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I get in the house and the lights are shut off which means they're sleep. I lean up against the door and lightly touch my lips. I exhale deeply biting my lips. I still taste cubes lips on mine.
Why did it feel so right ?
My eyes close even tighter. I open them to see a dim light and a half naked Christian with a cup in his hand.
" How was the party? " he asks sipping out the mug.
" I mean it was fine. Yaknow a party is a party. " I say quick throwing my keys down and taking my shoes off.
" You look nervous." He says.
" where are your clothes ?" I ask changing the subject. A devilish smirk comes across his face.
" I wore your mom out. " he says laughing into the cup. My stomach turns and it's not from the liquor I make a gagging sound walking pass him up the stairs. I stop midway.
" Christian?"
" what?"
" what ... What happened to Robert ?" His face gets serious. And he starts walking up the other side of the stairs drinking out of his cup.
" some people die you know it's no ones fault. " we make it up the stairs at the same time.
" you didn't .,. Kill him? Did you?" I whisper looking around not wanting Anita to hear.
He smiles and kisses my forehead.
" get some sleep. " he disappears in the hallway and I hear a door shut.
I know I have a lot to question but I can't. I go in my room running a bath. I get undressed putting my hair up. I sit in the tub until it fills up to my liking and I shut it off. I sit there letting the hot water relax me. I lay back and start thinking. , flashbacks of what just happened replay in my mind. Then flashbacks of me and Eric replay.
What do I do about Eric ? What if he finds out ?
My head starts hurting from all the thoughts. I wash up and get out getting into bed fully naked and going to sleep.

Next morning.
I wake up with a slight headache , I'm starting to be able to drink more and more without hangovers.
I get dressed and go downstairs to a maid cooking and Anita sitting down at the table reading the paper. & Juwan in his hi-chair bouncing up and down.
" goodmorning. " Anita says smiling.
" morning mama. And goodmorning my sunshine. " I say in a high voice walking over to Juwan covering him in kisses.
" hi mommy " he says laughing. I sit down smiling. The maid comes over and pours me coffee in my mug. I smile at her and then Anita puts her paper down and stares at me.
" so what's going on? " she asks.
" what do you mean?" She shrugs laughing. I give a nervous laugh. I feel like everyone knows.
" I'm gonna go job hunting today. " I say after sipping the hot coffee.
" what happened at ruthless ?" I shrug my shoulders standing up.
" I need something new. " she nods her head looking at me. I know she wants to ask something but hopefully she doesn't.
I grab a piece of bacon and head for the door.
" you need to spend time with Juwan today. " she yells out I say okay and leave getting in my car. I start driving to the store.
Once I get in its packed for whatever reason. I'm getting bumped into left and right. I go to the customer service counter and I wait for someone to come assist me.
" Yes ?" A heavy set woman with a country accent approaches me.
" Uhm I wanted to know if you guys were hiring -"
" yes yes darling we are. You got the job!" She yells wiping sweat off her forehead.
" what really?!"
" yes we are swamped. Are you a felon?" I shake my head no.
" okay well yes. Start the day after tomorrow. Bring all your info with you and you got the job. Thank you love. " she says pushing her away by me going to help a customer. I smile to myself skipping out the store. I get in driving back home and I see Erics car parked outside. My heart starts beating fast.
I walk in slowly and I hear Juwan laughing loudly.
I follow the laugh to the playroom and see them.
He looks up at me and he gets off the ground Juwan following his movements.
" I was gonna take him to the park. You wanna go?" I nod my head. He nods his head and he hands me Juwan and he grabs his car seat. We walk outside and get in Erics car , I strap him in and Eric starts driving. The park isn't too far from where I live.
The ride is silent. I feel like he knows. That he's gonna go off any minute. We get to the park and we get out , grabbing Juwan. We go to the swings his favorite. Eric puts him in and starts pushing back and forth.
" About last night. " he says turning to me. My eyes get big and my stomach turns as if I'm gonna throw up.
" What about it ?" I ask nervously.
" I'm sorry that you like walked in on that ..." I don't know what he's talking about at first. Then I remembered the whole reason why I went up in the room with cube.
I shake my head getting closer to him kissing him.
" don't worry about it. " he gives me a weird look.
" why?"
" I mean I know I'm your girl right ?" I ask putting on the biggest smile I can. He nods laughing.
" well there ya go. " I shrug my shoulders laughing. I start pushing Juwan while he goes to sit down. He's staring at me intensely. I can feel it. Juwan wants to get down so I put him out and let him runaround the sand while I go sit down next to Eric. I sit down on the other side of the bench.
" girl come  here.  " he laughs. I give a light laugh and scoot down the park bench. He puts his arm around me. As we both watch Juwan.

Hours pass and the sun is down. We're driving back to my house and Anita is outside talking to the neighbor. When we pull up she runs to the car looking in to see Juwan sleep.
She grabs him putting him on her chest.
" Ma I'm gonna go with Eric. " she shoo's me away going inside smiling at Juwan. I roll my eyes laughing she loves that kid more than me. Eric backs out and starts driving to his house where I see the boys cars.
My heart starts  beating  fast. Please don't let cube be here.
We get out and walk in. Cubes eyes automatically hit mine and my face gets hot. He smiles at me and I smile back putting my head down.
" What's up Stoney?" Dre says smiling
" not much. " I say laughing. Eric and them start talking and I go in the kitchen to get something to drink.
I lean up against the counter with my Coke sipping it trying to relax. Seeing him is more awkward than anything right about now.
I hear footsteps and I see Cube he goes into the fridge and grabs a water looking at me. 
" So. " he says opening it.
" so ,.." I laugh drinking some more of my drink. 
He inhales like he's gonna say something.
" listen Cube , that can't ever happen again. Ever. " I whisper. Eric and the boys are being loud so I know they can't hear me.
" Why?" He whispers getting closer to me. I back away even more from him.
" I'm with Eric. It's not right. "
" it felt right. And you know it did. " i shake my head downing my soda and throwing the can away.
" Your body said otherwise. How wet you were , your moans. How your body responded so well to mine. " he whispers even lower biting his lip. I can't help but to do the same. Then Eric appears.
" Baby. Come upstairs with me. " he says loudly making us both jump. I nod my head passing cube as I walk out the kitchen.
He grabs me before I can fully leave and raises his eyebrow. I get out of his tight grip running up the stairs quickly.
I take a deep breath before opening the door to his room.

As soon i get in the room I'm tackled to the bed.
" what are you doing ?!" I ask laughing. He smiles his gorgeous smile. He leans down kissing me roughly , putting his tongue in my mouth. I push my body upwards to his so there's no space between us.  He starts grabbing my pants taking them off as quickly  as he can without breaking the kiss.  I move my hips upwards gladly helping him.  I start to unzip his pants taking out his rock hard member. 
He runs his dick up and down teasing my clit. I moan into  his mouth. , grabbing it I slide it in myself. Making me chuckle against my lips.
" Eager ?" He whispers I quickly nod my head looking at him then looking down at it going in and out slowly. It's driving me crazy.
" Faster. Harder. " I whisper against his lips. He kisses me hard and starts moving his hips hard and fast. Slamming in and out of me. He puts his face in my neck continuing the pace.
I'm trying to hold in my moans as much as possible , not wanting to cube or the other guys to hear me.
I'm biting onto  my lip so hard it's almost bleeding.
" let me hear you baby. " he groans in my ear slowing down his pace ,moving his hips in a circle motion hitting my sweet spot making me cry out.
" Yeah baby. Whose is it ?" He says against my face. He hits my spot over and over again my whole body is trembling.
" yours daddy it's yours. " I pull him closer to me. I get louder and louder as I feel my orgasm building. My nails dig into his hips.
" you gon cum for daddy?" He bites my ear lobe.
He slows down barely moving. I'm shaking almost uncontrollably. I flip him over grabbing his now wet member and I slide down on it.
I start moving back and forth and up and down as fast as I can.
He grabs my hips tightly and I start bouncing up and down with my hands on his chest.
" ah fuck Eric I'm cumming ! Oh shit !" I scream louder than intended. I tighten around him cumming  hard. I collapse onto his chest. My face in his sweaty neck. I feel his dick pulsating inside of me and I feel warm liquid slowly coming out. I smile against his face. 
" shit. " he whispers smiling.

After we laid there for i don't know how long. We come back downstairs to the guys gone. We look around and hear them in the studio. We walk in there and Eric sits down next to dre who laughs hitting him.
  I look around and I only see three of them. " Where's cube Y'all?" I ask in the most innocent way. " man he weird. " ren says laughing. Yella starts laughing too. " How?" I ask giving a fake laugh. " When y'all started fucking  he  dipped. " dre said while messing with the track. I nervously bite my lip then laugh with the rest of them sitting down. 

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now