Chapter 82

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I just had to post this tonight!!!

Please enjoy and comment your thoughts.

I know how crazy this is...

Allie's POV:

I saw the face. There was Patrick. Pale, cold, blue, dead.

I fell the ground bawling. I've never cried so hard in my life.... Tazer cried with me but he got me to stand up. He held me in his arms. I nodded yes to the cop and he was covered back up.

"FUCK!!" I screamed bawling and hitting Tazer's chest

The body was moved and the team came in. All of them crying. I sat there on the floor just waiting for Patrick to wrap his arms around me and not let me go, while everyone just stood there not knowing what to do.

Patrick was the only one who understood me. The only one who could comfort me.

Q called our parents and they were all flying in tonight to Chicago. Patrick's body was being brought to Chciago.

Q, Tazer, me and a few of the other guys got on the first flight home. I hadn't spoken a word since I saw my dead husband.

Donna and I had to sit down and tell the kids. She did it because I physically couldn't. There we all cried together.

We went straight to the UC the next day and I stood up on the mini stage in front of the microphone with Tazer, Donna and Pat. Sr.

I spoke, "I..I.. I don't know how to start this... But you all know about the bad storm we got caught in on the cruise we took as a team.. Patrick... He.. Didn't make... He's.... De.. Dea.. Ddd." I said saying it out loud for the first time

I went and sobbed into Donna's shoulder and she cried into me.

A few weeks went by and Donna was still living with me. It comforted me. I cried all the time. The boys stopped being sad because they don't truly understand but Lauren was having a difficult time.

I was so sad that I was now growing sick. Throwing up all the time.

"Hey, you've been throwing up for a week now. I think it's something more." Donna said

"Like what?" I asked

"First if all, are you pregnant?"

"I don't know." I said annoyed

"Did you have sex with Patrick on the boat?" She asked

Tears flooded my eyes as I said, "Yes. This night of the storm.."

Donna handed me two pregnancy tests and made me go take them. The timer went off and both came back positive. I actually smiled. I told Donna and she cried happy tears with me.

"Patrick left you with the greatest gift in the world, a baby." Donna said

I made a doctors appointment for later that day. Anne came over and watched the kids while Donna came with me to the appointment.

The nurse had to bring some more people into see the ultrasound.

"If everything okay?" I asked really worried

"Yeah, you're having twins. I just wanted to confirm it with other people before I told you. Congratulations, Mrs. Kane."

I started crying and hugged Donna.

"He knew.... We always said we were going to have five kids." I said crying tears of happiness and sadness

Donna hugged me and said, "He's still with you."

Donna and I only told Anne, my mom, my dad, and Pat. Sr.

I was now four months pregnant and more family knew.

I haven't gone to the United Center since I made the announcement and I didn't care to. I stayed at home as much as possible and had Donna and my mom here all the time.

The nine months passed by and three weeks before my due date I was in the hospital ready to give birth to my twin babies. I had Tazer in the delivery room with me to hold my hand in Patrick's place.

After I was nine centimeters, the nurse gave me the okay to stay pushing. Nothing was happening.

"The baby is feet first. Prep for a ceasection." The doctor yelled

I began to panic and Tazer tried to calm me down.

They started and I could feel anything from the waist down.

"First baby is a boy."

A few minutes later I heard, "and the second is a girl."

That's all I remember before my vision went blurry and everything went black.

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