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" who would've known you would be this huge ?" Christian asks laughing. The baby starts kicking like crazy , I have a half cut shirt on exposing my tummy.
" aw you can see the little feet!" mom starts rubbing my tummy in circles and the baby starts kicking more , making Anita more excited.
" no offense but that doesn't feel too good for me. " I say to her moving her hand off my stomach. I'm due any day now the doctor says. I'm pass ready for the baby to come out. Everything's been so hard for me , getting around , working even driving.
" How are you and Eric ?" Mom asks me turning to me. I turn to her shrugging my shoulders. She makes a face and nods her head.
" I mean he's like a sex freak and I haven't been able to really get into it. " I say pointing towards my stomach. She nods her head
" trust me I know. " she rolls her eyes.
" I know he's been getting it from somewhere else. " I say quietly putting my head down.
" You shouldn't accept that. Famous or not. " I can hear the irritation in her voice. I nod my head trying to get up , Christian quickly stands up pulling me up by my hands.
" I'mma go take a nap. " they both say okay and I start wobbling up the stairs holding my back and tummy as I do.
I finally get to my room and lay down and in no time I'm fast asleep.

I wake up to hear Eric and the guys downstairs with Anita laughing. I get up as fast as I can and go to the bathroom. I sit down and start peeing for what seems like 3 minutes. I finally stop peeing and I just sit there. A few seconds later more comes out. I sit there confused for a minute but then wipe and wash my hands.
Before I can reach the door I feel sharp pains in my lower stomach but I shake it off. I start making my way down the stairs and another sharp pain hits me making me crouch over on the stairs.
" Are you okay?" Christian asks getting up quickly running over to me everyone stops talking and stares at me. I nod my head giving a light laugh.
He helps me down the stairs and I lean up against the staircase handle.
" What's wrong ?"
" I have a sharp pain in my lower stomach "
" Oh my god are you going into labor ?!" Anita screams jumping up making everyone jump up and Eric run towards me.
I shake my head pushing him away
" I don't think so ... I mean. I don't know. "
" How you don't know ?" Eric asks with an attitude.
" I was fucking peeing then I stopped and more came out I don't know if my water broke or if it was pee-eee" another sharp pain hits me harder than before and I hold on tight to my stomach.
" I think it did come on. " she grabs me by my hand and we head for the door. The start rushing towards me and Anita blocking the door way.
" Move !" She yells. They all move damn near falling as they do.
" Get her bag. " she says to them before opening the door. we get in her car and the pains are hitting me back to back and tears begin to fall.
" just breathe baby. " she says backing out the driveway holding my hand. I look in the rear view mirror and see Eric speeding right behind us.

Later that night
" One more big push!" The doctor yells at me I take a deep inhale and push with all my might. I hear a loud cry and I automatically feel relief. Eric's holding my hand tighter than I'm holding his.
" It's a boy. " the doctor says smiling. I look over at Eric whose smiling teary eyed.
" would you like to cut the cord dad?" Eric quickly nods his head and does it carefully and gently.
The doctor wipes the baby off and wraps it up in a blanket and hands him to me. He's stopped crying and I start. He slowly opens his eyes and is staring back at me.
" What's his name ?" I look in the corner of my hospital room to see a shadow that looks like wings and I start crying even harder.
" Juwan. Juwan Eric Wright. " I look over at Anita whose balling her eyes out while Christian is holding her.
Eric fills out the birth certificate and walks back over to me kissing me on the forehead.
" He's beautiful. " he whispers. I nod my head smiling.
The door busts open I look up to see Dre , Cube , Yella , Ren , Tiffany & Slim. All dressed in scrubs with gloves on.
They all rush over to me smiling and clapping.
" What is it?!" Tiffany exclaims
" a boy. " I say back smiling.
" what's his name ?" Slim asks reaching out his hands I sit up handing my baby to him.
" be careful. " Eric says with a serious face.
" I got kids of my own nigga I know what I'm doing. " he says quickly.
" his names Juwan. " Tiffany and slim both look at me with tears in their eyes.

Everyone's passing my baby around for what seems like forever. Once the hospital room clears out the doctor comes back in.
" Well Stoney. It's gonna take about 3 months maybe for you to fully heal. "
" which means ?" I ask sitting up.
" I don't recommend sex. " I look over at Eric he scoffs shaking his head. I nod my head smiling.

4 months later.

I hand Anita a bottle she's rocking baby J back and forth smiling. We both sit down and she starts feeding him. She's had him more than I have but I'm not complaining.
" When are the boys coming back ?" the guys have been on tour for about 2 months now.
" tonight or tomorrow. "
" how are you and Eric ?" I shrug my shoulders. He calls every night and day but he just calls to check on the baby , I don't mind it he's being a great father and all but it's like we're not even together anymore.
I go into the kitchen and clean out all the bottles. By the time I come back J is knocked out sleep with milk dropping out his mouth. I walk over to them quietly picking him up and heading upstairs to his room. I put him in his crib after wiping off his neck with a baby wipe.
I turn on the baby monitor and half way close the door.
I jog downstairs and jump on the couch.
" I think it's time for me to move out. " I blurt out taking Anita by surprise.
" what why?!"
I shrug standing up walking back and forth
" I'm a grown woman ma , I think it's time for me to leave the nest. " I say in a dramatic tone.
" what about Juwan am I gonna see him?!"
" of course ! All the time whenever. " as soon as I say that she relaxes completely.
" I guess I don't matter then. " I put my hands on my hips staring down at her.
"Oh stop now. You know you do. "
I roll my eyes laughing. We hear the phone ring and I run up the stairs.
" Hello?"
" wassup what's my baby doing ?" I hear women and yelling in the background. I roll my eyes exhaling.
" Sleep. "
" coo."
" Eric can we talk?"
" about what? I'm kinda busy. "
" busy doing what?!" He smacks his lips.
" we'll talk when I come back. " he hangs up before I can say anything. I slam the phone down leaving my room.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now