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It's been months since me and Eric have broken up. He's had Juwan more than any of us. I don't mind thought a little boy needs a man around.
I miss Juwan dearly , Eric rarely ever wants to give him to me. After this time my heart still aches for Eric , him being on the radio and tv all the time doesn't help at all.
" Hey Stoney you okay?" The manager asks me touching my shoulder. I move my shoulder lightly giving a fake smile.
" yes just tired. " I continue my work.
" you can leave early if you want. " he says grinning at me. I smile collecting my stuff quicker than ever then I leave heading to my car.
I start driving and find myself on my way to Erics house , I might as well pick up Juwan. Im off for the next few days anyway. And I mean it wouldn't hurt to see what his daddy's up to. Right ?
I pull up and all I see is Erics and Yvettes car in the driveway. I get out quickly knocking on the door. She swings open the door wearing Erics flannel with only one button buttoned. I stare at her in shock and disgust up and down , she's fully naked under the shirt.
My nose flares and my teeth start grinding.
" Hello beautiful lady. Any reason why you here ?" She asks smiling from ear to ear.
I push my way in and see Juwan watching tv in the living room and Eric is nowhere to be found. My blood is boiling.
" Where the fuck is Eric ?" She makes a pouty face and waves her hand around in the air.
" I can never keep up. We in the bathroom the living room the bedroom. " she winks at me and leans up against the door biting her lip.
I see Eric come out from the studio with pajama pants on and nothing else. He's walking towards me with his head down and I charge towards him slapping him across his face with all might. Making him stumble back holding his face. I hear Yvette gasp.
" Are you crazy Stoney?!" He shrieks.
" Nigga are you crazy?! You got my son around this fucking bitch are you fucking stupid?!" I say hitting him repeatedly on his chest and forearms as he tries to block my hits. Juwan comes running towards me. I quickly pick him up with tears in my eyes. I walk away passing Yvette.
" You didn't have to hit him. You crazy!" She says with her hand over her mouth. I put Juwan down turning around punching her dead in her mouth. She falls back up against a table causing a Vase to fall and break into pieces on the floor. I pick up Juwan and speed walk to my car. I quickly strap him in and shut the door. I try to get to my side of the car but Eric beats me to it he stands in front of my door.
" What are you doing ?!" He yells
" move Eric !" I scream as loud as I can with tears falling. He tries to grab me and I start hitting him again this time harder and using my nails. He moves and I get in the car slamming and locking all the doors. He tries to open the door but can't.
" stay the fuck away from me and Juwan! " I yell through the window.
" You can't keep my son from me!" He yells back. I roll the window down
" Watch me motherfucka !" I yell back speeding off.

I get home and I see Anita outside looking at the flowers. I park quickly making the tires screech.
Anita approaches my car and I get out hitting her with the door as I do.
" what's wrong ?" She asks in a worried tone. I can't even speak my heart is racing and my eyes are burning for the constant rubbing. She goes on the other side and gets Juwan out of the car. I go inside leaving the door open as I do. I see Christian sitting on the couch and I run to him falling into his arms crying in his chest. He awkwardly rubs my head.
" what's going on ...." He whispers.

I don't know what to do , I've never been good with people crying. Especially when they're on me crying. I keep rubbing her head looking around for Anita. She walks in with Juwan and stares at me with big eyes.
Help me I mouth to her. She shakes her head going into the playroom shutting the door. Stoneys crying stops a little and I lift her up and she sits back in the couch wiping her eyes. My shirt is soaking wet and I move away from her a little bit.
" what's going on? .... Princess .... " she looks at me and starts laughing. I give a nervous laugh.
" what?"
" did you just call me princess ?" She says through her sniffles.
" I see dads say that on movies I just thought it would be good ..."
" No it's horrible. I'm not 10. " she says laughing. We both start laughing I hit her playfully.

Anita appears and sits down staring at us with a smirk.
The laughter fades and me and Anita are looking at Stoney whose sad again with her head down.
" I went to Erics. And uh. And. " she starts crying in her hands. She inhales deeply wiping her eyes.
" And he had another woman. Basically naked around my son. And he was half naked. And they were just .... Chilling. Like it was normal. " she laughs.
" like it was fucking normal!" She yells. Me and Anita look at each other with the same upset expression.
" I don't want him around my son. Period! " she yells before getting up going in her room and slamming the door. Anita looks at me with a disgusted look.
" I don't think we should keep him from his son. " I say getting up.
" I support Stoney 100 percent. He's not coming around anymore. I don't give a fuck. " I don't say anything knowing it would cause an hour long argument.

My door opens and it's Juwan smiling. He makes my mood so much better. I wipe my eyes smiling.
" come  here baby!" He runs towards the best trying his best to get up on it. I grab him and sit him down next to me wrapping my arm around him.
He climbs up in my lap laying his head back on my chest. He smells exactly like Eric. I roll my eyes in disgust.
" I think you need a bath. " he looks up at me and I kiss his nose.
" yeah you need a bath. " I say again before getting up running the water. 
While I'm giving him a bath Anita walks in and crouches down next to the tub I turn around giving her a weak smile.
He starts playing with the bubbles for a minute. 
" So Eric isn't gonna come to Juwans birthday?" She whispers. I ignore her question.
" cause you know it's only a few months away. " she says again in the same tone.
" I'm aware of when his birthday is Anita. " I roll my eyes rinsing Juwan off and wrapping in his towel. I walk pass her going to his room getting him dressed in a onesie. While I'm changing him she appears.
" Look I'm just asking. "
" I don't want him around me. Or my son. He crossed the fucking line with this one.  " I look back at her and she nods her head before walking away.  I pick up Juwan and kiss him on his neck. He smells like baby lotion instead of Eric. 
" Much better. " I say smiling.

For someone that ain't that tall or strong. She sure can hit. I look at the bruises on my chest before buttoning up my shirt. I sit on my bed and I hear a knock.
" Come in. " I yell. Yvette appears.
" what is you still doing here ?" Shit half of this is her fault  anyway. She gives me a confused look.
" go home Yvette. " I say again standing up.
" I want to stay with you. Make sure you okay. "
" I'm fine. Leave. "
" it's not my fault that happened with your baby mother. "
" Who even told you to open the fucking door ?"
" I always open door. "
" in your uniform  yeah. Not when you was dressed like that. You probably did that shit on purpose.  " I look at her up and down. If there's one thing I hate it's a bitch who starts drama. 
I shake my head.
" You gotta go. " she rolls her eyes before walking downstairs I follow her down making sure she leaves.
" I see you tomorrow. " she says before leaning in for a kiss. I back away and begin to shut the door.
" I'll let you know. " I say before shutting and locking the door. 
I look at the broken vase and it really hits me.
I fucked up big time. 

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now