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I'm walking out the kitchen and I see Eric walking towards me. I quickly turn and walk towards Anita and Christian. I step in the middle of them and turn my head to see Eric giving me a dirty confused look.
" You enjoying yourself ?" Christian asks. I nod my head not taking my eyes off Eric and what he's doing. He begins walking away towards the presents.
I relax and smile at the both of them and continue  walking around. There's music playing and more people than I can count have came up to me rubbing my stomach saying how good I look , I wish I felt as good as I looked.  I go in the kitchen make a plate , I put ribs and potato salad on it and I sit down at the table.
Michele'le is sitting down as well eating.
" How are you?"
" Good. You?" I say back with my mouth full.  She nods her head.  It's quiet as we're both eating and looking  around.  We both oddly finish at the same time.
" I remember my first baby shower. " she says laughing , I still haven't gotten use to her voice.  I get shocked every time she talks.
" How many do you have ?"
" 2. "
" both by dre ?" She nods her head. I do the same.
" I can see you're mad at Eric . " she says out of nowhere. I give her a sideways glance and start to drink my water.
" Listen girl , boys will be boys. You just gotta deal with it. " she shrugs getting up walking into the crowd of people. I roll my eyes. I'm getting so tired of hearing that.
I see Tiffany walking over to me with a plate. She sits down and stares at me.
" What?" I finally ask. She shakes her head saying nothing.
I grab chips off her plate and start eating them as I'm looking around.
" I'm pretty sure you've ate. " she says slapping my hand away.
" whatever. " I say laughing.
" Cube is looking too good right now girl. " we both turn our head looking at him laughing.
" Eh he looked better with his hair. "
" he looks good either way. " she bites her lip staring at him up and down.
" better  calm down. His girl is here. " I whisper to her getting up. She starts laughing.

I walk down the hall knocking on the bathroom door. Thank god it's empty. I go in and shut the door lifting up my  dress to pee. It starts coming out and I sigh in relief. The bathroom door opens and shuts quick.
" What the fuck?!" Eric turns around.  He stands there staring at me , then puts his head down laughing.
" What are you doing?" He says between laughs.
" Peeing if you don't fucking mind. " he laughs even harder turning around.
" hurry up!"  I wipe and flush then begin to wash my hands.  After I shut off the water I head for the door but he steps in front of it.
" move. " he just stares at me. I flick my wet hands at him making him flinch as the water hits his face.
" What's your problem?"
" I don't have one Eric move. "
" not until you tell me what's wrong. "
" my fucking feet hurt I want to sit down move!"
" go head. " he says pointing towards the toilet. I give him a dirty look but my feet are on fire , I put the seat down and sit down staring at him.
" You haven't been taking my calls. You hug everyone except me. You acting like I ain't even he-"
" who was thay girl you were with ?" I blurt out. He gives me a confused look.
" oh bullshit  don't give me that look. In Las Vegas I called you a girl picked up the phone. Who was she ?"
He lets out a sigh and rubs his chin hair.
It's like everything got quiet for a minute , all I hear is the muffled music.
" Well?!"
" Why you worried about that? It don't matter. " he says moving closer to me. I push him back.
" it does matter Eric. " he moves closer to me again. I try pushing him away and he grabs my hands. He squats down in front of me so we're face to face. 
He lifts my face up gently with his huge hand, he leans in and kisses me gently but I don't kiss back.
I want to be mad at him. I need to be mad at him but I can't.  His gorgeous big brown eyes and soft lips. How can I stay mad at this man?
He kisses  me again but this time I kiss back.
" She didn't mean anything. You know that right?" I nod my head.
" You're what matters to me. " he kisses me on the nose 
Our moment is interrupted by a loud knock on the door.
" It's time to open up the presents come on. " Anita yells.
" Okay!" I yell back.  He stands up and holds out his hand. I grab onto it. He opens the bathroom door and I shut the light off. I'm holding his hand as he's leading the way to the living room.
Everyone is seated and some standing around a chair that I guess I'm suppose to sit in.
I sit down and Eric stands behind me , Christian is seated in front of us and is already snapping pictures. The presents are surrounding me.
" I'm not gonna be able to open all these. " I say laughing.
" open what you can! " Michele'le says and the whole room starts laughing. She rolls her eyes
" whatever y'all. " she says with a little smile.

I spent about a good hour opening presents. Diapers , bottles , onesies , toys anything a baby could need or want.   I said my thanks you and gave countless hugs. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.  The house finally began to clear out by 10:30. By 11:00 everyone was gone. 
I was standing by the door seeing everyone out.
" it was good seeing you. I'll be here for the birth of it. " Tiffany says while hugging me.
" I'll see you then. " I say hugging her back. Slim hugs me and leaves. All the cars are gone. The only people still here is cube ren yella dre and Eric.
" Did you have fun?" Anita asks approaching me. I nod my head laying down on her chest.
" You tired?"
" mmmm. "
" go get some rest. " she says. I slide my feet up the stairs and I hear footsteps behind me.
I turn back to see Eric. He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back and continue walking. We get to the top of the stairs and see the guys leaving. We begin walking to my room and he shuts and locks the door once we get in.
I stand by the bed and it's like he knows what I wanted to say. He walks up behind me and unzips my dress letting it fall to the ground. I try to pick up a big t shirt and he grabs it out of my hand.
" There's no need for that. " he says shaking his head putting the shirt down.
" I'm fat. " I say putting my arms across my stomach.
" you're not fat you're pregnant. It's a difference. " he says chuckling.  I climb into bed putting three pillows under my head so I'm more lifted up. 
I kick off my flats and crack my toes.
" can you rub   my feet ? He scrunches his nose.
" Pleaseeee ?" I whine. He rolls his eyes.
He walks over to me and begins rubbing my swollen feet. I start to relax even more than before. He rubs them for about 10 minutes.
" thank you baby. " I say he nods getting up. He climbs into bed next to me. He grabs my chin and begins kissing me. I turn over to my side and begin kissing him , rubbing his chest and torso. He stops for a miner sitting up taking his shirt off and then we continue.  He moves the pillows out of the way and I lay back. He slowly and carefully climbs on top of me , hovering over me. I push myself up on my elbows to reach his lips.  His hand slides under me unhooking my bra I take it off snd throw it on the floor. I lay back down and begin to unbutton and unzip his pants. Still kissing me he takes them off and kicks them to the ground.
I start rubbing him through  his boxers. He stops kissing me and starts kissing my neck and begins taking off my panties.  He takes off his boxers and lays on his back. He reaches over grabbing the side of my hip pulling me on top of me.
I grab his dick and I slowly sit down on it. I miss the feeling of this. But i can't get into it.
I start moving my hips back and forth at first and then I stop. Eric looks up at me.
" what?" What's wrong ?"
" I can't. "
" can't what?"
" I can't be on top I can't do this i feel fat. I feel like you're staring at  my double chin I can't. You get on top. " I say quickly
" you don't have a double chin and I don't want to squish the baby. "
I let out out a sigh and i start looking around my room.
He grabs my hips and I look down at him.
He lifts up so we're chest to chest and kisses me.
" You trippin baby. You're still sexy.  He says against my lips. His grip gets tighter on my hips as he begins to move them back and forth. I start following his lace my nervousness leaving me and I start feeling nothing but pleasure. 


" You think she liked it?" I ask Christian as he's looking at the pictures. He nods his head.
" it was great baby. "
" I feel bad that the cleaning people have to clean all that up. "
" that's  what they're getting paid for." He says laughing. I laugh and then leave room. I head upstairs towards Stoneys room. Before I can fully reach it I hear moaning and name calling. My stomach turns as if I'm gonna throw up and I quickly walk down the hall to my room.

Heavy breathing fills the air as we both lay there. He pulls me close to him as I lay my head on his chest.
" I love you Eric. " I whisper kissing his jaw.
" I love you too baby. " he wraps his arm around lazily and a few minutes later he's sleeping. I sit up and stare at him and begin tracing  his lips and chin hair. I kiss him a light kiss then turn over and fall asleep.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now