What's this?"Hanna asked holding up a dress

"A dress." I said

"For what?" She asked

"For wearing" I replied

"Well I'm sure as soon as you put it on Patrick rips it off."

"Just give it to me." I said handing it up

"You should pack that for your honeymoon."

"I don't even know where I'm going."

"So who's packing for you?"

"Patrick is telling me yes or no to things I show him."

"Sweetie he's gonna screw up."

"Whatever." I said not even caring I just wanted him here

My mom cooked and said, "I can't believe you're getting married."

"Me either."

"And I can't believe that we are currently in yours and Patrick's Kane's house with your guys daughter." Ashley said

I smiled and said, "I can't either."

I  was so blessed.

We stayed up talking and just hanging out. We all went to bed.

I woke up went into my bathroom and took a shower, half way through someone came in.

"What?" I asked not wanting to get interpreted.

Nobody responded instead Patrick got in the shower with me and I kissed him.

"You're home early!" I said

"I left early just to see you." He replied as he hugged me tight

It had only been a few days but I missed him like crazy.

He just held me in his arms for a solid minute.

"I love you Kaner." I said

"I love you too Hastings." He replied as he began kissing my neck

I laughed a little and then we began to have sex.

There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Als, Lauren's up want me to get her ready?" My mom asked

"Yeah, thank you." I said my face turned red and I said, "You're dick is literally inside me as my mom is talking to me. That's just wrong." I said

"But it's hot, right?"

I playfully hit his chest and said, "I need to get out. I was in here ten minutes before you
got in here."

"Well I guess I'll have to sneak out too then?"

"Of course." I said

We got out three minutes later and as I was standing there in a sports bra and my nike leggings Patrick still had his towel handing around his waist dangerously low.

"You know from the first time we were in a hotel room together and you walked around like that."

"Of course." He said smirking

I walked closer to him and ripped his towel off and we began making out. I quickly pulled away and walked out into our room and shut the bedroom door and locked it. I went back and before I knew it we were both naked, breathless in our bed.

Fifteen minutes later I said, "That's what I wanted to do."

"I wish you would have." He said as he kissed me

We both got dressed and I went out first and Patrick snuck out and would come back in an hour or so just so it wasn't awkward.

"Have a good shower?" Hanna asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"You were in there for sixty years."

"I was going over wedding details." I said

We went on with our day and three hours later in walked Patrick. I ran to the door and I hugged and kissed him, which was super good acting like I hadn't seen him already.

I grabbed Lauren from Ashley and said, "Let's go see daddy!"

I handed Lauren to Patrick and he held her.

A few hours later Hanna left and so did my family, they went to meet the Kane's at the hotel.

I was all alone with my soon to be husband and our daughter.

I laid on Patrick's shoulder and he held our little girl while we watched some random movie.

Before I knew it tonight was the night of my Bachelorette party and Patrick's Bachelor party.

It was early only noon and they were starting at 2pm.

Donna was over picking up Lauren and our parents were watching her.

Patrick and I were alone.

"Can we talk?" Patrick asked


We sat at our kitchen table across from each other and he said, "We're getting married tomorrow.."

"We are." I smiled

"Do you still want to go through with it right?" He asked

"Of course, unless you don't.." I said shocked

"No I can't wait for tomorrow. I just know how hard it's going to be for you."

Tears came to my eyes and we moved to the couch. It was extremely hard for me as I was marrying Patrick and giving away my hockey career.

"It's going to be the hardest thing that I've ever done.." I began crying

"I know baby." Patrick said holding me and I cried harder, "Why? Why the fuck does the league need to be so fucked up about us being in love and getting married. Like I guess I'm sorry for loving you that's bull shit. I should be able to love you and play in the NHL. Why do people need to be so fucked up?"

Patrick held me and I stopped crying. I took a deep breathe. Before he could respond I stood up and said, "It's okay, even though it's going to be the hardest day giving hockey up it will be one of the best days of my life, next to having our daughter. I don't regret anything with you and I never want you to feel guilty or bad about this because it's my decision and I'm telling the league to fuck themselves and they can't do anything about us. I love you so much Patrick Timothy Kane and I can't wait to be your wife tomorrow."

"You are the strongest person I know. Allison Marie I love you and I always will. It looks like your party bus is here."

"Yay!" I said sarcastically

"Have fun tonight, I love you and I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Thanks, you too. Promise me something?"


"Don't get drunk." I said

"I promise I won't, you either." He said laughing as I would maybe have one drink

"I love you Ms. Hastings." Patrick said as we kissed and I left

I was marrying him tomorrow!

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