Chapter 109

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I'm sorry it's been so long... I've got bad writers block so any ideas, suggestions, or things you want to see happen would be very helpful. Thanks!

Allie's POV:

Tonight was the home opener and Patrick and I continued with pre-game traditions. He was gone and I was at home with the kids getting them all ready to go to the game.

We all wore our jerseys and I drove to the United center. I parked where the players park and I got the double stroller out and I put Tyler and Luke in it and I held Lauren's hand.

We went up to our suite I had Anne watch the kids while I snuck down to the locker room and saw Q giving his pregame speech.

"Sorry coach!" I said

"No problem, any words of wisdom?"

"Go out there and do your fucking best and have fun if you do that, good things will happen! And I expect the first goal celly to be for me!" I said joking

"You got it babe!" Patrick said

"Hastings!" Q yelled

I turned and he said, "Damn, we're gimme miss you out there."

"I'm gonna my boys too." I said smiling

They were ready to get on the ice and I went and kissed Patrick and whispered, "Don't stay out too late tonight, I'll be at home in bed waiting.... Naked."

He smiled and I walked away. He got on the ice and I went back up with my kids. How lucky can I be that my husband gets the first goal of the season on the very first shift. My Patrick Kane.

The Hawks won 4-1 and I took the kids home right after and put them to bed as it was really late. I waited for Patrick to get home and we had sex. I was so proud of him.

The next day I got Lauren up for 2nd grade, Lucas up for kindergarten and Tyler up for Pre-school.

My 7, 4, and 3 year old were growing up so fast.

Patrick slept in and then went to practice. I stayed at home alone all day and cleaned up. My belly was starting to get in the way and I couldn't wait to be be skinny again.

When Patrick came home I was laying on the couch and the kids were making a huge mess, but my feet hurt so bad.

"Hey lazy baby" Patrick said coming over to kiss me

"Hey husband who wasn't here." I said back

"I'll take the kids out for a bit so you can rest. I love you" he said

"Thank you, I love you too." I said

I fell asleep on the couch while Patrick just went outside and played with the kids. About an hour and a half later they returned in and I felt much better. Our little girl loved to kick and it was cool the first time, but now it sucked.

I was laying in bed that night with Patrick and our little girl wouldn't stop kicking me.

"I think she's going to be a soccer player the way she's kicking." I said

"There's gotta be that one kid." He said fake disappointed as he smiled

He out his hand on my belly and said, "I hope you're just practicing your dangles in there."

I burst out laughing and Patrick kissed me goodnight. He was such a good dad and husband, and an even better best friend.


PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS! If I don't get any ideas from you guys I don't know if I'll be able to continue to write this. I'm sorry for this boring filler chapter, but I'm all out of new ideas...

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