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I look over at Anita who pokes her head out the kitchen.
I'm still standing by the stairs in shock.
" what happened ?" She whispers.
" with what?" She gives me a look.
" The baby?" I roll my eyes walking  back upstairs. I lay down at first then quickly get up getting dressed.
I cannot just stay in the house it'll drive me crazy.
I get dressed & walk out my room to see Anita standing by the door. We almost fall down the stairs from bumping into each other.
" What are you doing ?!"
" did  you tell Eric ?" I smack my lips and continue walking down the stairs.
" Well?!"
" NO. I didn't fucking tell him Jesus. " I yell at her throwing my hands in the air. She grips her coffee mug and gives me the look of irritation and disappointment. I grab her car keys and head for the door.
" I have work tonight . You can't take my car. " she says walking back in the kitchen.
" I won't be gone all night. "
" I'm not taking that chance Stoney. "
" How am I suppose to get around then?"
" you got two feet!" She yells from the kitchen.
Whatever. I mumble leaving the house. I start walking down the street , the walk out of my neighborhood alone is at least 3 miles.  By the time I get out I want to turn back but there's no point. The wind is hitting my chest and face harder than ever. I cross my arms hiding my chest from the wind.
I head for Eric's house. My original destination actually.
By the time I get there my nose and eyes are blood shot red i can barely ring the doorbell because my hands are shaking so much. I manage to ring it three times. I stand there rocking back and forth. The door swings open and of course it's Yvette.
" Is Er-Eric here?"
" oh my darling you look so cold come come. " she grabs me in the house and disappears down the hall. I sit up against the table next to the door waiting. She comes back with a cup and one of Eric's jackets. I grab Eric's jacket first and put it on zipping it up inhaling his scent.
She hands me the cup.
" Drink. "
" what is this ?"
" just drink. " she rolls her eyes. I sniff it first.  Jack Daniels. Fuck.
I hand her the cup back.
" I did nothing to it. You don't trust me ?"
" it's not that. " I whisper. She puts the cup down and backs up staring at me intensely.
I look away from her so It won't be too  awkward.
" Congrats. " she starts laughing.
" excuse me ?"
" Eric is an active one , no?" She sips out the cup.
" what are you talking about?"
" You're pregnant. " I stand up straight and my eyes get big.
" Wha what?"
" Oh please. Anyone with eyes can see."
" how ?"
" you have  a UH glow to you. You turn down best whiskey. Come now. " she leans up against the staircase staring at me.
" Is he here ?"
" no. He go out for a little. " she says  playing with her hair.
" You walk here ?" I nod my head.
" You can wait in his studio if you want. I can't let pregnant lady walk in cold no no. " she winks at me walking away.
I shake my head and walk farther  down the hall into the studio. I close the door behind me. I sit down in the chair and start spinning around and touching buttons. The door opens and i jump up.
" What are you doing?" Dre asks laughing
I relax seeing him. I hold my stomach
" you scared me. " we both laugh.  He sits down in my chair and starts working on tracks.
About an your passes by and I take off Eric's jacket.
" So what you doing here anyway?"
" Waiting on E. " I mumble. He nods his head. He stops pushing buttons and backs up and begins looking at me up and down.

I stare at him giving him a dirty confused look.
" You look fat. "
" WHAT?!"
" Yeah. Like your stomach. It looks fat. " he shrugs and slides back to the equipment.
I fold my arms over my stomach and put my head down.
" is it. Is it bad ?" I whisper.
" nah. You just look bloated. Since everything on you is so skinny your stomach pokes. " he says not taking his eyes off the equipment. Before I can respond I hear the front door slam and footsteps going up the stairs. 
Dre looks at me and moves his head in the doors direction.
I grab his jacket and speed walk down the hall and up the stairs. I go into his room and he's in the bathroom getting undressed.
I can't help but watch him it's like he's in slow motion. Taking his shirt off exposing his glorious back muscles.
" Eric. " I whisper.
He turns around quickly and takes off his shades.
" Whatchu doing here ?" He asks turning his back to me.
" I wanted to talk to you I guess. "
" about ?"
" are you mad ?" He shakes his head no.
He strips down to his boxers and puts on a white shirt. He walks right pass me bumping into me as he does. He sits down and starts rolling a blunt.
I walk towards the bathroom and I lean  up against the wall. Minutes pass and the blunt is rolled perfectly.
" Take the first hit. " he extends his arm. I shake my head.
He gets up and grabs the lighter handing me the blunt.
" I don't wanna smoke. "
" why?" He gets closer to me.
" I just don't Eric ,okay?" I back away from him.
He lets out a chuckle and sits down on the tub.
" come here. " he says in a deep  tone.
I walk over to him , in between his legs and he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his face on my stomach. He lifts up my shirt and kisses my stomach a light kiss.
My heart starts racing. And tears fill my eyes. 
" So you know ?" I whisper.
" Yeah I know. " he says against my stomach.
I let out a loud breath.
" Where you ever gonna tell me ?" He asks looking up at me. I shrug my shoulders. 
" You're not mad?"
" of course not. I knew what could happen , nutting  in you. " he smiles.
I lean down and kiss him.
" don't worry about it baby. I got you. " he kisses  me back.

He gets up and puts on sweat pants. Before grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs.
" Where are we going ?"
" I'm taking  you home. "
" why?"
" I got business to handle. " we get outside and get in his car. The car ride is short. Surprisingly.
He grabs my face and kisses me.
" I'll see you later baby. " he says smirking at me.
I nod and get out. I get in the house and his car speeds off. 

" you tell him?" I jump shutting on the light to see Anita sitting on the couch.
"I thought you had work. "
" I called off. " she shrugs.
" so you made me walk for nothing?"
" sorry. " she smiles. I start walking up the stairs and I hear her following me. I get in my room and take my clothes off jumping in bed.
She stands by the door.
" yes I told him mom. "
" and ?" I hear the smile in her voice .
" he's happy about it. "
" mmmm " she says laughing closing the door

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now