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My bedroom door busts open , me and Christian both jump out of bed him falling to the ground and me reaching for the light switch.
My eyes adjust to the light to see Stoney standing there with her hands on her hips. She throws something at me and it hits the ground.
" You better have a good fucking reason for busting in here like-" I pick up what she threw and it's a pregnancy test. It has two pink lines. My mouth drops open. I'm speechless.
I turn to Christian whose finally getting off the floor.
" what's happening ?" He says rubbing his head.
Stoney screams with tears in her eyes. She's pacing back and forth and Christian looks as confused as I feel.
" How is it my fault ? I didn't make you fuck Eric raw!"
" what. Is. Happening ?!" Christian yells louder.
" Stoneys pregnant. " I quickly say to him. His mouth drops as mine did.
" Well congrats ..." He says giving a light laugh.
" Congrats ? Are you fucking kidding me !"
She pushes her head against the wall.
" I'll leave you two alone..." He puts on his shirt and walks out the room shutting the door quietly.
I exhale and sit down running my fingers through my hair. I look up at Stoney to see her crying against the wall.
" Baby girl ..."
She starts crying even harder.
" Juwan was right. I should've stayed away. I should've stayed away I shouldn't have ever started talking to him. He's probably going to hate me when I tell him. " she says in between sobs.
I jump up at what she just said.
" why would you say something like that?! He has kids doesn't he ? ".
She looks at me her eyes red and glossy. She nods her head.
" okay then. Just breathe. Does he know ?"
She takes a deep inhale and shakes her head no.
" Call him and tell him. Now. " she starts crying again.
" no. I can't. "
" why can't you?!" I yell at her. She shrugs her shoulders and puts her face in her hands.
" Stones. Come on now. " she wipes her eyes and nods her head.
" I'll tell him alright? I will just on my time. " she walks out my room before going to hers.
I stand there for a minute , before Christian walks in.
" Well What happened ?" He whispers sitting down.
" She says she's gonna tell him. "
He goes quiet for a minute.
" You know she's not going to right ?"
" I know she isn't. " we both laugh.
" It's not funny. He really needs to know. " I say hitting his arm.
" I know. He has to come back for his car , so ..." He shrugs his shoulders and lays down.
He gives me this look and I smirk turning off the light.

The Next Morning ~

I hear a knock on my bedroom door.
" Come in!" I yell from my bathroom.
" Hi miss Anita. Eazy Es at the door would you like me to get Stoney? " One of Christians maids ask me.
" UHM no no. I got it thank you. " she nods her head before leaving. I put my hair up and run down the stairs opening the door. I see Eric standing there.
" Good morning Anita. " he says walking in the house. I just stare at him , I wonder how I'm going to tell him the news.
" Morning Eric. " I mumble.
" I UH came back for my - "
" For your car yeah I know. " I smile handing him the keys. He puts them in his pocket before heading for the stairs. I quickly step in front of him. He backs up with his eyes big. He walks around and goes to the other side of the stairs and I block that way too. He chuckles putting his head down.
" Uh something you need Anita ?"
I hear Stoney walking around upstairs. I quickly grab his arm and take him to the kitchen.
" we're going this grabbing thing again ?" He asks fixing his clothes.
" Okay listen. I'm gonna tell you something but you cannot mention it to Stoney. "
He nods his head.
" She's pregnant. And she's scared to tell you because she thinks you're gonna be mad at her. " his eyes get big and he rubs his chin hair.

" Listen all I know is you better take care of my daughter and your baby. -"
" I know. I'm already knowing. No need for the speech. " he says chuckling.
" she upstairs ?" I nod my head. And we walk to the stairs. I grab his hand
" remember . Don't bring it up. Make her do it. "
He nods before running up the stairs.

I hear a knock on my door but I ignore it. It's Anita no doubt.  I exhale and turn my tv up louder.
The knock gets louder and so does the volume on my tv. I hear someone smack their lips and the door opens.
" Excuse you-" the door shuts and Eric is standing in front of me. I quickly scramble to sit up in my bed and fix my hair while he walks around my  room.
He comes back into my bedroom and takes his jacket off before sitting down on my bed staring at me. I turn my head back to the TV. I try my hardest not to make eye contact with him. I don't know why but I feel like he'll  know right away.
He gets up and shuts the tv off. I get up and shut it back on. He shuts it off and I shut it back on. He shuts it off and I reach for the button and he slaps my hand away.
" Stop it. Sit down " he points to my bed and I roll my eyes sitting down.
" What are you doing here ?"
" My car. "
" oh. " he nods his head and picks up a snow globe I have on my dresser.
" You feel okay?"
I nod my head. He turns his head looking at me.
" What made you sick yesterday? " I shrug my shoulders.
For the first time in a long time i feel awkward around him. I start fiddling with my hands.
He starts chuckling.
" What's funny?"
" you haven't played with your hands like that since we first met. "
I can't help but smile. He opens his arms and I stand up giving him a hug. He squeezes me as tight as ever.
I squeeze him tighter relaxing in his arms.
We start rocking side to side in sync.
" Something you wanna tell me ?" He whispers. And I tense up again.
I shake my head on his shoulders.
He exhales and pushes me off.
" You sure ?" He grabs my arms looking at me.
I nod my head. He shakes his head and kisses me.  He walks out my room slamming my door.
I run after him almost immediately.
I swing open my door and run down the stairs
" Where are you going ?!"
" Talk to me when you're done lying. " he opens the front door and walks out.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now