Chapter 50

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Patrick's POV:

About a month ago we had a team thanksgiving at the Sharp's house and it was great. I loved team holidays but I missed family ones. Luckily it was December 23rd and Allie, Lauren and I were all getting ready to go to Buffalo for Christmas. We were actually on the plane about to take off.

It was around 4am so Lauren was asleep in the window seat and Allie was in the middles, I had the aisle. She laid her head on my shoulder and I thought about thanksgiving at the Sharp's.

Thanksgiving at the Shape household.

"Team, everyone go around and say what you're thankful for." The Captain spoke

Everyone basically said, hockey, family friends, the team, etc.

It was now Allie's turn, "I'm thankful that three years ago Patrick's flight was so delayed to Buffalo he didn't go and that we both ended up at the United Center, which is where we shared our first kiss. I'm also thankful for my family, friends, the Blackhawks, my daughter, husband and of course all of you my brothers."

I kinda forgot about that but I was also so thankful for the 0.002 split second of confidence to kiss Allie.


I smiled at the thought and then I saw Allie had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

About three hours later my two girls were up and we were landing in Buffalo, New York.

My mom was there to pick us up. We loaded everything into her new Honda Pilot. I sat up front and my mom was thrilled to see us. She dropped us off at my house, well I guess now it's Allie's too.

"We'll be over tonight for dinner." I said to my mom

"Okay, have fun unpacking." She smiled

We went inside and turned on the heat.

Allie's POV:

"We're back in Buffalo." I said to Lauren

"Dada!" She said

"Dada is busy." I said as he was carrying everything in and constantly texting.

"I'm going to run to the store and get a few things." I said putting Lauren back in her car seat and carrying out to the car. It was Tahoe, Patrick got it to keep here so if we flew we would have a vehicle here.

I got a few essentials at Target and some food. Once we got back Patrick quickly hung up the phone. I know he's hiding something from me.

"Hey, I need to run out and get something." He said

"What?" I asked as I was just out

"Guy stuff." He replied

"Like what? What do guys need? Tampons?"

"Allie I just need something's."

"Whatever." I said and he left

"It's just you and me cutie." I said to Lauren

I put her down and I put everything away.

I laid out a few toys and I turned the tv on.

I don't know why but I know Patrick is hiding something and I am convinced he's seeing some girl. Lauren had fallen asleep so I brought her up to her crib in her room here.

Patrick returned. With nothing.

"Where the hell were you?"

"Like I said, guy stuff."

"And I don't see you carrying in a box of tampons for your guy stuff so stop lying and tell me the truth."

"I can't do that baby." He had the nerve to say

"Why? Because you were busy fucking some other girl? I wish I was back home with my family not here with your cheating ass!" I screamed throwing a pillow at him

"I swear I'm not cheating."

"Then where the fuck were you?" I yelled

He didn't respond so I got up and said, "that's what I thought."

I spent the night with Lauren and I put her to bed and I went and laid down in my bed. I had mistakenly left my phone downstairs and I wasn't about to go get it.

I just laid there and three hours later Patrick came to bed. I made a line of pillows between us and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up to me basically falling out of bed because Patrick was a bed hog and the pillow line shrunk the bed even more.

I got up and I got my beautiful baby girl up, chez gee, dressed and fed and had her down for her afternoon nap before Patrick got up.

I walked in there and I hit him with a pillow.

"It's 1:30, Lauren is already down for her nap get your ass out of bed."

"Good morning Godzilla." Patrick said

I was behind pissed off at him and he knew it.

"I'm sorry babe. Please just can we have a good Christmas Eve?"

"Tell me where you were "

"I was just out. Please believe me "

I just left the room and avoided Patrick that day. We had a nice dinner, just the three of us and many pictures were taken because it was Lauren's first Christmas Eve. We read the night before Christmas as a family and put milk and cookies out for Santa.

A few hours later after everything was set up and done for Lauren tomorrow morning, we were in bed with the pillows in between us.

I couldn't do it any longer. I rolled over the pillows onto Patrick and kissed him for the first time in like two days.

He kissed me back and I fell asleep in his arms after tearing the wall down.

The next morning we woke up Lauren and opened up a few presents and saw what was in our stockings.

"Happy anniversary of when you became my girlfriend." Patrick said adding a Christmas tree charm to my bracelet.

"I can't believe you remembered." I smiled

"I could never forget. Now let's go to my parents for breakfast and more presents." He said

We all got ready. We never dressed up because well, yeah. So I just wore a long sleeve shirt and leggings. I did put Lauren in a cute outfit and we drove to the Kane's. Patrick dropped all the presents off last night so we had nothing to bring.

We put the car seat down and took Lauren out before we walked inside. Patrick opened the door and he put the car seat down and we took off our shoes.

Erica ran and hugged me and them grabbed Lauren.

"Merry Christmas!" Donna said hugging me

"Merry Christmas." I replied hugging her back and then I saw my whole family was here.

I hugged my sister, my dad and then my mom.

Then I turned to Patrick and  I knew this is what he was hiding, getting my parents out here. I walked over to him and I hugged him. I whispered so quietly in his ear, "I love you and I'm sorry."

He didn't respond he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen and said, "I was picking your family up when I was gone doing guy stuff. I love you too and I would never cheat on you beautiful."

I had a great Christmas with my family and Patrick's family. He really did an amazing job surprising me and Lauren had an amazing first Christmas. Tomorrow we were headed back to Chicago, well at least Patrick was. For the first time in forever I didn't have to rush back to Chicago so I was going to stay a few extra days with Lauren. 

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