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3 months later

" So about the baby shower ..." My mom looks at me with a smirk.
I roll my eyes walking quickly away from her.
She runs to catch up with me.
" Oh come Stoney it'll be funnnn".
" I don't even have friends. How am I suppose to have a baby shower ?" She puts her hands on her hips staring at me.
" What about your friends back in Compton?" I give her a dirty look and keep walking.  The mall is super packed today and it seems like ever since I've been pregnant I've been extremely hot. Mom grabs me and drags me into yet another baby store. I see a bench in the store and i sit down wiping the sweat off my forehead then I start staring at her. She's amazed by everything like she doesn't have kids of her own.
" Ah look at this! Look how cute this is !" She turns me with a pink glitter onesie up to her chest. She has a huge grin on her face.
" Isn't this cute- ah look at these !!! Stoney look!" She holds up pink and black baby boots.
" Mom it's not gonna be able to walk for awhile. "
" but when it does. " she winks at me and continues walking around the store for about 30 minutes. Having the same reaction to every single thing.
She walks over to me grabbing my hand to help me up. We both let out a grunt in sync.
" Okay where to next. " she says out  loud looking around. I let out a loud sigh.
She turns to me and stops.
" You wanna go home?"
" you're just now realizing that ?" She rolls her eyes and we start walking to the escalator.
The way down and the walk out the mall seems longer. Now that she isn't talking and happy.  We finally get to the car , putting what we bought in the back seat & then started driving  home.
" I'm sorry. "
" for what?" She asks looking out the window.
" I'm happy and excited. It's just I'm only 5 months. The baby isn't coming for awhile. "
" I know it's just. It's been a minute I haven't got to do any of this. " she gives a weak smile.
" How about you and Eric go baby shopping. " she gives me this look and we both start laughing.

We finally get in the house and the AC is blasting thank god. 
" Hey what did you get ?" Christian asks from the couch.
" Some dresses & tights. " Anita answers. I start walking upstairs.
" you hungry?" She yells up. I shake my head no. I get to my room shutting the door & turning on my tv. 
I lie down directly under the vent and close my eyes.

My eyes open and I'm at my old house back in Compton.  In my old room. Everything looks the same except my stomach. I get up walking down the  stairs to see Anita and James eating breakfast like they used to.
" Mom what's going on ..." They don't even turn their heads. It's like they don't know I'm there.  I suddenly feel a hand on my back making me jump. I turn to see Juwan. He's standing there arms folded wearing all white. My eyes get huge  and mg heart nearly jumps out my chest. I back up more and more until my back hit the railing of the stairs. " What ... Am I dead ?" He starts laughing. " Nah fool you ain't dead. you're dreaming. " he says shrugging his shoulders. " I don't remember falling asleep. " I say back confused. He walks to the direction of his room. I look back at Anita who is still eating. I follow him and he's standing next to his closet. I sit down on his bed staring at him. He stares right back at me. He starts shaking his head. " look  at you sis. " I know exactly what he means and I put my head down somewhat ashamed.  " Are you excited ?" He asks. " What about the baby?" He nods. " I'm scared. " he nods his head.  It' goes silent for a long while. I'm looking  around his room I was rarely ever aloud to go in it when he was still living.  " You were buried in red why are you in white now ?" I ask laughing. " I may have been bad but not THAT bad. I'm an angel. " he says batting his eyes laughing. We both sigh. " I miss you Juwan. " I can't help but to cry.  " I miss you too sis. " " are you disappointed in me ?" He turns his to side and shrugs. " No. You're living your life. I'm proud of you. " he starts walking over to me and I get up meeting him half way. He grabs me into a tight hug which makes me cry even more.  I hold onto him not wanting to let go. " Moms married now you know ?"  I feel him nodding his head. " I've been watching. " he chuckles. It goes quiet again and I start hearing loud ringing. His grip on me loosens , I begin to hold onto  nothing but my arms. I back up to see him disappearing. " Where are you  going ?!" I yell as he's getting farther and farther away. He smiles and winks at me & fully disappears. 

I wake up in darkness with nothing but the tv as a light. My phone is ringing loudly. I get up off the bed and answer it.
" Hello?"
" Have you been crying?" I let out a sigh.
" No Eric. "
" I'm just checking on my babies."
" We're good. " I say back quickly.
" you okay?" I hear the concern in his voice. 
" Yeah I'll call you later . " I hang up before he can say anything else. I sit on the edge of my bed breathing  heavy thinking about the dream I just had. I start crying , harder than before.

My bedroom swings open and the light turns on.
" Stoney-" Anita runs over to me quickly hugging me.
" are you okay what's wrong ?" She grabs my face staring at me. I shake my head.
" nothing I just. I'm emotional I guess. " I shrug my shoulders laying down  on her chest. She strokes my hair for awhile.
" we ordered pizza. If you want some. " she whispers. I start laughing and we both get up going down stairs.

Me , Christian and Anita are sitting at dinner table.  I'm on my 5th piece of pizza.
" I think you should have  the baby shower. " Christian says before picking up his cup.
I roll my eyes with my mouth full of pizza.
" did she put you up to this ?" I say as clearly as I can. My mom quickly swallows her food.
" I swear I didn't. "
" no she didn't. I just think it would be nice. " he says shrugging. 
" Fine guys. I'll have one. But you're in charge of it. " I say pointing to her.
" good you'll have nothing to worry about. " she says back grinning.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now