28// Ending.

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I'm driving to the studio where all the guys are. I pull up and they're already at work. I try to ease in so they won't notice me. But they all turned around stopping the music track. Crossing their arms.
" Take a picture damn. " I yell before taking my jacket off sitting down rolling over to Dre. 
"Where you been nigga?" Ren asks.
" Stoneys. " they all start " ayying"
" She finally took you back?" Yella asks I nod my head trying to hide my smile.

" can we get on with the song ?" Cube says with an attitude. We all roll our eyes and Dre turns the music back on.

Stoney - 1 month later. 
Everything has been amazing.  Me and Eric are better than ever , I actually trust him now. And my eyes are for him and him only. 
I'm getting off work going to my car and I see Cube.
" Wassup Stoney?" He asks approaching me. I roll my eyes unlocking my car door.
" Nothing. " I sit down in it and he grabs my door. 
" what's the rush?" He asks standing in front of me. I push him off my car door getting out. 
" you been acting real childish O'shea. " I say folding my arms looking at him up and down.
" what can I say. I might be jealous. " he smirks at me.
" There's  no reason to be. You got Kim and Tiffany and whoever else. You're not getting me leave it alone. I'm happy alright ? " he backs away looking at me. He nods his head.
" I'm sorry Stoney. Fr. " he gives me a sympathetic look. I give him a quick hug.
" it's alright. Just lets go back to the way we used to be. " he nods his smiling. I smile back getting in my car driving away. 

I get home putting my stuff down I sit next to Juwan whose watching tv playing with a toy car. 
He gives me a kiss.  The phone rings and I walk over to it  answering it. 
" Hello?"
" baby what you doing ?"
" watching Tv with Juwan. You?"
" You're coming with me tonight to the music awards. " my heart starts racing.
" no Eric- "
" be ready by 8. " he quickly hangs up and I stand there on the phone with my mouth open. I hangup after the phone starts beeping loudly.
" your daddy is crazy if he thinks I'm going with him tonight. " I say kissing a laughing Juwan.

It's 7 and I'm sitting in my bathrobe in my room.
I hear a light knock on the door and it's Christian dressed in a tux.
" you look nice. " I say smiling. He doesn't smile he looks at me up and down shaking his head.
" why aren't you ready?"
" why am I suppose to be ready?..."
" the music awards. Eric told me you were going. Get dressed. " before I can even open my mouth the door shuts and I sit there still slumping down looking around my room as if it's a new scenery.
The door opens again but this time it's Anita holding something behind her back.
" you're not dressed ?" I smack my lips putting my hands on my hips.
" I'm not going !"
" your boyfriend wants you to go. Go support him!" She has a point. He's never taken his girlfriends to anything like this. I bite my lip trying to find another excuse.
" I don't have anything to wear. " she walks fully in my room throwing what she has behind her back on my bed.
" hurry up. " she says shutting the door. Fuck. I mumble.
I guess this can't be too bad. I get up getting dressed.

An hour later I'm pacing back and forth in my room. Twiddling my thumbs. My stomach is in knots. I just wanna lock my door and go to sleep. I've never been good at social gatherings. Let alone one with hundreds of cameras and thousands of people.
" come on Stoney!" I hear Christian yell. I open the door walking down the stairs. I put on black heels and I open the door seeing a huge black limo outside making my mouth drop open. Christian gets in his car.
" you're not coming ?"
" it's not my limo. " he says smiling. I walk over to it and open the door sliding in , it's huge. I shut the door and I see Eric smiling. The limo takes off and it's rides smoothly surprisingly. 
" come  here. " he says smirking. I slide over to him and he wraps his arm around me. Kissing me. I lightly kiss back. I back away not deepening the kiss. 
" What's wrong ?"
" I'm nervous. I hate these type of things honestly.  " I say rubbing my sweaty hands together , Christian has invited  me and Anita plenty of times him being the photographer and we always said no. 
He pours a glass of champagne and hands it to me.
" It'll be fine.  " he says smiling. 

The closer we get I already see lights flashing and people screaming and yelling.  We pull up and the driver opens the door.
" Ready?" He asks smirking I shake my head no. He steps out and the crowd goes wild. 

I scoot to the end and I take ahold of his hands.  Stepping out and the crowd gets even louder snapping picture after picture after picture. 
We start walking down the carpet trying to get to the door. 
Eric is relaxed just standing there posing for pictures and answering questions.  I have never held onto anyone's hand that tight.
He grabs my waist kissing me on my cheek ,
" relax. " he whispers in my ear.  I exhale kind of smiling while they snap pictures.  He lets go of me to take pictures  with the fans and sign whatever they hand him. I stand there awkwardly with my purse in my hand then I slowly start to follow behind him without looking a nervous wreck , I hope.  I get a little more calm when I see Christians face in the crowd smiling at me. 
We finally get to the door opening it some of my stress leaving me. It's mostly dark. The stage is the only thing lit up. 
We walk all the way to front. Where  they are two empty seats. We pass NWA and their girls and sit down at the end row. 
I sit there trying to clam down and catch  my breath. 
He lightly holds my hand I look at him and he winks at me. 

The award show is going on and on. Michael Jackson winning more than most of the awards. My hands hurt from clapping so much.

And the  best album of the year goes too ...... Dre Dre , dj Yella , Mc ren , Ice  cube & Eazy e , NWA!!!!

My heart nearly jumps out of my chest. The whole crowd starts clapping even louder than before.  Including me. I look at Eric grinning. He stands up and I stand up hugging him tight. They all look at each other and go up there with the same childlike smile. 
I swear I'm the last one clapping when they finally reach the stage.
They all say their thanks you and E is just in the back like he normally is being quiet.
" I'm sure my man E got a few things to say. " Cube says backing away from the mic. The crowd starts clapping as he approaches the mic. 
With the light hitting his face he looks like angel. 
" I wanna thank the fans you know for buying our records..... " he sucks his teeth looking at the award he's holding.
" And I uh. I wanna thank my girlfriend Stoney. Whose been there , keeping my mind where it's spose' to be. Thank y'all. " One of the video cameras turn to me. And I try to hold in my tears the best I can. But it doesn't work. They start falling and I quickly wipe them away. I'm grinning from ear to ear trying to hide the redness in my face.
They all come back sitting down , he turns to me kissing me a deep kiss.
" I love you. "
"I love you too. " he grabs on to my hand holding it for the rest of the night. 

The award show is over and everyone is standing around. I've never seen so many celebrities in one place.
" You going to the after party E?" He shakes his head
" Nah me and my girl heading  out. " he nods his head and we start walking back to the limo. We get in and the driver starts driving.
" You could've  went  Eric. " I say looking up at him.
" I know. I ain't want to. All parties are the same honestly. Plus id rather be with you. " he says putting his hand on my thigh. I lean in kissing him. I lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes as he strokes my inner thigh.

We get back to my house in no time.  It's quicker back than it was there.  We get out walking to the door as the limousine drives away. 
The lights in the house are still on , I open the door and see Juwan sitting down with Anita. He jumps off the couch screaming running towards Eric.  He picks him up spinning him around and kissing him on his cheek.

I walk over sitting down next to Anita whose smiling.
" What?"
" I seen the speech. " she says bumping into me. I lay my head on her shoulder grinning.
" I really think he's changed. "
" I do too. " we watch him play with Juwan for awhile then he starts walking up the stairs and I follow telling my mom goodnight.
He lays Juwan down on his chest and I go into the bathroom taking off my dress but leaving on my shorts and bra. 
I come back and Juwans knocked out. I grab him taking him in his room. Then I come back to Eric undressing down to his boxers.
He lays down and I climb in bed next to him laying on his chest.
" you have a good time ?"
" surprisingly yes. " I give a light laugh stroking his chest up and down.
" I'm glad you're mine. You not going anywhere. " he says kissing my forehead.
" Neither are  you baby. " I say leaning up kissing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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