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I  stop at the door. Waiting for Cube not wanting to be completely rude running in his house.
" he's gonna flip when he see yo face. " he says shaking his head opening his front door. I say nothing. My eyes get watery all over  again. We both walk in and all their heads turn. Eric sees me and drops what he has in his hands. He runs over to me jumping over the couch. I practically jump in his arms and start crying all over again.
He looks back at the guys who are now standing up looking over at me with concerned looks on their face.
He starts walking and I'm holding onto him so I start moving too.  We reach a bedroom and we walk in. His grip on me loosens and I let go he shuts and locks the door.  I look around and its a bathroom. His eyes look like there on fire.
" what happened ?" His voice is deep and gives me chills up and down my spine. And once again I explain everything that happened. And he gets madder and madder.
" How did he even get in ?!" I quickly shrug.
He shakes his head looking under the sink pulling out the first aid kit.  He grabs out a wipe from the kit and wipes my face with it. I back away hissing at the burn. He moves closer to me giving me a look before doing it again.
" you're staying with me. " he whispers staring at my wound.  He runs his hand over it before putting the kit back. 
" does Anita know what's going on?" I shake my head no. Then roll my eyes
" I mean she knows of him but you know. "
" I mean does she know what just happened ?" I shake my head. He grabs my hand taking me back down the hall all the guys are sitting there basically waiting for us to come back. For some reason I'm too embarrassed  to even look at them. Eric doesn't stop until we reach the door. He quickly swings It open leaving it open I try to close it but he's dragging me quick. He throws me in the car before slamming the door. I fold my arms looking out the window he starts driving. 
" Where are we going ?"
He says nothing he looks out the window behind him and keeps driving.
" why are you mad at me ?"
" you putting your life at risk for what? Why even move on that  quick ?"
" you did!" I scream. He looks at me before turning to the road.
" fucking and get in a relationship is two different things. " we pull up to my moms house.

We pull up to anitas. My blood is boiling I just wanna kill this dude . But I can't ever go nowhere with some paparazzi being somewhere. The Suge situation didn't mean nothing cause we weren't as big , now everyone really knows who NWA is. 
We get to the door and I start banging on it. I see Stoney twiddling her fingers nervous as ever. Just looking at her makes me even more angry. A Mexican  lady opens the door and I push her out the way dragging Stoney with me by her arm. 
" ANITA ! ANITA ! " I yell out. Stoney grabs onto my arm I don't even look at her.  I hear running upstairs and she appears. Her whole face changes when she sees Stoneys.  She runs down the stairs right to  Stoney.
" what happened ?! Eric did you do this ?! "
" bitch what the fuck?!" I can't help but yell.  They both look at me in shock. I back away holding my hands out , that's the only apology they getting.  I roll my eyes as Christian comes down with Juwan. That's the only thing that lightens my mood , seeing my baby. He sees Stoneys face as well and puts him down and he starts wobbling around the house.
Before Christian can say anything Anita takes Stoney upstairs. He looks at me and I'm looking at Juwan.
" What happened ?" I give him a look and we both sit down and I explain everything to him while still keeping an eye on Juwan.
He lets out a sigh and leans back and looks at me.
" so we killing him or what?"
I sit there in a shock.
" what?" He gives me a look. I had no idea this foo was like this. I say nothing just in case he's not serious. His expression stays the same. I shrug getting up walking after Juwan.

My mom is crying more than me. Which makes me feel horrible seeing her cry breaks my heart every time. 
" You're staying with me ! You are staying with me I don't care !" She screams crying , her voice gets so high when she's upset. My ears start ringing I shift uncomfortably to the sound.
" I wanna stay with Eric. " I whisper.
" NO you're stayin here ! Juwan is staying here ! Where you're safe ! " I say nothing. She's walking back and forth.
" DID YOU HEAR ME ?!" She screams even louder making me jump. I quickly nod my head mouthing yes. She breathes and walks out the room disappearing.
I slump down but I prop back up when I see Eric walk through the door. He stands up against the door staring at  me. Then he too disappears. But I follow him , he's walking towards my room I get to my room and he's sitting on a chair watching TV. I walk pass him sitting up on my bed.
Minutes pass by and we're both watching tv.
" Come here. " I say staring at him. He says nothing. He doesn't even look my direction. He just leans back in the chair with his legs open watching the tv.
I fold my arms continuing to stare at him.
" Eric. " I get the same reaction. I quicker get off the bed and shut the tv off.  He lets out a loud exhale then strokes his chin hair. 
I sit back up on my bed and continue staring at him.
" it's gone be a long night if you're gonna be this childish the whole time. Turn the fucking tv back on. " he says loudly but not loud enough for Christian and Anita to hear.  My eyes get big at what he just said.
" what's your fucking problem?!"
" turn the tv back on Stoney. Now. " even though he's closer to it then I am I get up and press the button hard. Then i hear a knock at the door.
I turn around opening it and Juwan stumbles in laughing. That automatically puts a smile on me and Erics face.
" Me and your mom are leaving for a bit. You're good here ?"
" yeah we'll  be fine . "
" I'm gonna try to calm her down. " he says rolling his eyes laughing. I nod smiling closing the door. 
I'm not worried , this place has security everywhere. My security is in my room I think to myself.
I look back and Eric is crawling on his knees chasing after Juwan they're both laughing.
I sit back and just watch with a huge grin on my face look at my boys. 
Juwan climbs up on the bed and starts watching tv. Eric gets up and sits  back on the chair watching Juwan.
" Are you not gonna talk to me ?" I ask after a few minutes.  He says nothing.
" ERIC !"
" you could've put Juwan in danger. For being fucking  stupid for not knowing who you fucking. So nah I'm not gon talk to you. Not right now anyway. " I hear disgust in his voice.
" I didn't kn-"
" I'm not gon argue with you. Especially right now. " he says pointing at J.
I climb up on my bed and Juwan climbs on me laying down on my chest. He stops looking at him and starts watching TV. About 30 minutes pass by and Eric stands up walking over to me. I give him a confused look and he starts grabbing  Juwan whose now sleep.
He leaves the room to put him down. In no time he comes back leaving the door open he takes off his jacket then hat , shoes , pants and shirt. He gets in the bed putting his head against the headboard with his legs crossed.
I roll my eyes getting up. I go to the bathroom and run the shower. I get naked and take a quick shower washing everything , I come out wrapping my towel around myself then appearing back in the room to Eric in the same position. My Tv sits on my dresser . I step in front of the tv grabbing my bra and panties. 
" Move. "
" shut up Eric. " I say in an irritated tone. I stay in front of the tv dropping my towel exposing my naked body.
Strangely my bruises have mostly cleared up after Eric touching them.
I put my panties on then turn around to see Eric staring at me. A smirk comes across my face as I walk towards him. I sit on the edge of the bed.
" hook this. " I say putting the bra against my chest. He sits up , his legs on the sides of mine. His member touching my lower back , he runs his large hands up and down giving me chills.  He reaches around grabbing my breasts. His hands travel down my stomach down to my pelvis. He goes lower rubbing me through my panties. I lean back even more against him giving him better access. 
He stops out of nowhere , making my eyes open wide. I can hear him smile then his forearm wraps around me and we go flying back onto the bed. 

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now