27/ breakup to makeup

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It's 4oclock in the morning. And I haven't been to sleep I've been thinking bout what Tiffany said. I want to be with him. Just one last time one last chance.
I get kind of dressed. Putting on pajama shorts and a tank top leaving my hair in a ponytail. I put on flip flops and pick up the phone. I call Eric and he answers on the last ring.
" Wassup?"
" Meet me at the park. "
" which one ?"
" the one we always take Juwan to. "
" right now?"
" yeah. " he says okay and hangs up. I ease down the stairs and see Christian sitting down looking at pictures and sipping his coffee. He looks up at me over his glasses.
" morning. " I give a what's up nod. Grabbing my keys.
" be listening for Juwan?" He nods his head. Continuing to scroll through the pictures. I drive up to the park in no time. Taking deep breaths as I get out. He's not here yet which is good. So I can think about what I'm gonna say. I sit up on the hill of the grass. Staring at the beautiful sky. I hear feet approaching and my stomach starts turning in knots. He sits down next to me grunting as he does. I turn to him and he has shades on staring at the sky. I move closer to him taking off his glasses.
" it's really beautiful. " he says looking around the park.
" it really is. "
" maybe it means something. " I mumble.
" like what?" He asks. I don't respond I just continue looking. He starts rocking back and forth bumping into me on purpose I'm trying to hide my smile until he starts doing it faster knocking me over completely. I burst out laughing getting up I hit him on his arm and he starts laughing. It goes quiet after a minute.
" So what did you call me down here for ?" He asks turning to me. I keep looking at the sky and I inhale deeply closing my eyes.
" Eric I swear if you break my heart again...." I hear him smiling which causes me to smile.
" I will kill you. " I finish, smiling.
He grabs me kissing me. I grab him back kissing him as we lay in the grass.
" Say it then Stoney. " he stops kissing me then looks at me.
" We're back together Eric. " I say rolling my eyes laughing. He starts kissing me again putting his tongue in my mouth , I slowly and lightly start sucking on it. Flipping him over i start kissing him roughly he grabs my ass slapping it making me moan into his mouth.
" I missed you. " I say between kisses. His grip on me gets tighter.
" I missed you baby. " I grab his face pulling him up so we're chest to chest. I start grinding on him , forgetting we're outside. And not caring honestly.
He starts kissing and biting on my neck I bite my lip grabbing onto his shoulder.

" HEY. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING OVER THERE ?!" We both stop gasping looking over to see two police offers across the park getting closer and closer.
" man fuck you!" Eric screams the cops start running towards us. We get up quickly running to our cars holding hands.
" You're crazy Eric !" I yell while laughing.
" YOU BETTER STOP!" the cops yell after us.
Eric grabs me dragging me in his direction throwing me in the car. The cops are getting closer and closer to us and he jumps in the car speeding off.
" Eric my car!"
" we'll come back for it !" He hits a sharp turn down a dark street and parks. He looks at me and starts laughing.
" you are crazy Eric !" I say laughing hitting him on his arm.
" But you love me. " he says leaning into me grabbing the back of my head bringing it closer to him.
" mmm yes I do. " I whisper against his lips. We start making out , biting each other lips and sucking on each others tongue like there's no tomorrow. I start rubbing his dick through his jeans. It's as hard as a rock. He puts his hands down my shorts rubbing up and down.
" you're so wet. " he groans against my lips.
" fuck , I want you Eric. " he pulls away starting up his car again. He backs out the alley and speeds in the direction of my house.
" the way I want you it can't be in a car." He says licking his lips. I keep rubbing him roughy through his jeans he starts moving his hips with my hand. We finally pull up to my house and we jump out of the car. I open the door quietly not wanting Anita to hear.
I close the door and we both run up the stairs , I quickly shut my bedroom door , I look back and he's taking off his shirt and I quickly take off my mine. I drop down to my knees unbuckling his belt and pants he helps me taking off his jeans and I pull down his boxers , exposing his rock hard member that's dripping pre cum. I gently lick the head making him moan out. He grabs me off my knees snatching my bra off throwing it to the ground. He starts kissing and sucking on my boobs. Going lower and lower he pulls my shorts and panties off in one movement. He pulls off his boxers and comes back up kissing me.
" open your legs. " he says against my lips. I open them as wide as they can go. He grabs my thighs pushing them towards my chest. He grabs his dick moving it up and down my clit. I look down biting my lip. He finally slides it , I wrap my legs around him as he starts moving in and out of me quickly.
" Ah Eric. I missed you. " I say against his neck making him go faster and faster.
Minutes go by but it feels like hours , I start to tighten around him making him slow down.
" I want it to last all morning  baby. " he says with his nose against mine. He leans down kissing me.   I kiss him back quick grabbing him closer to me. 


I roll off of Eric laying on my back trying to catch my breath.  We're both drenched in sweat trying to steady our breathing.  We did every position I can think of.  My whole body is shaking. Especially my legs. 
I get closer to him and I lay down on his sweaty chest. He kisses my forehead and we both drift off into a deep sleep. 
I wake up in an empty bed , I thought it was all a dream. But my aching body lets me know it was real.  I look around and it's dark outside.  I lay my head back down smiling.  I hear Anita and Erics high pitch laugh downstairs. I slowly get up putting on a bathrobe walking down the stairs trying not to fall due to my legs still shaking. 
I go into the kitchen and stand by the entrance.  They're both laughing and Anita looks at me.
" Well hi sunshine. " I wave smiling he walks over  to me kissing me.
" I got your car. " I mouth thank you and lean back up against  the wall. 
" I was waiting  for you to get up. I got work to do. I'll call you baby." He says kissing me again. I watch him leave shutting the door. 
Anita looks at me up and down and sips out of her coffee mug. 
" What?!" I say loudly smiling. She shakes her head laughing.
" Thought you were done. " she says walking pass me bumping into me playfully. 
" Shut uuuuppppp. " I groan laughing.
She laughs going up the stairs. 
" where's Juwan?" I ask scratching my head. 
" He's sleeping. He was at the park all day with me and Eric. " my eyes get big.
" you guys spent the day together ?"
I ask concerned  following her up the stairs.
" mhm. " she looks back at me winking.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now