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My birthday is only two days away.  I'm so excited , Eric has something planned.  But as of right now the boys are having a party kind of for my birthday but they insisted that I go. I come out my room with a beautiful white dress on and my hair down.
I walk down the stairs putting my converse on. There's no need for heels I laugh to myself. 
" you look pretty. " Christian says smiling. I do a twirl and then I pose laughing.
" thanks. "
" be careful baby girl. " Anita says kissing me.
" okay you guys are sure you don't mind watching Juwan?" I ask again before leaving. They both give me the same annoyed reaction , I've been asking this all week.
" go! Have fun we don't mind. " Anita says laying in Christian  arms kissing him. I grab my keys and head for the door , I start driving to Dre's. Oddly enough it's only  down the street from Erics.  I see so many cars parked outside and the house is blasting music.
It brings back memories of when I first met them. I start laughing as I park in someone else's driveway. I get out walking to the door. I open it knowing ringing the doorbell would useless.
The smell of liquor and smoke fill the air and I start coughing waving my hand in the air moving the smoke out of my face. 
I look around the place , yeah this is definitely an NWA party. Women on women on women. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen where I see cube standing there talking to some girl.
" Hey Stoney!" He smiles grabbing me into a hug.
I hug him back tightly.
" where is everyone?" I yell over the music.
" shit. " he says waving his hand  laughing. He grabs a cup giving it to me and pouring jack Daniels in it.
I nod my head saying thank you.
" I'm gonna walk around. " I yell again he nods his head and walks away. I'm walking around the house dancing with a few people here and there. This has to be my 5th cup of jack and shit is starting to get dazey. I start stumbling to the bathroom to try to splash cold water in my face. I go to the nearest bathroom and knock loudly.  There's no answer I knock again and there's no answer. The light is off. I shrug and open the door shutting on the light to see Eric standing up against the  sink getting head from some bitch.
When the light shut on the girl quickly got up running out the bathroom. My mouth remained open as he looked at me trying to buckle his pants back up.
" Stoney -" I throw my cup of liquor at his face and slam the door speeding off the in the group of people. 
I feel that too familiar lump in my throat. I keep shaking my head not wantin to cry.  I bump into someone that grabs each side of my arms. I look up to see its cube.
" we meet again!" He says laughing. I laugh then roll my eyes looking away from him.
" what's wrong ?" He says in my ear. Before I can start talking he grabs my hand and takes me upstairs. 
I quickly follow wanting to rant and rave about his bestfriend. 
We get in a bedroom and he shuts the door. I put my back up against the door and he's standing in front of me. 
" wasssup?"
" I caught Eric getting head from some bitch. " I say grabbing the bottle out of his hand. He shakes his head and smacks his lips.
" man I swear he don't know what he got. "
" what do you mean?" I ask wiping my mouth. He shrugs.
" you're beautiful. Like look at you. " he says waving his hands up and down. That put a smile on my face for some reason. I look down blushing. He comes closer to me and lifts my chin up.
" I'm serious Stoney. " he whispers. I get chills down my spine. He's looking at my lips which makes me lick them. He quickly leans in crashing his lips into mine , it's wrong but it feels right for some odd reason.
I drop the bottle and wrap my arms around him. He runs his tongue over my bottom lip and I open my mouth , he sticks his tongue in it and I do the same.  He trails his hands up my thigh and up my dress and I start rubbing him through his pants making him moan  into my mouth. He kisses me on my face then down to my neck. He starts kissing and licking I grab onto him even tighter. He moves my panties to the side and inserts his middle finger. Moving quickly up and down making me open my legs even wider.
" you're so tight . " he mumbles in my neck.
He hits my spot and I nearly drop to the floor.
" Ah fuck " I grab him even closer to me. I unbuckle his pants and grab his dick and I start stroking it quickly. The head is leaking pre cum. He starts moaning almost louder than me. My soul nearly leaves my body as we both hear a knock on the door. He quickly covers my mouth but doesn't stop his hand movements.
My eyes meet his and the knocking continues. He moves his hand up and down quicker his palm gliding over my clit.
My muffled moans start getting  louder and louder. The knocking stops and he starts kissing me again. I start stroking even faster. The faster I go the faster he goes.
I feel my orgasm building up. My walls start to tighten around him
" fuck Stoney. Come on baby. " he moves even quicker.
" oh shit Cube. " I breathe out before my legs start shaking ,
His buries his face in my neck moaning before shooting his cum all over my leg. We both fall to the ground. My back up against the door and him facing me.
I wipe my leg off and he does the same with his hand.
It's silent and he picks up the bottle takin a sip out of it.
I get up and he does after I do. He kisses me again but this time I don't kiss back like before.
" I have   to go. " I whisper against his lips fighting back tears. He nods his head. I leave the room looking around making sure no one is upstairs.
I run down the stairs and reach the front door I see dre. He smiles hugging me I hug him back and laugh.
" cool party. I have to go though. " before he can ask why I grab my purse and run for my car.  Once I get in I speed off.
What the fuck just happened

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now