Chapter 6

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"Hey Anne, where were you?" Noura asked as she opened the door. I knew this was going to happen. They are all over-protective over me and I don't if it is because I am young, for them, or because they think I am acting all bitchy? I really can't understand my family anymore. 

"I was with Boudy," I answered her as I entered totally ignoring her facial expressions especially the look she was giving me.


"Why are you asking?" I snapped, refusing to look at her. 

"Anne, what were you doing at the company?" She asked while I moved towards her.

"I'm Boudy's secretary" I said, teasing her.

"What?" She shouted. "Look, Anne, I understand what you are doing, but trust me, this is not going to turn out good for you. This is not because my sister is so ugly that no one will look at her, it's because you're totally wrong if you think that Mason will ever love you." She yelled. 

"Whatever." I told her and then left the room. "Mom! What are you cooking for dinner today?" Mom's food is one of the things I like the most about her. Her food just takes me away and let me forget whatever problems I had throughout the day. I am skinny but food takes a priority in my life. 

I heared the vibration of my mobile so I rushed towards it. I looked at the screen, an unknown number was calling. "Yeah?" I almost shouted. This is my usual answer whenever I shot an unknown new number. I get stressed...

"Who's that?" The person on the line inquired.

"Ann... I mean Ashley." I said uncomfortably, trying to bring my voice back to my normal volume. I quickly realized it was a familiar sound. Just heard it an hour ago. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, Mason. I'm okay." I said.

"Well, I'm bored. What do you think of having dinner outside?"

"No. Never." I automatically snapped without even thinking once. This made it sound so natural but so stupid. 

"Why not?"

"Because... Because I have to go to my relatives' today." I lied, hesitation evident in my voice.

"Well, fine." He replied sadly.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"You don't have to apologize, I'm fine with having dinner alone." He said, then immediately hung up. What the...? Why is he being so crude? I mean, I have been talking to so many guys lately, who the hell does he think he is that he can talk to me with that attitude? No guy had ever treated me the way he did. He's a control freak that wants nothing but to do what he want whether you like it or not. I quickly head to my closet, grabbed a short body-hugging dress that clearly outlined my curvaceous figure. I styled my hair so that it flowed loosely around my shoulders. I picked up a ten centimeter pair of baby blue high heels and went downstairs.

''Hey Anne, you look sexy. Where are you going?" Adam, my very-curious cousin, asked.

"To hell." Was all what I said after leaving the whole apartment. I started to walk to Mason's apartment, purposely walking by it so that he could see me. I don't know why I want him to notice me lately. I realized that I do it on purpose and I can't stop myself from wanting him to see me, Anne. I knew where he lives because lately, I had been with Boudy when he stopped at Mason's apartment to go shopping for a few items. 

"Anne?" I heard someone holler.

"What do you want?" I almost shouted. I know I want to talk to him and get to know him even more but something is just pushing me away. Like he is not what I want and no one is what I want. Guys just go looking for a hot body and a very beautiful woman and I can't stand being like an art that is there for you to look at but not to talk with and be with. 

''It is eleven in the evening.'' He said slowly scanning me from tip to toe. His voice stayed low that I had to grin and bear it so that I don't look at him. ''We never had a proper talk.'' He continued talking. 

''There's nothing to share with you.'' I quickly answered with no hesitation as my hair touched my mouth. 

''I want you to open up. You're not who you want to be.'' My jaw dropped down to my knees. What did he just say?I am just who I am. My eyes widened to him and my scandalized expression was clearly shown to him. ''I understand people like you.''

''I'm not a psycho.'' I quickly snapped back. He looked at me for a second then went all silent. Again. 

''You're scared to show who you are. Your confidence makes you able to hide your fear.'' I went all blank again. What is he talking about? What fear? He is driving me insane. What he said hit me like a wrecking ball. It was like a gun that shot every single inch in my body. I didn't answer him but chose to just walk away.   

"Where are you going?"

"Who are you to ask me?" I screamed.

"I am your Uncle's friend and I don't think that he allows you to leave your house at 11 in the evening with this outfit on." He said, looking me over.

"Can I tell you something?" He nodded. "Go fuck yourself, Mason. I don't need you to take care of myself. I can do that on my own." I said, leaving him and moving away. 

"You're beautiful," A voice said from behind. I thought it was Mason at first but as I looked behind me I saw that there were three guys standing behind me, solely staring at me. I gave them a weird out look and turned to leave but I couldn't move because someone had stopped me from doing so. The man crossed me with his left hand while his right one was wrapped tightly around my waist, making me unable to move.

"Get off me!" I shouted while the guy ignored me and pulled me into a kiss.

"Get off her!" Someone bellowed from behind. I looked to see Mason glaring menacingly at the guy. He moved closer to him and pushed him away off me, punching him in his nose. The other five guys ran away immediately. "Don't you dare touch her ever again." Mason growled at him before getting rid of him.

"You didn't have to do that," I said slowly.

"Shut it."

"Don't talk to me like that okay," I said, leaving him and continuing to walk.

"Where are you going?" He shouted still grasping hold of my hand.

"Leave me alone."

"Go home, now!" He shouted.

"It is none of you...." I began but he stopped me

"Now!" He raised his voice. He let go of my hand and looked at me."Stay here."

I stayed there thinking about him. He was so cute when he punched the guy. He seemed like a kind guy, the way he looked at me, the way he shouted at me. Everything about him was perfect. It didn't happen every day that a guy shouted at me and grabbed on to my hand this tightly, and I have never said yes to a guy. Why haven't I slapped this jerk already?

"Get in," He said bringing my thoughts to a halt. His car was sleek and modern. I nodded and got inside. "There's no need to drive me home. Home is only two minutes away from here."

"Don't wear such an outfi7t again. You look like a slut." He said. I looked to see that we had already reached my apartment. I didn't answer him, instead, I got out and slammed the door shut. I thought he would be at yelling me or even calling me back to him but he didn't do any of these.

"Uhhhhhh," I grumbled under my breath disappointingly, heading upstairs.

Chapter 6 guys...hope ya all enjoyed :D

Edited by LilaKartoffel :) Check her out!

*proof read*

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