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Eric has Stoney pinned down on her stomach with her hands above her head.  He leans down so close to her ear that she can feel his lips moving.
" Don't move. " he breathes out.  He lays on top of her kissing and biting  her neck , she moves her head as much as she can to get to his mouth. When she finally does she kisses him a deep kiss. She starts sucking on his tongue making him groan  in her mouth.  She feels his dick getting hard against her ass. She starts pushing against it as much as she can.  She's lifted up on her elbows . Eric pushes her back down getting  up off the bed , he pulls her panties down she lifts up her hips to help. He gets naked , slapping Stoneys ass making her jump. She looks over her shoulder and bites  her lip.
" Come here. " she quickly gets off the bed standing in front of Eric , he pushes her down and she gets the hint. She drops to her knees and puts his dick in her mouth. He lets out a deep breath as she starts sucking and licking. He grabs  her head pulling out of her mouth then going  back in. She welcomes it keeping her mouth open as he does. 
She looks up at him and he's already staring at her with lustful  eyes. He picks her up throwing her onto the bed. She's laying flat on her stomach as he climbs on top of her . He quickly slams into her making her scream out. 
He has her small hands in his big hands. Slamming in and out of her making her scream out louder and louder each time. 
She puts her face in the blanket biting  onto it to muffle  her moans. He gets up on his knees grabbing her hips up info doggystyle.
She starts moving forward and he grabs her hips , forcing all of it into her.
" Ah Eric slow down. " she cries out
" Take it baby. Take this dick. " he hisses through his teeth. He hits her sweet spot making her back arch as far as it can go , she starts meeting his movements.
" mmmm I'm gonna cum oh shit. " she moans out. Eric slows down making her legs shake even more. He pulls out and she drops , quickly turning over with her legs open in front of him.
" keep fucking going keep going!" She screams out of breath grabbing onto Eric.
He grabs her putting his member in her mouth moving back and forth quickly.
" oooo shit. Fuck. " he tenses up Cumming inside her mouth. He pulls out and lays back on the pillows staring at her.
"I can't believe you just did that to me." She says wiping her mouth looking back at him. He smirks getting up putting his boxers on and laying back down. 

3 weeks later.

I haven't been able to do anything. Literally nothing. I'm not even aloud to leave the house without someone escorting me , can't even check the mail without Eric wanting me carry a gun  there. 
I feel so trapped. Now that me and Eric are somewhat back together all I want to do is be up under him and follow him wherever he goes honestly. I don't want him cheating on me anymore. I can't just deal with it and if I'm there he can't do it, right ? It's late at night and I hear the front door opening. I quickly turn my  head to see Christian trying to sneak in. I have my arms  folded staring at him he jumps when he sees me.
" Where you been?"
" Nowhere important. " he throws his keys down taking his shoes and jacket off. He walks pass me and I stop him. Giving him a look and he gives me one back.
" you need a life again Stoney. " he says getting out of  grip.
" who you tellin? I want one but I can't. Cause crazy boy. " I say rolling my eyes. He looks at me smirking.
" what?"
" I don't think he'll be a problem anymore. " my eyebrows raise in surprise.
" whys that?" He shrugs laughing walking up the stairs.
" so I can leave then?!" I yell out and he yells back yes.
I trust that he wouldn't put me in danger. I grab my car keys and run outside way too quickly.  I get in my car and start driving. I go to Erics house and I see a car parked outside. A unfamiliar car. I park and get out I don't bother to knock , I open the front door and I hear a woman's voice and she's laughing. I follow the laugh upstairs into Erics bedroom.
" Oh Eric. " I hear her say and I bust open the door making them both jump. His eyes get big.
" who the fuck is this ?!" I scream pointing to her.
" Who the fuck are you?!" She screams back
" Bitch -"
" what are you doing here ?!" Eric yells at me.
" What is SHE doin here ?!" I yell back af him.
" I'm his baby mama. " she says crossing her arms.  I look at her up and down with a Bitch face. 
" So am I. " I say back folding my arms as well. She starts  laughing lookin at me up and down. She shakes her head and laughs again
" I'm his first baby mother. We have history , I'm not just some .... Groupie. " she waves her hand up and down towards me.
She laughs and walks over to Eric kissing him on the cheek.
" talk to me when you have your bitches under control. " she gives me the side  eye she walks pass me bumping into me on purpose , I quickly turn around grabbing her by her hair and pushing her head towards the stairs she tumbles  down the stairs hitting the biggest step it stopping her fall. 
" don't fucking touch me bitch !" I scream down the stairs. Eric pushes me out the way I slam up against the wall.
" Yo are you okay?! " he says frantic helping her up.  She gets up dusting her self off.  She nod quickly .
" yeah I'm coo. Don't let me catch you on the street bitch! " she yells up as Eric is dragging her out the house.
" oh I'm so scared. " I say sarcastically walking down the steps. By the time he gets her out of the house I'm down the steps. He slams and locks his front door. I'm standing there arms folded ready to call him on what he did. He starts walking over to me.
" What-"
" Are you out your fucking mind bitch?!" He screams in my face making me back away but he keeps moving closer and closer to me. 
" I'm not a -"
" what the fuck is you doing ?! Huh?!" He screams louder in my  face. I push him trying to move back and he pushes me hard making me fall to the ground.
" You don't have the fucking  right to come up in here and act a fucking  fool!" .  He says pointing his finger at me. I look up he shakes his head in disgust walking up the stairs slamming the door.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now