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" I'll wait. " He says folding his arms. I just stare at him he's almost as intimidating as Eric.

I slump in my seat looking out the window. He starts making annoying mouth sounds and touching shit in the car.
" can you stop cube!?"
" can you tell me what's wrong?!" He yells back.
" it's Eric. " I mumble.
" no shit dumbass. What he do?"I look at him raising my eyebrow. I inhale deeply and keep staring at him.

" You're annoying. " he says smacking his lips opening the door.
" I just want his attention Shea! That's all I want but I don't want to be that annoying bitch that's all over him!"
He closes the door and looks at me.
" go in there and talk to him. "
" he kicked me out. "
" he what?" He starts laughing. I feel my blood boil.
" get out. Get out of my fucking car go."
I fold my arms looking out the window.
" I'm sorry that's funny. But fr. Just go to his house or something wait for him and talk it out. "
I don't say anything he smacks his lips and gets out. I start up the car driving.

I pass by Eric's house and it seems like time slows down. I groan and bust a U turning the car around. I park down the street and walk to his house. Not wanting him to know that I'm there when he gets off.
I walk up to the house and ring the doorbell.
The door swings open and it's Yvette.
" Oh you again. " she smiles. I roll my eyes pushing her out the way.
She pushes my chest almost making me fall. I stumble over my feet but catch my balance.
" You can't come in. Eric not here love sorry. " her accent gets more and more thick each time I see her.
" I know he's not here get the fuck out the way. " I say pushing her she slams in the door and I walk up the stairs.
" Hey you can't do that ! Hey!" I stop half way up the stairs.
" what are you gonna do about it Yvette ? " she stares at me and I continue walking up the stairs. I go into Eric's room walking around touching all his stuff as always. I go to his closet and run my fingers over all his shirts. His closet smells just like him.
I can't help but Inhale and smile. I look at the time and he's not even close to getting off of work. Even though he can leave when he wants. But knowing him he likes shit his way so he'll be there awhile.
I get undressed down to my bra and panties and put on his shirt which is huge on me.

* Anita *

" have you found out what's wrong with Stoney? " Christian asks
" Nope. " I say putting my arms around his neck kissing him.
" Nothing at all? " he kisses me back.
" Well I know it's Eric. " he scoffs.
" of course. " he stands up and walks to his photograph room. I get up to follow him when I hear the door bell ring.

I open it and slump down
" speak of the devil. " I put my head on the door. He smirks looking at me. I open the door more and he walks in. He sits down looking at me.
" How was your honeymoon?"
" good. "
Since my daughter is mad at him I have to be too. I fold my arms and raise my eyebrow at him. Waiting for him to say something that's worth listening too
" That's cool. "
" MHM. " it becomes silent. He claps his hands together and heads for the stairs. I quickly step in front of him.
" Uh where are you going ?"
" Stoneys room?"
" she's not here. " he steps back with a confused look on his face.
" have you talked to her ?"
" not since this morning. Before she left for work. " I say with an attitude.
He heads for the door walking out leaving it open.
I roll my eyes slamming the door shut. I go to Christians photograph room.
" Who was that baby?"
" Eric. " he stops looking at pictures and looks at me.
" what happened ? " I shrug my shoulders sitting down on his lap.
" I don't think Eric is right for her Chris . "
" Anita don't. "
" don't what?! " I say standing back up.
" Don't interfere. Let her live and make her own choices. "
" I never said I was going to -" he stops me and kisses me.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now