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The picture is Robert.

I wake up on Stoneys couch. Hearing her laughing loud. I get up walking over to her room and open her door slowly. She's on the phone giggling like there's no tomorrow. I open the door fully shutting on the light. Her whole face changes when she sees me.
" I'll talk to you later. " she quickly says hanging up.

It's quiet and I'm staring at her . She's trying with all her might not to look back I lean up against the door way and continue staring.
" what?!" She blurts out.
" who was you talking to?"
" Tiffany. "
I look over at the clock. 3:30am
" so you talking to Tiffany. At 3 in the morning ? Giggling ?" She nods her head. I say nothing I just look at her.
" What Eric ?" She says rolling her eyes.
" you lying. That's what. " she gets out of bed trying to walk pass me. I quickly grab her arm stopping her in her tracks.
" Can I go pee ?"
" who were you talking to?" She smacks her lips pulling away from me.
" a friend okay?"
" what friend ?"
" you don't know him. "
I follow her into the bathroom. I just look at her while she's peeing.

" Do you not believe in privacy?" I wipe getting up flushing and washing my hand. I fling my wet hands at him making him flinch as the water hits him.
" Are you cheating  on me ? "
" what like you do me ?" I say back laughing. He has the nerve to question me.
I hear him smack his lips and grab his jacket. I look out my room seeing him leaving.
" Where  are you going ?"
" I think we need to take a break. " my heart starts beating fast. I shrug my shoulders and close my bedroom door. He shuts the door loudly. I come out my room checking on the baby and then locking the front door. 
I go back in my room sitting up on the bed.
I start calling Anita.
" hello?" She says in a groggy voice.
" mommy?"
" hi baby what's wrong are you okay?"
I inhale deeply shrugging my shoulders.
" Eric broke up with me I guess. " I whisper. She lets out a deep breath and we sit there in silence.
" wanna talk about it ?" I say nothing. Tears begin to fill my eyes , I was thinking about breaking up with him but I wouldn't have ever done it. Least i don't think I would've. 
" what did he say?"
" we need to take a break. And he left. "
" what the fuck is a break?"
" right ?" I give a light laugh.  We're both quiet on the phone.
" want me to come over ?"
" no no mom it's fine. I'm just gonna go to sleep I guess. " I quickly hang up before i start crying. I put the blanket over my head and drift off to sleep

One month later ~

I pull up to the ruthless and get out sliding my feet in. Seeing Eric is still hard even though he comes around all the time to see Juwan. But we never talk , I always go into my room and let him do whatever. My heart still aches for him as well as my body. I miss him dearly , but my pride won't allow me to tell him.
I get to my desk and start working. Hours go by quickly. Now that I have the hang over everything works a breeze.
The door opens and its Eric's. He hands Meg her paper work and throws mine on my desk. He leaves without even looking at me. I sigh putting my head down.
Meg notices but says nothing , knowing I won't tell her anyway.
My phone rings interrupting the silence.
" Hi welcome to ruthless records. Stoney speaking. " I continue filing paperwork.
" Hey beautiful. " a smile comes across my face. Robert. Me and him have been seeing each other quite a bit lately.
" Hi handsome. " I whisper. Meg doesn't even lift her head , she's on her own call.
" Can I pick you up for work ?"
" yeah. I have lunch in 10. "
" I'll be there. " I smile hanging up quickly finishing my work. I look in the mirror fixing my hair and makeup. I make sure nothing's in my teeth and I walk out the office outside.
I see his car parked and he gets out hugging me swinging me around.
He leans down kissing me and I'm hesitant to kiss back thinking of Eric but I do. 
We get in the car and he drives off.
" What you wanna eat?" He asks looking at me. I shrug
" doesn't matter. I only have 30 minutes. " he nods and he pulls up to a McDonald's. We get out going in and ordering.
We get our food and then sit down. It's quiet for a minute I'm eating and he's staring at me. I look up from my food.
" What?" I say with my mouth full of fries.
" You shouldn't talk with your mouth full. " he says in a serious tone.
" ok dad. " I say laughing. He grabs onto my arm tightly. Taking me surprise.
" I'm serious.  Don't talk with your mouth full. " I swallow my food snatching my arm away from him. He starts laughing and I give a light smile rubbing my arm.
" sorry pet peeve. " I nod my head giving a fake smile. We finish eating snd get back in the car. He takes me back to ruthless. I open the door and he reaches over me and shuts it. I turn to him with a confused look.
" Do you still talk to Eric ?" I shake my head no.
" good . "
" excuse me ?"
" there's no reason to talk to him. "
" he is the father of my child. " I say with a confused tone.
" I'm going to pick you up tonight. " he says smiling. I nod getting out the car. He drives off and I stand there confused. I look down at my arm and its already bruised.
I get inside and put my cardigan on quickly before anyone sees my arm.

Works over and I'm driving home. Once I get in I call Anita.
" Hey mom. "
" hi baby. What's up?"
" feel like keeping Juwan tonight ? I have a date. "
" of course. With Robert ?"
"Mhm . "
" have fun. " I hear the amusement in her voice I roll my eyes laughing hanging up.
I got off later than usual so I know he'll be here soon. I take a shower and get dressed.  I hear the doorbell ring and I open it seeing Robert he smiles hugging me handing me flowers.
" Why thank you. " I say smiling putting them in water. I grab my  purse  and head for the door. He stops me pushing me back.
" what?"
" put your hair up. "
" what?"
" I like your hair better when it's up. " he says in a nonchalant tone. I back away putting my purse down and going into the bathroom. No big deal I guess everyone likes what they like.
I put my hair in a neat bun I come out hearing rambling in the kitchen. I look over to see Robert fixing all of my food , the labels facing outwards.
" what are you doing ?"
" it needs to be like this. " he says laughing.
" uh okay?" I grab my purse and he walks out the door.  The drive is quiet he lives farther in Hollywood.  His house is lovely as ever though.
We get in and I already know to take my shoes off.  I walk sitting down on his expensive looking sofa.
He comes out the kitchen with a beer and a water. He hands me the water as I reach for the beer.
My eyebrows raise and I take the water laughing.
" You don't need beer. It'll make you fat. " he opens it drinking it.  I take a sip of my water watching the tv.  He puts his beer down and he grabs my water bottle doing the same. He leans in and starts kissing me , I kiss back but not as much. All I can think about is Eric and how soft and big his lips are. Thinking about him makes me push away from Robert even more. He notices apparently because he starts pushing himself on me more and more. I'm pushing him off even more. He grabs me bringing me in and I move my face away from him he starts kissing on my neck.
I push him off hard and I feel his large hand come across my face. I hit the ground from the force of the slap.
I stare at him in shock holding my burning face. He quickly gets on the ground with me.
" I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just want you and I'm sorry. " he hits himself with the palm of his hand on his forehead. I say nothing I just stare at him with watery eyes with my mouth open.
" do you want to go home ?" I nod quickly getting up off the floor and grabbing my purse. We get in the car and ride is silent without the radio just the wind from outside the window and tension. We get closer and closer to my apartment and I start relaxing.
We pull up and I quickly open the car door. He grabs my thigh tight.
" I'm sorry. Do you forgive me ?"
I nod my head and he smiles. I open the door running inside the house locking the door.

I go to the bathroom and there's a huge handprint on my face. I put cold water on a towel and place it on there gently.

Innocence lost part 2Where stories live. Discover now