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3 months later

"I don't see why you want me to go. " I say to Eric as I'm fixing my hair.
" Because I asked you too. " he says back in a nonchalant tone. I roll my eyes as the response.
" it's your guys's interview not mine. So -"
" just get in the fucking car. Jesus. " he shakes his head opening the front door walking out.
The car ride is long and silent. I do have to admit I am excited , the interview takes place at a beach. I haven't been to one in awhile.

We pull up and the crew is already there. NWA & all the cameras. We approach them and they all smile at me.
" Wassup Stoney. Whatchu doing here ?"
" I was dragged along. " I say folding my arms.
I feel Eric roll his eyes as he hops up on dres car.
The smell of the sea hits my nose and my stomach turns.

* Eric *
I've always hated interviews. They always ask the same question over and over again.
As the people approach with the cameras and microphones I turn to Stoney who looks pale and sick.
" You good?" I lean down whispering.
She quickly nods her head.

" We're back with NWA! Hi guys. Whose this ?" We all turn our heads to Stoney.

All eyes are on me and my stomach turns even more as the nervousness rushes over me.
" Hi who are you?" The interview lady asks again
" I'm uh I'm -" that feeling I've always dreaded is coming over me. My mouth gets watery and I immediately know what's gonna happen next. I put my hand over my mouth and run towards the nearest trash can. Everything I ate today comes up sure enough.

A few minutes later I feel a hand on my back making me jump.
" Yo are you okay?" Eric asks handing me a water . I nod my head. I look pass him and see the interviewer and the guys staring at me.
" You want me to take you home ?"
" No ill drive. Just. Can you get a ride with one of the guys ?" He nods his head. I wash my mouth out with the water , then spitting it in the sand.
He gets closer to me but I can't help but push him away , I'm so embarrassed.
He hands me his keys.
" you sure you okay?" He asks getting closer again. A gust of wind hits my nose and the feeling comes over me again. I quickly push him out the way heading for the car before I throw up again.
I get in the car and roll up the windows all the way before speeding off.
I pull up to my house after what seems like a longer ride than before.
I get in the house and throw Eric's keys on the table before sliding my feet up the stairs.
" mommmmmm?" I groan out walking to anitas room.
I get in her room and fall face first in her bed.

I wake up in a daze. A bright ass light is shinning directly in my eyes.
" What the fuck are you doing ?" I mumble out covering my face.
" you're in MY bed. What are YOU doing ?"
She dims her bedroom light and I sit up. She has her hands on her hips Giving me a bitch face.
" Where's Eric ?"
I shrug my shoulders.
" his car is here what do you mean you don't know?"
I put my head in my hands. I feel like shit.
" Can you lose your attitude?" I say in my hands. I hear her exhale and she goes into the bathroom. She comes back a few minutes later in her pajamas.
She sits down next to me staring at me.
" okay what's wrong ?"
" why would something have to be wrong ?" I ask facing her. She turns her head and raises her eyebrow.
" You're sleep in my bed. Your makeup is smeared on my pillows. And you drooled everywhere. Only time that happens is when you're sad or sick. So which one is it ?"
I hate that she's always right.
" I went with Eric to the NWA interview at the beach. And I don't know what came over me but my stomach was just doing flips and ... " I let out a sigh and put my face in a pillow remembering it just embarrasses me all over again.
" and what? You threw up?" I nod my head. And it goes silent.
" Thats embarrassing..."
" yeah no shit. " I get up holding onto the pillow.
" what made your stomach turn? Was it something you -"
" I was fine before the beach. I got there and the smell of the sea just did something to me. "
I take my hair down and start massaging my scalp. I look up and her eyes are huge.
" what?!"
Her face doesn't change. She gets up and goes to the bathroom opening different drawers.
She comes back with a box in her hand.
" Here. "
" what's -" my heart stops.
" Mom I'm not pregnant! " I throw the test at her jumping up.
" Okay if you're not then take the test. "
" No. There's no need why would you even think that?!"
" When I was pregnant with you and Juwan the smell of the sea made me sick. Absolutely sick. " she puts her hands on her hips.
" Okay well we're not the same. "
" we are in many ways though Stoney. "
" I don't know why I ever talk to you about anything mom forget it. " I push her out the way before slamming her door and going downstairs.
I go to the kitchen grabbing chips and shoving a handful in my mouth.
" What's going on?" Christian asks walking in the kitchen.
I put more chips in my mouth , hopping up on the counter.
" Your wife thinks I'm pregnant. Stupid right ?" He just stares at me.
"Swallow your food. " I roll my eyes before saying it again with my mouth cleared.
" Why does she uh why does she think that ?" He shifts uncomfortably after asking.
" Because I got sick today at this dumb interview that was at the beach. "
" Well. If you're not then you should just take it. " he says shrugging looking through the fridge.
I grab another handful of chips before jumping down and running up the stairs.
I go in my room shutting and locking the door. I go in my bathroom and lift up my shirt. I turn to the side and rub my stomach.
I mean maybe I should take the test. I've got nothing to lose....

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now