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I wake up with Erics arms wrapped around me. Our bodies still sweaty from the morning / night before. I'm completely naked and extremely sore. I ease out of Erics tight grip he turns to his side as I do. I go into the bathroom taking a shower. Then getting dressed ready for work.
Thank god my head isn't hurting. I come out putting my hair in a bun and putting on a button up shirt and black jeans.
I stand there looking at Eric sleeping , how peaceful he looks. I smile and decide not to wake him up. I skip down the stairs putting my shoes on and grabbing my keys I head out the door.
I get in the car and start driving. NWA is almost on every station. I turn off the radio and just drive in silence. I start thinking about Cube. And what him and Tiffany did to be honest.
About ten minutes later I pull up to the store and shake all the thoughts out of my head. It's time to focus.
I walk in and see the same lady from last time. She smiles at me walking up to me grabbing my arm taking me to a desk. She starts typing something up.
" How do you spell your name darling ?"
" S. T. O. N. E. Y. " she types quickly and something prints out. She glues the paper on a name tag and she hands it to me.
" You're gonna be stocking shelves. You look strong enough. Help the customers when needed. We count the hours by hand. So you started at 9 , you'll get off at 4. Take breaks when the store is dead. Have fun. " she says all this in one breath while walking around the store showing me things. I nod my head taking it all in.
Someone in a black shirt approaches me smiling.
I smile back.
" New ?" I nod my head.
" well here ya go. Start unboxing those and put them in the place where they go. " he says laughing I nod my head and I do what he says.

Hours pass by and I got the hang of mostly everything. It's not as hard as I thought it was. I don't have to answer calls and deal with paperwork. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around with a friendly smile that quickly fades as I see cube.
His expressions changes as well when he sees me.
" Nevermind. " he says rolling his eyes pushing his cart. I smack my lips grabbing his arm.
" What you need help with?" He gives me a side look.
" Butter ?"
" isle 3. " he nods his head and starts to walk away. I watch him and I wanna say something so bad but I just exhale and continue my work. He turns around leaving his cart approaching me quickly.
" So what was that about ?"
" what about ?"
" you know what. All that dancing on eazy. "
" you mean dancing on my boyfriend ? What's all that dancing on tiffany? "
" tuh I can dance with whoever. " he says looking at me up and down. I nod my head putting on a fake smile and I continue my work once again.
" What happened was a mistake. I was drunk. " I say not even looking at him.
" say no more. " he says walking away going back to his cart. I roll my eyes and remain to keep my cool.

Works over and I finally get to leave. I grab my bag from the back room and I see the same man with the black shirt.
" good day?"
" yeah great actually. "
" well I'm glad you're here. I'm the manger . " he says extending his hand. I shake it smiling. He hands me a paper with my schedule on it.  I smile at him again. He smiles back and I leave.
I start walking to my car and I see Eric up against it with his arms folded looking straight ahead. I start walking slower.
" What are you doing ?" I ask loudly. He looks at me smirking. He grabs me with hand bringing me close to him and kisses me. I kiss back then I stare at him.
" Let me drive. " he says. I throw him the keys getting into the car. He starts driving taking the long way home for some reason.
She's looking out the window with her arms folded. What is her problem?
I put my hand on her thigh and she closes her legs scooting closer to the door with the same expression.
"What's up?" I finally ask. She shrugs her shoulders and continues looking out the window.
" You enjoy your night ?" She lightens up shaking her head. The rest of the car ride is silent and I don't try to make anymore conversation or gestures.

We pull up to Erics house and I'm ready to get in the drivers seat and go home. I'm annoyed and exhausted. It's like when he pulled up my attitude changed. He gets out putting my keys in his pocket I let out a loud groan and follow him in the house. I see Yvette and she smiles at me.
" You you you again. " she winks. I make an ugly face and ignore her. She walks up to Eric hugging him. He puts his arm around her waist lifting her off the ground. I stand up straight when my eyes squinted , is this really happening right now ?
Yvette is giggling out of control. I clear my throat and he lets go of her walking upstairs. I walk up the stairs as well bumping into Yvette as I go. We get to his room and he starts the shower.
" Can I have my keys ?" I ask with my hands on my hips. He looks over his shoulder.
" what's your rush?"
" I'm tired. I wanna go home and go to sleep. "
" I got a bed right there. " he says in a nonchalant tone and I feel anger building up inside me.
" I want to sleep in MY bed. with MY blankets in MY room. Can I have MY FUCKING KEYS. PLEASE ?!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Making him stare at me in shock without moving. I feel my face turn hot. I storm out of his bedroom stomping down the stairs and out the door. I speed walk home , whenever I get mad I get lightning speed. I make it home in no time. I try to open the door and it's locked. I bang on it loudly and Anita opens it in her scrubs.
" Are you crazy?!" She yells I walk pass her kicking my shoes off storming up the stairs.
" what's your problem?!"
I keep walking and I slam my door so hard a painting on the wall falls down. I dive face first in my bed breathing heavy with tears in my eyes.
After awhile I drift off into a deep sleep.

I wake up at a park. And I automatically know I'm dreaming. I look around and the park seems a little too familiar to me. I look over and see Juwan sitting on the park bench staring at me. I get up off the grass dusting myself off and I go sit down next to him. He inhales deeply and looks at the swings which have two kids on them.
" You remember this park?" I shake my head.
" kinda. " he stands up and i follow him we stand in front of the kids who can't see us and it's us. As babies. A smile comes across my face , I knew I knew this place.
He looks at me and smiles too. We walk and sit in the wet grass.
" How are you?" He asks turning to me.
" don't you already know that ?" I ask chuckling.
" true. " he says laughing. We sit there in silence for a moment.
" just because he's eazy e it doesn't mean anything. " he finally says. I give him a what are you talking about look. He bumps into me playfully.
" I'm serious. Be happy. If he doesn't make you happy anymore then he's not what you need. " I nod my head and close my eyes Inhaling the smell.

I wake up out of nowhere in the pitch black. Juwans words replay in my head over and over again. I getup flipping the light on and walking out of my room.
I peep in my baby's room and he's knocked out I smile and head downstairs where I hear laughing. I follow the laughter to Juwans playroom and I see Eric and Christian. Christian stops laughing when he sees me , making Eric turn his head to me. His expression changes as well.
Christian walks pass me out the room. Eric folds his arms looking at me up and down.
" you wanna tell me what that was about ?"
" what?"
He turns his head to the side and I lean up against the door.
" you running out the house like a child. " I roll my eyes walking out the room to the kitchen I hear him following me.  I hop up on the kitchen counter swinging my feet.
" I'll wait. " he says crossing his arms.
" I'm not happy anymore Eric.  "
" Why?" I shrug my shoulders getting down trying to walk pass him but he grabs me.
" why?" He says in a more serious tone.
" What was that about , you hugging Yvette like that?" He chuckles letting go shrugging.
" she does a good job cleaning. " he says with a hint of laughter in his voice.
" yeah I bet she's good at other shit too. Hm?" I roughly snatch away from him. I hear Juwan cry out and I dart up the stairs and grab him. I lay him on my chest bouncing him up and down walking back down the stairs. 
" You can go. " I say moving  my head towards the door. 
" We ain't done talking. "
" We are. " I say quickly. He takes my keys out of his pocket throwing them  on the table. Making a loud clink sound making the baby wake back up. I give him a death stare and he shrugs
" my bad.  " I roll my eyes and sit down with Juwan still on my chest.
We hear a key rambling in the front door , it opens and it's mom she looks tired as hell.
She looks at us and closes the door taking her shoes off.
" am I interrupting ?"
" No. He was just leaving.  " I say smiling. He gives me a  dirty look walking out the house. I exhale and walk up the stairs putting the baby back down in his bed. 
I crack the door and go back in my room , Anita is sitting on the bed waiting for me. 
I sit down next to her and she turns staring at me.
" you  okay?" I nod my head.
"I don't think he's what I want anymore. " I blurt out.
" what?! Really?!" She whisper yells.
I nod my head. I lay back on my bed covering my face. 
She exhales wow
" am I crazy for not wanting him anymore?" I mumble into my hands. She lightly taps my thigh getting up.
" We all out grow people.  Nothing wrong with that. " she starts walking out my door.
" mom. Can you tell him?"
" girl no.  You're a grown woman , you do it.  " she says laughing shutting the door. I let out a loud groan laying back on my bed.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now